My TTC Bit


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Ok so AF is due Sunday.

Am feeling Nauseus although OH is off ill from work so could be a throwback from that. I have no tenderness or cramps. Sister was saying i should do a test anyway, but i only have 1 and i dont really want to waste it, as i cant afford to go out and get more atm.

Fingers crossed for me although working out me dates it will be due on or around my birthday. Least with a C-section i can choose the day :lol:
[-o< for BFP on Sunday!

Thank you.

I have been asleep most of this afternoon when i got the kiddies from school. and i have had a few cramps.

Fingers crossed all the signs go my way eh!!
goodluck tootsie i have to have sections as well ive had 3 sections but im not preg at the moment still ttc been trying for 11 months now . violet x
Ohhh what a lovely surprise to see you in this part with sicky feelings!

I have everything crossed for you! :dust:
Ohhhh Good luck hun!!!!

WISHING YOU A BFP!!!!! :dust: xx
Thank all but no such luck AF came today was gutted as i got my hopes up thinking this could be the month. Oh well there's always next month :p

Violet73 your trying for your fourth under c'section ?????

I was always told, infact scared, into thinking you could have no more than 3 c-sections.
i'm all confused now.

baby dust for next month. :hugs:
hi tootsie sorry about your af showing up good luck for next month , well i went to see doctor before ttc my 4th my doc said there is a increased change of rupture but its only small but she said because ive had no problems with my previous 3 sections then its fine if i want to try for ,my 4th , there was a woman on babyworld & she had her 5th section about 3 months ago , so i think as long as you aint any problems with previous sections its fine . violet x
ohh hun sorry that af got u i hope that u get ur bfp soon
Awwwww so sorry hun :hugs: :dust: for next month xx
violet 73 said:
hi tootsie sorry about your af showing up good luck for next month , well i went to see doctor before ttc my 4th my doc said there is a increased change of rupture but its only small but she said because ive had no problems with my previous 3 sections then its fine if i want to try for ,my 4th , there was a woman on babyworld & she had her 5th section about 3 months ago , so i think as long as you aint any problems with previous sections its fine . violet x

That'll be the reason then i had lots of complications throughout my labours and through the surgery and after so i'm assuming thats the reason for the no more than 3 bit then. Good luck with your 4th though :D

I can hope i have twins :lol:

And thanks for the thoughts from you all.

I started a computer course today which managed to brighten me up too. So now just waiting for the AF to finally bugger off and then its back to trying :D
Good for you babe, hope the course goes well!!! xx
Well Another Month and Another Sill AF.

Thought i'd just Update this. Although i'm deffinatly not as Heavy this Month as i Usually Am so i don't quite know whats going on. :roll:

Typical too Tuesday night I'm away and i Gaurantee AF wont be gone by then for our night Away :lol:

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