Need some clomid advice please! :)


Mummy with PCOS
Jan 17, 2010
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Hello, I posted a similar thread a little while ago, but things have changed a little... I mentioned I had some clomid left over from when I was ttc my daughter (now 2) well, i thought I only had 4 tablets left and was very hesitant to waste my one opportunity (possibly) to have a shot at having baby #2 without seeing FS. I was sorting through some stuff and found some more (I had just been prescribed 3 x 100 mg (techincally 6x50mg) when I found out I was pregnant) :happydance: sooo... my question I take it???
I had planned to go to see the GP first to find out if it's OK to take it without being monitored, which I most likely will... the only thing is I am cd3, so in theory I could take it now, and sometimes my cycles are really long so I could end up waiting a long time to take it again .. but I feel I should be sensible and get the OK from GP really..

EDIT: also AF is very very light, so I don't know if this counts as "proper AF" if that makes sense...

does anyone have any idea what the GP might do/say? will they send me for blood tests or will they just say get on with it??
Hello, I posted a similar thread a little while ago, but things have changed a little... I mentioned I had some clomid left over from when I was ttc my daughter (now 2) well, i thought I only had 4 tablets left and was very hesitant to waste my one opportunity (possibly) to have a shot at having baby #2 without seeing FS. I was sorting through some stuff and found some more (I had just been prescribed 3 x 100 mg (techincally 6x50mg) when I found out I was pregnant) :happydance: sooo... my question I take it???
I had planned to go to see the GP first to find out if it's OK to take it without being monitored, which I most likely will... the only thing is I am cd3, so in theory I could take it now, and sometimes my cycles are really long so I could end up waiting a long time to take it again .. but I feel I should be sensible and get the OK from GP really..

EDIT: also AF is very very light, so I don't know if this counts as "proper AF" if that makes sense...

does anyone have any idea what the GP might do/say? will they send me for blood tests or will they just say get on with it??

Hi there

I would be concerned in taking those tablets as they are probaly expired if these are the same pills that you took with your daughter. Also , you may want to book to see a doctor before taking it to make sure everything is okay.

I am on clomid starting cycle 2 today and I'm also on my day 3.
I know how difficult it can be to pass up an opportunity. Have you called your doctor maybe you can discuss this over the phone?
Hello, I posted a similar thread a little while ago, but things have changed a little... I mentioned I had some clomid left over from when I was ttc my daughter (now 2) well, i thought I only had 4 tablets left and was very hesitant to waste my one opportunity (possibly) to have a shot at having baby #2 without seeing FS. I was sorting through some stuff and found some more (I had just been prescribed 3 x 100 mg (techincally 6x50mg) when I found out I was pregnant) :happydance: sooo... my question I take it???
I had planned to go to see the GP first to find out if it's OK to take it without being monitored, which I most likely will... the only thing is I am cd3, so in theory I could take it now, and sometimes my cycles are really long so I could end up waiting a long time to take it again .. but I feel I should be sensible and get the OK from GP really..

EDIT: also AF is very very light, so I don't know if this counts as "proper AF" if that makes sense...

does anyone have any idea what the GP might do/say? will they send me for blood tests or will they just say get on with it??

Hi there

I would be concerned in taking those tablets as they are probaly expired if these are the same pills that you took with your daughter. Also , you may want to book to see a doctor before taking it to make sure everything is okay.

I am on clomid starting cycle 2 today and I'm also on my day 3.
I know how difficult it can be to pass up an opportunity. Have you called your doctor maybe you can discuss this over the phone?

I checked the expiration date they're ok untily July 2015 :happydance: thankfully! xxx I would call them but too late now, I could give them a ring in the morning to try and get a telephone appointment, that might go down better, it's always difficult to get an appoinment but especially on a friday it seems, I agree though I feel a bit uncomfortable taking medication without checking first you know x

Good luck with your clomid cycle! :dust: did your last one give you any side effects? xx are you being monitored if you don't mind me asking xx
any other advice please?

Thanks in advance :) x much appreciated x
Really, it's up to you.
I'd never try and tell people to take medicines that haven't been prescribed but I'm taking clomid unmonitored this cycle, and know of many others that have done too.
Sometimes we get desperate! God luck with whatever you decide hun.
You can actually get Clomid OTC, so if it's still good and you've taken it before, it's probably ok. That said, I think Clomid is pretty evil. It gave me some serious symptoms and messed up my cycle, so I don't believe it's good for you in general.

Did you get pg before after only a month of it?
Hiya Lace&Pearls

Funny you should post this question as I have just taken 2 cycles of clomid that were prescribed for me when ttc ds1! I, like you didnt want to go doen the whole fs route again so took the left over clomid that I had.

A bit about me, I had ovarian drilling and used clomid to conceive ds1, ds2 was conceived naturally 5 months after having ds1. I went on the pill after ds2 and since stopping in dec 2013 (to ttc #3) I have had long cycles and not much of an lp which helped my decision to try the left over clomid.

The first round of 50mg (had expired the month before I started taking it) I dont think it worked properly as only had a 24day cycle and ov'd cd 18ish. The 2nd cycle of in date clomid (exp2015) seemed to work better...29 day cycle but due to a family bereavement we didnt bd around ov so wish I'd not taken it that cycle. I've got another 15 x50mg tablets left so could do another 3 months sometime before next year, not sure that that will happen now though.

Did you end up taking your clomid this month? One thing id forgotten about thr clomid was the horrible hot flushes when taking the tablets and also terrible cramps all round ov, did you have any side effects when you took it?
You can actually get Clomid OTC, so if it's still good and you've taken it before, it's probably ok. That said, I think Clomid is pretty evil. It gave me some serious symptoms and messed up my cycle, so I don't believe it's good for you in general.

Did you get pg before after only a month of it?

No I was precibed 50mg (x 3) which didn't work and then put onto 100mg, which worked, I ovulated 3 times, but I didn't fall pregnant, then I got pregnant naturally during a 'break' between appointments (which is why I built up a little supply as it turned out I didn't need it in the end?!) :happydance: so all in all I took clomid for 6 months I think, maybe 5.

Hiya Lace&Pearls

Funny you should post this question as I have just taken 2 cycles of clomid that were prescribed for me when ttc ds1! I, like you didnt want to go doen the whole fs route again so took the left over clomid that I had.

A bit about me, I had ovarian drilling and used clomid to conceive ds1, ds2 was conceived naturally 5 months after having ds1. I went on the pill after ds2 and since stopping in dec 2013 (to ttc #3) I have had long cycles and not much of an lp which helped my decision to try the left over clomid.

The first round of 50mg (had expired the month before I started taking it) I dont think it worked properly as only had a 24day cycle and ov'd cd 18ish. The 2nd cycle of in date clomid (exp2015) seemed to work better...29 day cycle but due to a family bereavement we didnt bd around ov so wish I'd not taken it that cycle. I've got another 15 x50mg tablets left so could do another 3 months sometime before next year, not sure that that will happen now though.

Did you end up taking your clomid this month? One thing id forgotten about thr clomid was the horrible hot flushes when taking the tablets and also terrible cramps all round ov, did you have any side effects when you took it?

wow nice to chat to someone in similar position! Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I haven't taken the clomid no, I probably still could but part of me feels like it wouldn't hurt to wait another month? ( I hope not anyway) while I see GP and in the mean time I am set to taking my driving test, wouldn't hurt to get that out of the way I think?
I don't *remember* anything too horrible while taking clomid ( my memory is awful though!)

I don't know if this is relevant, but before taking clomid I had no cycles at all for 10 months, clomid seemed to kick start my ovaries into ovulating naturally eventually. Since having DD I have been having (roughly) 40 day cycles, so I'm hoping that maybe I'm ovulating? or even if not, maybe I wouldn't need such a high dose to get things working again? x
have you had horrible symptoms this time round too? x
Wow yeah our stories are pretty similar, I also had no cycles at all before clomid, maybe 1 period in about 1 1/2 years! So no chance of getting preggers without it! It didn't work for me though until after I had the ovarian drilling op and I got super lucky and fell pregnant in my first cycle after the op. Think it might have been a combo of the op and also a pregnancy which has made my body ov on its own (hopefully). I think my cycles probably aren't normal (with the clomid) this time round which is a bit frustrating, but wont really know for sure until I take some 'in date' clomid and actually dtd at the right time! I had horrible symptoms this past month, I can handle the hot flushes at night but the cramps were really bad & cos I was taking the clomid off my own back I was pretty worried that the cramps were to do with hyper stimulation or some massive cyst. They stopped not long after I think I ov'd tho so hopefully all ok, it does feel a bit risky doing it, also for me too cos I never told my dh that I was taking it either!! I know that sounds dodgy but I know he wouldnt have wanted me to (he's agreed that we can ttc #3) but definitely wouldnt want to go back down the route of actively ttc, like we did with ds 1 (timed bd, doing it just because of ov approaching etc) he just doesnt really understand that my body doesnt work properly and I'm always wondering if i will actually get another period again when on a natural cycle!

I'm on CD6 of a 'normal' cycle so reckon we might be at a pretty similar stage?

When is your driving test booked for? Yeah I totally think whats in another month, if you are thinking about going to see your GP then I would do that? It wouldn't hurt to do that and then you could decide whether to take your leftover clomid if they wont prescribe it? I'd be really interested to know how you get on, I was half thinking of going to GP but then went down the route of might as well just do it myself, they didn't monitor me when I did get it prescribed anyway (well apart from a cd 21 blood test)! Did you get any monitoring when you took it before?

It would be good to stay in touch and chat :) Xx
Hello, I posted a similar thread a little while ago, but things have changed a little... I mentioned I had some clomid left over from when I was ttc my daughter (now 2) well, i thought I only had 4 tablets left and was very hesitant to waste my one opportunity (possibly) to have a shot at having baby #2 without seeing FS. I was sorting through some stuff and found some more (I had just been prescribed 3 x 100 mg (techincally 6x50mg) when I found out I was pregnant) :happydance: sooo... my question I take it???
I had planned to go to see the GP first to find out if it's OK to take it without being monitored, which I most likely will... the only thing is I am cd3, so in theory I could take it now, and sometimes my cycles are really long so I could end up waiting a long time to take it again .. but I feel I should be sensible and get the OK from GP really..

EDIT: also AF is very very light, so I don't know if this counts as "proper AF" if that makes sense...

does anyone have any idea what the GP might do/say? will they send me for blood tests or will they just say get on with it??

Hi there

I would be concerned in taking those tablets as they are probaly expired if these are the same pills that you took with your daughter. Also , you may want to book to see a doctor before taking it to make sure everything is okay.

I am on clomid starting cycle 2 today and I'm also on my day 3.
I know how difficult it can be to pass up an opportunity. Have you called your doctor maybe you can discuss this over the phone?

I checked the expiration date they're ok untily July 2015 :happydance: thankfully! xxx I would call them but too late now, I could give them a ring in the morning to try and get a telephone appointment, that might go down better, it's always difficult to get an appoinment but especially on a friday it seems, I agree though I feel a bit uncomfortable taking medication without checking first you know x

Good luck with your clomid cycle! :dust: did your last one give you any side effects? xx are you being monitored if you don't mind me asking xx

That's great that they are not expired!!!! LUCKY!

yea, I had cramping, backache, fatigue , and I was very emotional! cried about everything and I couldn't stop myself.
I am being monitored by a fertility specialist.
Wow yeah our stories are pretty similar, I also had no cycles at all before clomid, maybe 1 period in about 1 1/2 years! So no chance of getting preggers without it! It didn't work for me though until after I had the ovarian drilling op and I got super lucky and fell pregnant in my first cycle after the op. Think it might have been a combo of the op and also a pregnancy which has made my body ov on its own (hopefully). I think my cycles probably aren't normal (with the clomid) this time round which is a bit frustrating, but wont really know for sure until I take some 'in date' clomid and actually dtd at the right time! I had horrible symptoms this past month, I can handle the hot flushes at night but the cramps were really bad & cos I was taking the clomid off my own back I was pretty worried that the cramps were to do with hyper stimulation or some massive cyst. They stopped not long after I think I ov'd tho so hopefully all ok, it does feel a bit risky doing it, also for me too cos I never told my dh that I was taking it either!! I know that sounds dodgy but I know he wouldnt have wanted me to (he's agreed that we can ttc #3) but definitely wouldnt want to go back down the route of actively ttc, like we did with ds 1 (timed bd, doing it just because of ov approaching etc) he just doesnt really understand that my body doesnt work properly and I'm always wondering if i will actually get another period again when on a natural cycle!

I'm on CD6 of a 'normal' cycle so reckon we might be at a pretty similar stage?

When is your driving test booked for? Yeah I totally think whats in another month, if you are thinking about going to see your GP then I would do that? It wouldn't hurt to do that and then you could decide whether to take your leftover clomid if they wont prescribe it? I'd be really interested to know how you get on, I was half thinking of going to GP but then went down the route of might as well just do it myself, they didn't monitor me when I did get it prescribed anyway (well apart from a cd 21 blood test)! Did you get any monitoring when you took it before?

It would be good to stay in touch and chat :) Xx

sorry it's taken me a couple days to reply I've had my inlaws over for weekend haven't had chance to log in ! :)

wow yeah v similar stories! I am also v close to you in terms of cycle at the moment - weird! I am cd6 (I'm guessing you're cd 8 now?) no judgement here about not telling your OH - I actually think that's quite a good idea! obv as you're ttc anyway, I think sometimes when we have to schedule bding etc it puts too much pressure on them and takes all the romance/spontaneity out of things!
I can completely relate to wondering if you will get a natural period again, I feel exactly the same, especially as mine are quite far apart compared to most people's, I never really know when to expect it so if it's taking quite a long time I start getting a bit edgy.
I phoned my GP on friday for a telephone appointment, she was a bit useless tbh, I've always found GPs aren't too great with PCOS stuff and fertility. She was nice enough to talk me through it she mentioned about the risk of OHSS and it can make you poorly so she would prefer me to come in and have a face to face consultation and discuss my cycle history more. She did mention something about doing a day 21 progesterone test, (albeit, after I suggested it!) so i wonder if she may say ok take the clomid and we'll do a blood test maybe.
That's interesting you weren't monitored on clomid, seems to suggest it's not a huge problem, I think I was monitored on my first round, I can't remember being monitored after that? definitely not every round.
It all feels a bit naughty taking clomid without seeing the FS doesn't it?! lol so I think I will phone GP for an appointment in the next couple of weeks (whenever they can fit me in lol) I would love to stay in touch and chat :) it's nice to chat with someone who understands! x

That's brilliant that your cycles are better than they used to be, (hope you don't mind me asking) how long are they roughly now? x Do you use OPKs at all? x do you think you will take another round of clomid in the next few months or ttc naturally? x (sorry lots of question! lol), will send you a request to keep in touch :) x

EDIT: just realised forgot to say, driving test booked for 30th of June :-o ! x
I had left over femara from my last pregnancy. Decided to give it a go and am pregnant again! I figured - hey, I was prescribed it and told how to use it. I tempted and used OPK's to help catch and confirm O. I never had issues when taking it before so felt any risks were minimal.

I think it's a personal choice. Totally up to you :) Good luck!
I had left over femara from my last pregnancy. Decided to give it a go and am pregnant again! I figured - hey, I was prescribed it and told how to use it. I tempted and used OPK's to help catch and confirm O. I never had issues when taking it before so felt any risks were minimal.

I think it's a personal choice. Totally up to you :) Good luck!

Thank You and congratulations!!! :happydance: That's wonderful x x x x

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