Awwww lovely name hun

How are you now? Nearly a week already, where has the time gone?!
Welcome to the world Curtis, You finally have a name!

Thank you hun. I'm fine, still healing but fine

Nearly 2 weeks now tho, not been on much lately, seems like im washing clothes and bottles all day haha, but he's worth it
Beautiful story, well done you, traumatic but with a brilliant result! I love his name! xxx
Thank you. It wasn't as planned but all safe and well and thats all that matters
Great choice of name
Hope that you and Curtis are both doing well

We are doing fine, thank you hun
hello !!!!
official stalker here !!! loving the name curtis its really cool !!
hope hes feeding well and sleeping for you ! has he got used to his big sister yet ?? im sure she makes lots of noise like mine does ! x
glad yr all well x
Thank you hun. He's feeding good, takes an average of 4oz every 4 hours-ish, sometimes he goes longer, went from 10.30pm-5.30am night before last (wed night) but was up every 4 hours last night, but its ok, he's worth it

He seems to be getting used to big sis smothering him

but he's a typical male and loves the attention. She does make lots of noise but he seems fine with it, whether he is asleep or not.
Thank you all for your lovely comments. We are both doing well although when i was catheterised during labour (midwife had decided i neede to pee but there was nothing but she wouldn't listen to me) I got a water infection, this wasnt noticed until Curtis was 9 days old because i was taken pain killers for my stitches. Have had a 3 day course of antibiotics and will be getting checked on Monday to ake sure it gone, other than that all's visitor will be weighing Curtis again on Monday, he's changed so much in such a short time, i reckon he'll be at lest 8lb 10oz but will report in the baby forum and let you know
