"Natural" Formula Feeding



Ok, so I formula feed out of necessity, not because I chose to. I was desperate to BF as I know it is best for the baby and the mother, nutritionally, emotionally, etc etc. But I was unable to due to medical problems post birth, so had to turn to Formula. Now I don't know many mums of young babies in 'real life', lol, the two I do know both feed formula because they chose to.

I try to make my bottle feeding as close to breastfeeding as I can, as I feel incredibly guilty about not giving Freya what I consider to be the best. I make varied sizes of bottles up, mostly small ones so I can feed her whenever and however much she wants, I feed on demand, I feed her soy as I can't stand the idea of cows milk, I feed her to sleep often but not always, I always hold her really close when feeding her, I feed her in the bath, in bed, we have loads of skin to skin and and I always offer her water before a feed so she is getting a drink before the thicker soya milk.

Now, my friends think I'm weird and I don't talk to them about formula feeding anymore 'cos they do it so differently. (Routine, large bottles, baby in a chair whilst being fed, etc etc).

I am not having a go at people who do it like this or anything, I am simply wondering if there is anyone on here who feeds like I do. Do loads of people do it? I don't know. :shrug: I posted this in here 'cos I knew I would get a load of people saying formula is just as good as BM, which is just not what I believe, so don't tell me!

I don't do it hun but just wanted to say well done. You are making the best of a bad situation and it sounds like you are doing an amazing job trying to get it as close to breastfeeding as possible. I will certainly take inspiration from you should the situation arise for myself
Aw hun, I think you are quite amazing :could9: I'm lucky to have been able to breastfeed sucessfully but I think that this is a lovely way for you to reap some of the other benefits of breastfeeding (closeness to your LO etc) xxxxx
I think it's great you are making an effort to bond that way while feeding her. I did breastfeed my younger 2 but my oldest it didn't work out and we had to do formula starting about a month after he was born. I did make an effort to be sure I was holding him with each feeding, I didn't like the idea of just laying them down somewhere and propping up a bottle, I also fed on demand...but I def didn't do all you do, I think it's great you do :) I did choose cows milk because I don't really like soy..especially for boys
omg hun how wonderful are you ???????? god damn brilliant ok so you can't bf but bloody hell you are doing all in your power to replicate it and you have an amazing bond that just proves your dedication is well worth it, hats off to you mrs xx
Aww thanks, all your comments made me feel so good, I feel crap about formula feeding every day, it's so nice to be told I'm doing something slightly good anyway! Thanks so much :cloud9:
Never ever feel bad for doing your best. Ever! You sound like a wonderful mum to me, and it's perfectly normal to want to be that close to your little girl x
I can partially understand what you're going through....I wanted to breastfeed soooo much. And I am in the sense that I'm giving my son BM, but I really wanted him to take it directly from me. I do feel sad when I think of what I'm missing....and what he's missing, just through that direct contact. But at the end of the day I'm doing what I can to give my child the best I can. And that's exactly what you're doing, you sound like you're doing a fantastic job!
Sweetie you're doing wonderfully :) I know my sister also did all the skin-to-skin contact when she was FF her DD and never ever lay her down for a bottle, she was always held.

Have you had any progress re her allergies? If you want me to ask my sister any questions for you just let me know.
Thanks, I have a doc appt for her on monday afternoon, she is still being sick a fair amount over the last few days so I'm glad we're going. I'll let you know! :)
before my children, a friend told me you will never stop feeling guilty as a mum, and she is right!

i was able to bf my daughter up until 6 months old. i was due back to work, and knew i was going to be unable to express, so i started gradually introducing a bottle feed one at a time. she has taken to it great, but i am so broken hearted about it. if i wasnt going back to work i would be continuing to bf.

keep doing whats best for you and try not to worry whatothers are thinking.
Well what you described is how I thought most people bottlefed their babies. I dont like hearing of people bottlepropping and stuff either.

I always had baths with Jasmine, we napped together etc, She is still given and bottle and rocked to sleep for both her nap and her bedtime, although if she is awake at bedtime she will go down anyways.

The only thing I have to say is babies that young dont need water.
I think you are doing brill hun. I too struggled to BF and eventually made the change to FF but the guilt was amazing. I always cuddle Jack when I feed him however wish I had done the skin to skin like you, what a fabulous idea. I attempted relactation and had tonnes of skin to skin with this and we do now do it, but not when I'm feeding him. I can't wait to try it thou. Keep up the good work you sound like a fabulous mummy and she is one lucky girl
Wow, I'm still a new mum so I don't have any real experience but I just wanted to say that I think you're doing an awful lot more than some mums who breastfeed do! I've been breastfeeding and supplementing with formula, though I'm weaning her off the formula now, but I am guilty of sometimes putting her to the breast and sitting there just waiting for her to finish, which can't be a very good experience for her. So when I read all you're doing, I did feel guilty. It sounds like your daughter is getting the very best you can give her and a lot better than lots of babies get.
I FF as well, and have yet to date given her a bottle in her highchair without me holding her. :) It upsets me at times that I wasn't strong enough to continue with BF, but you do what you have to do.

You sound like you are doing an amazing job with her. :cloud9: Don't second guess yourself at all!!
Sounds great, I may follow your lead. I am having a dilemma about mix feeding at the moment but I don't want to give cows milk or Soy. I am lactose intolerant and so is the OH and recently I have been doing a lot of research into soy and this isn't an option I want to take either, like above especially for boys.
I had to bottle feed my LO EBM for 8.5 weeks as he couldn't latch. Like you, I tried to make it as similar to breastfeeding as possible. I too found it sad that a lot of people I knew did bottle propping. Some of my friends' babies are on four bottles a day now. My LO still has 10+ feeds a day, and I can't imagine not having that quite, calm and snuggly time together.

Well done you on giving LO all bonding benefits. You've done the best in a difficult situation.
Yeah I know, I'm not entirely 100% about the soy either, but I am also lactose intolerant and don't like the idea of cows milk either. I have looked into other milks, but there isn't a single one I am happy to give to Freya :(. For a start there are too many to look at and it's a bit confusing, I looked at lactose free ones, hypoallergenic ones, etc etc. I don't know! Lol.
Thanks asacia, EBM would obv be my first choice, if I had any! I think it's great that you managed to get it working after 8.5 weeks.:)

I went shopping yesterday and saw a disturbing number of people with their babies in prams/pushchairs with propped up bottles of milk/juice (even worse, argh!). Makes me feel awful for them.

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