So Athena was admitted to the hospital last thursday. While I was there they didn't have a breast pump that I could use every 2 hours (there was like 6 other women on the ward and only 1 pump) and with Athena not latching on I had to feed her formula. I pumped as much as I could but it would sometimes be 8 hours or so before they even bothered to bring the pump in from one of the other moms. So now my supply issues are even worse then before and its painful as heck to pump again. I only get .25 ounces off each breast so half an ounce ever 2 hours IF I am lucky. I just get so mad when I see how little I am producing that the last two days I have only pumped once or twice... I just feel like absolute crap. I am taking more milk plus by motherlove or something like that. But its not helping... probably cause I am not pumping enough... The formula isn't settling well with her either... and her poops are getting hard... I just dont know what to do...
Can you guys help me out and give me the inspiration to start pumping again... I really want to do it for her but it just makes me sad now... I know that once I got my supply up again I would be more then happy its just right now its so depressing to be hooked up and not get anything...
Can you guys help me out and give me the inspiration to start pumping again... I really want to do it for her but it just makes me sad now... I know that once I got my supply up again I would be more then happy its just right now its so depressing to be hooked up and not get anything...