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need a buddy Im on 3rd cycle ttc and am 40


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Wondering if there is anyone out there that is in my same boat? new to trying and trying for #1 at this age?

Please tell me I'm not crazy, and Im not alone!!!

Would love a buddy... I am 6DPO and AF expected Oct 26
For the 3rd time (joking, lol!) You are not alone! Im the same and so are many more, you wouldn't believe. Its a trend. I didn't settle for the first jerk who came along when i probably could have had triplets but then i would never have met my soulmate! ALso, Im not psychic and couldnt/cant tell the future so here i am. 40, ttc and proud! :)

You're not crazy, silly :):):)

Im only cd6 so cant be your cyclebuddy, hun, sorry! Good luck though! :hugs:
I'm 36 (going on 37 in Dec) and TTC our first child together also... my hubby has a 13yr old daughter from a previous marriage and she is with us Full Time... but this will be our first together biologically and my first pregnancy.

We been on the TTC journey for a year now... but on our 4th cycle after my hubbies 2nd reversal (which worked!)... so I'm hopeful I'll get a BFP soon!!!!

You are certainly NOT crazy! Actually, I am much more ready now than I ever was in my 20's... and love being a mom to my step-daughter, and certainly more ready to be a new mom to a little one...

Good luck and baby dust...
I am going to be 38 end of month and also trying for our first! Af is due around the 25/26th, this is our 4th cycle. Thought I didn't want kids until I had a oops while on BC that ended with a blighted ovum, now it's all I can think about! Everything happens for a reason, so at any age it's not crazy, it's human!! Good luck to you!
Can I be your buddy??

You're not crazy Hun! I agree with everybody else in the thread.
I'm 36, TTC #1 and AF is due Oct 24. DH and I have been trying for 22 months. He has a 3rd degree varicocele but we don't want a surgery.

Hope to hear from everybody again soon! Have a nice day everyone! *it's 9AM in my part of the world btw :D *
Hi I am on cycle day 6, had a mc on 11th sept and one before that in April ttc for 16 months now. I am using the cbfm starting today and have a high already.... Having blood tests next few weeks just to rule out obvious causes for miscarriage. Am also starting iui in January(nhs funded,just!!) can I be one of your buddies? I am 39 but didn't meet my soul
mate either until 2 hrs ago. Xxx
WOW Good Morning... to all my new friends. This is only my 3rd day being signed up for this site, and I love it.

As for my ttc journey... I have added a journal... oh gosh I see I must have deleted it when I changed my signature... well Ok I'll have to put the link back in..

anyway... this is my 3rd cycle (think I said that already) I have been using the CBFM and opks and as of this morning I just took my first temp...

heading to work now.. just wanted to jump in and say hello to my new buddies... I'll get on here late this day.. have a wonderful happy thought filled day !!!
hi Id like to buddy up too! I just turned 38, trying for our first, and my period is due Oct 29. I have been doing the sperm meets egg plan and this month used preseed.
I have a thread in the 2WW that I round up people who are waiting for their period, so you are welcome to join us. And I will check back here see how you are doing.

I am 36, 37 in feb next yr also ttc 1st been over a yr now:( but still loads of pma gotta my wedding in 2012 so better get a shift on if I'm to fit into my dress!

Had my first fs appointment today and I'm in tip top condition so it's just a matter of time!:) so don't think your silly we will make awesome mums so babydust to all of us and lets start the bfp rolling!
Yes me too. 40 and 10 months to be precise and on cycle 7 of TTC #1 after missed miscarriage a few weeks before my 40th last year. AF is due round about Halloween.. spooky .. let's hope the witch stays away or gets lost somewhere. :hugs:
Hi I am on cycle day 6, had a mc on 11th sept and one before that in April ttc for 16 months now. I am using the cbfm starting today and have a high already.... Having blood tests next few weeks just to rule out obvious causes for miscarriage. Am also starting iui in January(nhs funded,just!!) can I be one of your buddies? I am 39 but didn't meet my soul
mate either until 2 hrs ago. Xxx

2 hrs ago mandy ... good going girl :winkwink:
Yeah, i noticed the typo too.. (it IS a typo, right!! :winkwink:) :haha:
Hello! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, except I'm not quite 40 yet. My birthday is November 14 though so I'm flying up on it pretty fast.

The DH and I are TTC our first also. We're only on cycle 3 or 4 of really trying. Past living situations were not conducive to the BD. lol I am *counting on fingers and toes* 12dpo with a 34 days cycle so pretty close to testing.

I've been thinking similar thoughts. Am I crazy to try this at my age? Plus, I'm overweight so that's another factor. But you know, I'm still going to try!

Good luck to you! All of you!
Sorry girls just doing some catch up on here...so havent been over to this thread since yesterday..

seoi-congrats on hubbys reversal thats excellent news, and you are sooo right.. I know I'd be a better mom now than when I was back in my 20s.. (well obviously I wish I was still at least in my 30's but hey... Im happy healthy and in love all I need is a little mini me and life will be more than I could ever ask for)

Mrs Smith how long ago was the blighted ovum, gosh you poor thing, I’ve heard those are quite painful no?

Vittori- what is a 3rd degree varcocele

Ya Red Froggy you're right we are pretty much almost exactly in the same boat here.. both just starting our ttc journey.. AF due appx the same.. age wise…but hey I got 6 months on you... you youngster you!!

Mandy so sorry for your 2 mc's that’s gotta be tough..geez…but happy vibes going forward ... k? so is this your first cycle on CBFM? This is my 3rd cycle on mine, quite love it really.. kinda getting to know my body a little better

yA Lisa1... planning a wedding...gosh I had so much fun planning mine...I wish I could do it all over again... so not sure which part of the globe your in... but what exactly did your first FS appointment cover? I had some preliminary tests prescribed by my regular dr.. which was test for FSH/LH progestrone etc... didnt have to see a FS for that... I know if/when we have to go to a FS.. absolutely none of it is covered by my insurance.. so really hoping we dont have to go that route

Truly_blessed-so sorry about your MC and yes you right on, I dont care if its almost Halloween I never like witches dont care what time of year it is hahaha

Oh and Omi I think I want to join your POD club... but you already know what side of that club I want to be on !!

HAHA Mandys typo I hadnt notice it at first, but totally laughed out loud when you other girls mentioned it.. met him 2 hours ago.. YOU GO GIRL !!!

ok so AF is due next Tuesday so I am bout 5 days away... I tested 3 times last month the day before I was due, the day I was due, then a day after I was due.. and sure enough AF came right that evening.. boo hisss booo hiss

Im not feeling really confident this month...I have been reading a lot of this board lately, and I am pretty sure I may have been timing my BDing off by a little bit... so if AF does indeed some her witchpoo face.. next month I am on a mission of SMEP... I feel bad for my husband !! haha

Well hope you girls all have a good night, and hope to hear from ya soon, its Midnight here, so time to “hit the hey”
Wondering if there is anyone out there that is in my same boat? new to trying and trying for #1 at this age?

Please tell me I'm not crazy, and Im not alone!!!

Would love a buddy... I am 6DPO and AF expected Oct 26

of course you are not crazy!!! having the strong hope and spirit doesn't make you one. Keep trying my dear... you're not alone... everyone out here is just trying and hoping as you do... get your encouragement from us here.. That's what were here for...
Hi I am on cycle day 6, had a mc on 11th sept and one before that in April ttc for 16 months now. I am using the cbfm starting today and have a high already.... Having blood tests next few weeks just to rule out obvious causes for miscarriage. Am also starting iui in January(nhs funded,just!!) can I be one of your buddies? I am 39 but didn't meet my soul
mate either until 2 hrs ago. Xxx

oops 2yrs ago!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody!

Yesterday (Oct 24) AF was supposed to arrive...the witch isn't here yet (it's now Oct 25 over here) but the cramps are here allright grrr!
Hmmph I don't know how to handle disappointment after disappointment, actually.
What do you do to ease the pain once you know it's a failed cycle?
This time I plan to do some cosmetic shopping spree.....

ttc1st_at_40 , varicocele is a kind of varicose, but it's affecting the testicles. Our doctor recommended surgery but we don't want to go that way yet.

:af: So is anybody taking the pregnancy test????? :af:
Im definately out for October : )

darn silly witch got me Saturday... which would actually had made my CDs only 24 this month... getting kinda confused though what to count as my first CD... AF had me with the slightest spotting Sat AM, then by mid afternoon it was a full fledge heavy period... on my CBFM I had to count the next day as day 1 BUT for my own records would I have counted the day AF got strong that afternoon as day 1 ?

So I just started realizing that maybe my LH phase may be a little short... this month it was would have only been 10-11 days... usually it is 11,12 days (have read anything under 10 is LP defect) may have to work on that next ? just started temping this month to try to determin exactly where I am O'ing so I can really pinpoint exactly what my LP phase is.

I am super sad... but I have some new things planned for next month...so I am staying optimistic...starting on some Flax Seed Oil and Evening Primerose Oil to help with CM, and also purchased some Conceive Plus to also help with CM..

been doing some investigating and if these things dont work for November, I may try Soy Isoflavens for December...just got done reading a 72 page thread on here about that..

I'm 40 and we're on our 5th cycle of TTC. I had an ex who couldn't have kids so I put my feelings aside (desperately wanted a baby) then he left me. I'm with my soul mate now and we're trying very hard. He has an 8 year old daughter already but would like another.

I'm at 9dpo at the moment and AF due around Friday of this week. I'm looking for someone in a similar situation to you ttc1st_at_40.
Well Hello Rebecca

Just got AF on Saturday.. so this is officially our 4th month TTC... I felt really optimistic this past month...

adding in a couple new tricks this month as well...

and re thinking by reading all these threads that I really need to BD for 3 days in a row during peak/high on my CBFM... if I can reach that goal this month... I will feel like I really gave it my all this month. I will have to talk to DH to give him a heads up... that this month you really need to "jump" in bed when I say its time.. I usually give him a "heads up" the week before.. like hey save your energy for next week...This time I am really going to have to tell him we are on a mission... and I'm pretty sure he'll be on board, but sometimes works late and is just really "not in the mood".

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