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My son leeon - the big moment


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Well i think its about time i told my labour and birth story and show you all some pictures of my son leeon now 5 months old , some from when he was born and some photos of him now (what a dramatic and quick change lol)

My due date was 20th december same as wobbles but she beat me lol and her daughter arrived early my son arrived late i was induced 26th december at 10pm and went into labour about 11pm - midnight just as i was going to get some rest before the big event!
so i had 2 baths to ease the pain didnt work and was in labour for hours i think 16-17 hours in total. I ended up having an emergency C-Section :( the one and only thing i was dreading and scared about having a baby! it was all the hospitals fault really i was so upset i didnt have a natural birth :(
leeon had scars on his head where they took blood from him poor boy he hadnt even entered the world yet! he was born on 27th december 2007 at 15:51 weighing 6lbs 10oz crying :) it was such a happy moment except i cant remember all that much i was too high of the drugs they gave me lol i was also upset because i always thought with a C-Section they hold baby up for you to see i didnt get to see my son till i was in the recovery room but there were no problems with him!
They thought i was having a huge baby as i was measuring 42 weeks when i was just 39 weeks and i had a huge bump when i was in labour the consultant came in he was saying i should have had growth scans etc so next time there gonna keep more of an eye on me as both me and my babys stats were up and down it was scary if he was born naturally he would have either died or been born with brain damage :(
When i was in labour they gave us all sorts of tests and things they broke my waters it was horrible they had his heartbeat on his head they took blood from his head it was crazy what we went through but hes here now and i would go through it all again for his little brother or sister to be (hopefully in a year or so) :)

here are some pics if i can get it working lol (OOOOPs didnt realise you had an image host on the site lol been trying to host the pics for ages)

Here are from when he was born


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Well a late congrats lol Cant wait to see pics :)
Congratulations! Can't wait to see the pics!
That sounds very dramatic and must have been quite hard for you to hear what they should have done and didn't do. Congrats on the birth of your baby boy and delivering him safely. x
Thanks everyone im going to try and upload the pics tonight or tommorow specialgift98 it was very dramatic and there were many things the hospital did wrong they told me to push at only 8cm dialated to get blood from from his head then told me his head was being crushed and i needed an emergency c section!!! how daft is that!

here are some pics of him now 5 months old


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awww thanks congrats to you too linzi your little man is only 1 week old :)

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