**name change** spring/March 2014 bfps get yours here!! good luck ladies!!!

Is gumpy back??? Omg I missed that. Yay!!! Lots luv gumpy xxx
That's not v nice of your friend to say Midgey, if you haven't got anything nice to say don't bother! You've absolutely every chance of having a happy successful pregnancy. I had two losses one after the other and then Brooklyn is perfect so just because you suffer losses doesn't mean you will carry on doing so. Really really hoping your next test is darker, I miss testing loads lol so I can get excited for you ladies instead. Am loving this thread is busy again and hopefully I can be testing myself on here in a few months:) xxxxxxxx
I know oasis it was an awful thing to say :cry: i was so gutted! had a good talk to my OH about it and he basically said who cares what she thinks? you have every right to be happy and excited you are a great example of having a successful pregnancy after awful losses :hugs: :hugs: i am praying it gets darker! i don't want to get too obsessed with testing :dohh: i will test on Wednesday though, it should be at least a noticeable amount darker by then! :hugs: xxxxxx
Thank you all!!! Fingers crossed for those waitig for BFPs! Good luck Midgey hope yours gets darker! :)
Feeling a bit crampy today. DH left yesterday to go out of town for work until Wednesday. Really hoping we BD enough before he left and before I O. I really hope O can hold off until he is back so we have a better chance.
Omg! So the last two days I have thought I actually might've had the flu. I felt horrible! And this a.m (11dpo), I did a hpt (dollar tree brand) and it was a veryyyyy faint BFP! This is my first cycle after a chemical pregnancy so I'm hoping and praying this is a sticky one! The witch is due to arrive tomorrow. I'm being positive but I don't want to get too excited yet. Once the 2nd line starts to get darker where I dont have to look that hard for it, then I will do the OTHER half of my baby jumping for joy! Lol I'm scared to even test again after last month but last month NO results showed up on the dollar tree tests even when I got + on other tests with same urine so that's making me more hopeful! I'll keep u guys updated! Hopefully tomorrow a.m it'll get at least a bit darker! Baby dust to all!!!
How do u post pics to this site from you phone? I'd like to be able to post pics of tests if I need opinion's at all. Thanks!
:happydance: aidens hope the line gets darker for you - it's a faff putting up pics from your phone but here goes:-

Post reply
go to the paperclip up at the top
attach your image - chose your file
Close the window
Should be there

Try that this is how I do it - now if only I had a BFP to post:wacko:


I was thinking if its hard to see it in real life, it may be harder on here lol. If I can get a good enough one ill post it. From my camera u can see it clear as day when zoomed in lol
Congrats aidensmommy1!! Can't wait to see the pic!!!

Garfie - you're next hun X
Thank u! I just hope this ones a sticky one! I couldn't ask for more for the holidays! I'm going to test again tomorrow and ill put up the pics (if i figure it out!) lol. This phones brand spankin new so I haven't quite figured out how to do certain things with it yet lol. Miss my old phone right now!
I've surprisingly have been crying all day! LOL (have been very emotional for about 5days anyways). I really won't let myself enjoy it until the line starts getting darker =/ hopefully tomorrow a.m ill be jumping for joy! I'll keep u posted!
Well I'm not feeling so confident about my faint positive yesterday anymore. Today there was just an evap looking line that showed up instantly. The witch is suppose to show her ugly face today. Fingers crossed she doesn't! I go to the doc in 5days for an ultra sound to make sure everything is alright and for blood work of course. My mother and a friend confirmed I wasn't imagining the pink line yesterday so I'm just confused now. I'll keep u ladies updated. I really don't want to go through the heqryache of another failed cycle! Its so hard to stay positive the day AF is due to arive! Has anyone heard of an evap line showing up almost immediately on pink dye tests?
Hey ladies sorry for not updating sooner :cry: my test got darker then i started to bleed heavily so im guessing ive had another chemical :cry: i dont think we will be trying over christmas its too painful if this happens again, with my LO's birthdays on the 13th and the 14th, christmas then our anniversary on boxing day i dont want to ruin any of those :cry:

I will be hanging out here rooting for you all on the side lines!! :happydance: really hoping to see some bfps! Hopefully ill be joining you all in january/febuary :hugs:

Really rooting for you all this month i see some early christmas presents arriving :hugs:
Midgy I'm so sorry. I think I may be in the same boat. I finally could see a line with my test yest without having to look hard at all but then last night I started bleeding extremely black blood in small amounts but bad cramping. Idk about all that either. Im an emotional wreck! I go to the docs on the 20th so they can help figure out what's going on and ways to help me. I mean come on, 2 months in a row?!! Its not even fair. Keep me updated and I'll do the same. Maybe we both have implantation, who knows anymore! Fingers crossed we can get our *STICKY* bfps for Christmas still! Ur in my prayers!! As for all of you in this thread! Bring on some sticky bfps! Baby dust to all!!
Since I'm pretty sure I'm out this month now, I will b back to the tww around Nov 29th and ill be hoping and praying for my STICKY STICKY bfp in December. I will be testing on December 12th. Anyone else?

I only want ONE amazing gift this year, a BFP would be the best start to a new year!! I feel it. There are going to be so many holiday bfps! I'm excited to see!
aidensmommy1 & Midgey - I'm so sorry - I wish you lovely ladies nothing but a BFP SOON! X
Oasis! Garfie!

I went for my first midwife apt this morning and she wants to send me for a dating scan next week....
I don't want to go next week because based on my calculations, I would only be 7 weeks!
I want to be able to hear the heart beat so I don't get freaked out....going at 7 weeks might be setting myself up for failure....I think 8/9 weeks is better....longer wait but better.....

what do you think?
Aw honey:hugs:

And so it begins - the worry, the doubt, the what ifs BIG :hugs:

I would say at 7 weeks you should be able to see the heartbeat - it will look like a flicker on the screen (there is no mistaking it and you will cry:cry:) if you're lucky you may get to hear it - sounds like galloping horses:haha:

If you don't want to go until later tell your MW this - you are in charge not them:happydance: tell her you would prefer a later scan as hubby can't get time off work (or some other excuse) this is when you have to fight for your rights and those of your baby - you're in charge - you tell them what you want hun (don't worry you will develop the mummy voice - right Oasis?:haha:) How far does she think you are?

How are you feeling anyway - sorry I've not been around but the deadline for the rebuilding of the factory looms closer (from the fire in February).

Will try and catch up with the rest of the ladies later:hugs:

Right Fi!! Xxxxx Stephy I had Brooklyns first scan at bang on 7 weeks and there was the heart beating away I was overjoyed!!! Xxx

Midgey I'm so sorry hunni, I really am, we are all here for you, don't loose hope, you will get your rainbow in the end, loads luv xxxxxx
Thanks Ladies for the quick responses ladies XX

I have an OB apt today - so i'm going to see what he says - I'd honestly like some confirmation that there is a bean in there :)

Here is a link for my pregnancy journal if you'd like to follow:

I honestly feel bad posted in the 2WW about some things because I don't want to offend anyone
Stephy you're not offending anyone! 7 weeks was plenty enough for me, he looked like a tiny turtle lol, I measured ahead by 3 days and we could see the little heart beating away, after two losses I can't tell you how happy we were! Xxx

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