Hi my name is karen, i am 25 and married for 5 years, i am new on to this forum and just need some advice , we are trying from 5 years for a child and nothing happens, my periods were always regular, i have done all my tests recently including my husbands smear test and HSG , and everything was normal,,, only my FSH level were litl bit higher (10.2), still do not know why i cant get pregnant because i only 25 and still young,
we have been offered one cycle free ICSI now for which my treatments going to start soon ..
also all of a sudden my period lenght have changed to 33 days which i do not understand, why??
i really wanted to get pregnant naturally and i am so scared that what will happen if my ICSI wont be successful
I will look forward for your advice , please :
Many Thanks
we have been offered one cycle free ICSI now for which my treatments going to start soon ..
also all of a sudden my period lenght have changed to 33 days which i do not understand, why??
i really wanted to get pregnant naturally and i am so scared that what will happen if my ICSI wont be successful
I will look forward for your advice , please :

Many Thanks