Need to vent!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2010
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Does anyone else get jealous of friends/family that have just found out their pregnant or have just had babies?! I wanna know it's not just me that's feeling like it!
I really just want it to happen for me for once!! I know that sounds so selfish and of course I'm happy for family/friends etc but I just feel so down inside because I want it myself. :(

Sorry. I just needed to vent.

I used to feel that way ALL the time when I was TTC#1. I was jealous of everyone with a child! I even used to see other women on the TTC forum who had already had children and think 'You don't need to be here, you have lots of children! I haven't even got one!'.

It made me feel like an awful person, but I think a lot of those feelings are natural and you'll find LOADS of women on here who feel the same way.

I know lots of people will say it and it's difficult to believe some times but your time will come. You will have your BFP moment and it will be amazing :flower:
That's exactly how I am atm! My sister has just had her second baby, and I'm so jealous! I love her children to bits, but I just want it to be my turn. Although I know how selfish that sounds!

Sadly, I have had 2 miscarriages, and I'm so scared if I do get pregnant. But I guess that is just natural to feel.

I haven't got any children, but really want it to be our turn.

I understand. I feel the same way! Especially when I see people that are horrible parents and don't deserve to have children... Plus, My sister just had a baby so it is so hard to not be jealous. Also, seems like everyone that i went to high school with is now married and pregnant. Well, im married and being pregnant should be next lol. I've got the baby blues sooo bad. So, don't worry. You are definitely not the only one.

Sending lots of baby dust your way!!:dust::dust:
Awe! Everyone feels like this at some point. I had a breakdown in a restaurant bathroom recently when a friend announced she was pregnant at dinner. They only got married in October. Hang in there. It'll be your turn soon.
Right there with you hun. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a woman on here who HASN'T thought that. :hugs:

How long have you been TTC?
Thank you all, it's so nice to know that I am not the only one. I haven't been TTC very long only a few months, and have now decided that because it was getting strained on our relationship we decided to NTNP now so hopefully it will happen when it's ready. My sister has recently just had her second child too, so I know how you feel. Me and OH are engaged and really want a baby. All my old school/college friends are pregnant or have had babies too so right there with you on that one. All I see are friends baby photos and families etc and I'm just sat there thinking.."I want that".

I know there are so many of you ladies out there who have been TTC or NTNP for a while now, and I know that you must all feel ten times worse then I do, but we all just need to hang in there, and hopefully soon we can all be telling our DH/OH and families our good news instead of being the one that someone else tells the news too.

Baby Dust to all you ladies xx
I feel like that all the time - just the other day at work a lady announced her new granddaughter was due on what should have been my due date (had recently had a m/c) and I had to leave the room i was so upset.
It should have been me announcing my preg so why did she get to and I didn't - its not fair!!

I was bad before m/c but I had a tiny little taste of what it was like and now I am much less tolerant. LIke you all I want it to be me!!!!

And I think EVERYONE ttc has felt like that some of the time (if not most of the time!)

I figure its just natural.
I'm so sorry for you're loss hun, I to have miscarried, twice. It's an awful thing to have to go through so I know how you feel.
I just feel as though, when is it going to be my time. Like I keep saying I don't want that to sound selfish or anything but it's what I feel like. My OH keep's his feelings to himself, like most men do, but I know he really wants a baby as we have spoke about it lots of times. I'm just hoping that nature will take it's course and we will hopefully have something to announce soon! FX'd for us all :) xx
:hugs:for you ladies who had have mc. I can't imagine what that is like.

Like everyone else I've felt the way you have and had the "why not me" moments.

I was so desperate for a baby in 2009 I actually was buying baby clothes before I had even conceived :nope:

But I think the most insensitive thing I've dealt with and am still dealing with is actually from my MIL. If she ever has any of her relatives or friends of my sister in laws with their babies at her house when I visit she is forever trying to thrust the babies into my arms :shock: She really doesn't seem to understand how hurtful it is especially as she knows there are some fertility issues.

I don't think it makes anyone a bad person to desire a child of their own and feel a pang of something (jealousy, loss, pain, whatever) when they see other children and babies

Hopefully a BFP will arrive in 2011 for all whose desire it :dust:
I was so desperate for a baby in 2009 I actually was buying baby clothes before I had even conceived :nope:

Hopefully a BFP will arrive in 2011 for all whose desire it :dust:

There's nothing wrong with buying baby clothes! I have a whole bunch of baby clothes for our future babies. I've bought boy clothes and girl clothes, various sizes, all absolutely adorable! :)
I do feel better I'm not the only one who brought baby things :)
Thank you to you all for being so supportive! I actually didn't expect so much support, I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this. I do hope we all get the BFP that we are looking for :)

Are any of you ladies due AF soon? When are you going to test? Anyone symptom spotting, or just letting it happen?

Af is actually just leaving for me!!! I am soooo excited. I told OH that we should wait until after our vacation in May to start trying again, but I honestly don't believe I can wait. I think we will start trying right away. I have no idea when I ovulate b/c I just got off of the pill in Feb, so this is my first "regular" cycle. I guess that means we will be :sex: every other night... I should be testing somewhere around Easter. Hoping for a New Years baby!!!
Totally with you hon on this one. It seems like everyone around me is having babies just now and I cant help but feel jealous, angry, upset when I see them and sometimes avoid going places so I dont have to be around people with children. Worst thing is my OH has just had a baby with his ex and we are ttc so it just amplifies the situation more cos im so desperate for a baby of my own.
Totally with you hon on this one. It seems like everyone around me is having babies just now and I cant help but feel jealous, angry, upset when I see them and sometimes avoid going places so I dont have to be around people with children. Worst thing is my OH has just had a baby with his ex and we are ttc so it just amplifies the situation more cos im so desperate for a baby of my own.

Hugs for you :hugs: I can't imagine what it must be like to be in your situation with TTC whilst OH has a baby with someone else :hugs:

Keep positive that your time for a BFP will come and fingers crossed 2011 will be your year x
Totally with you hon on this one. It seems like everyone around me is having babies just now and I cant help but feel jealous, angry, upset when I see them and sometimes avoid going places so I dont have to be around people with children. Worst thing is my OH has just had a baby with his ex and we are ttc so it just amplifies the situation more cos im so desperate for a baby of my own.

That's exactly how I feel. Although my sister has just had her second child so it's a bit hard to not be around babies :(
I can't imagine what that is like hun, Sorry to hear that though, it must be hard. If my OH had a baby with his ex I wouldn't know how to feel. :(

Hoping for all our BFP's soon :) xxx
Af is actually just leaving for me!!! I am soooo excited. I told OH that we should wait until after our vacation in May to start trying again, but I honestly don't believe I can wait. I think we will start trying right away. I have no idea when I ovulate b/c I just got off of the pill in Feb, so this is my first "regular" cycle. I guess that means we will be :sex: every other night... I should be testing somewhere around Easter. Hoping for a New Years baby!!!

Lol I would be like that too though! I'm so impatient, I'm hoping this month (being first month off the pill), that it will happen, but I know it won't just happen like that so I need to stop getting my hopes so high :(

Me and my OH have been :sex: virtually every night this week and I only have a 24 day cycle (well on my BCP I did) so hopefully around now I should ovulate...thats if my body is one of those that gets back into a routine quickly..

So excited for you though :) Fingers crossed for you! <3 baby :dust: to you :) xx
Totally with you hon on this one. It seems like everyone around me is having babies just now and I cant help but feel jealous, angry, upset when I see them and sometimes avoid going places so I dont have to be around people with children. Worst thing is my OH has just had a baby with his ex and we are ttc so it just amplifies the situation more cos im so desperate for a baby of my own.

Wow, I wouldn't be able to handle that. My FH was married before we got together and I was in a long-term-committed-relationship (7 yrs) and I'm so happy neither of us had children with our ex's because I honestly don't think I could handle it....especially if things were so close together that his ex had just had a baby with him and he was now already TTC with me. He had been divorced for several years before we met and I had been single for about two so we really had the chance to start fresh without any extra baggage to carry around.

Best wishes to you for a :baby: I hope things work out for you! :flower:
i know how you feel. After trying so hard for over a year to have a baby, i finally decided to give up, the same day i told DF that i gave up his younger brother and his GF come over to announce they are expecting!! they brought ultrasound pics and all! needless to say i have a major break down afer they left!! we just recently started TTC again in jan. So hopng for a christmas baby, but i know its a lost cause!

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