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New and TTC


Sep 9, 2010
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Hi, my partner and I are TTC but at 37 I'm worrying that I've left it too late. I never realised there was so much to it! This is only our second month of trying but this month I used a digital OPK. I got a positive result on Friday morning and we've BD Fri/Sat and Sun. I'm hoping this has caught my most fertile time!
All my friends have kids and managed to concieve with no problems that I know of. I can't help thinking that we can't all have it easy and that I'm going to be the unlucky one who has problems!!
Hi, my partner and I are TTC but at 37 I'm worrying that I've left it too late. I never realised there was so much to it! This is only our second month of trying but this month I used a digital OPK. I got a positive result on Friday morning and we've BD Fri/Sat and Sun. I'm hoping this has caught my most fertile time!
All my friends have kids and managed to concieve with no problems that I know of. I can't help thinking that we can't all have it easy and that I'm going to be the unlucky one who has problems!!

Hi Sal,

I'm 35 and I feel like I AM the unlucky one that has all the problems!
Welcome to the forum Sal73 :hi:

I am 36 and ttc my first. I like you worry that I've left it too late. We have been ttc 'actively' for around 7 months now but had a year of using no protection and just 'seeing if anything happened' prior to that. We are giving it until the New Year and will visit docs if nothing has happened by then.

I am like you too in that all my friends seem to conceive with no trouble (although a lot of them were much younger than I am when they ttc). I worry that, as the statistics are something like 1 in 7 couples will have problems, surely one of my circle of friends will and I worry that's me :cry:

I just wanted to throw in a little something about "friends who conceive with no trouble". I am one of those "friends" - pregnant and all my friends and family think that we had no trouble and were lucky and it was easy for us etc. That's because I have never told any of them that this is my 4th pregnancy and have had 3 MCs before now while TTC.
Just thought I'd let you know, because a lot of poeple have a lot of trouble but don't breathe a word of it to anyone, so I hope you don't feel alone! because it's likely that some of your friends had trouble they never talked about.

Good luck!!
Welcome to the forum! I'm 37 also ttc our first! I hope you get your bfp quickly!
Just wanted to add that when i first got pg i was a few months shy of my 38th birthday and again 7 months later at 38 1/2. Sadly i miscarried both due most likely to having an undiagnosed under active thyroid. However, id give my right arm to be 37 again. To me it sounds the same as 27, lol! Honest :)

Its not all doom and gloom over 35. Granted the press and some docs fuel this fear but look at how many people around us conceive past 35 with no problems so don't always assume the worst. To me you're at the perfect age and i wish you all the luck in the world!!

All the best, 40 yo Omi :) xxx
^ :Hugs: Sorry to hear that. Next month is a new opportunity. Of course I would like a BFP this month, but next month I get my HSG and I get to see if my hypoT medicine is helping me. I'll also be on a stricter course of supplements. So next month would be better for me health-wise, I guess. So in a way, I'm trying to optimistically look forward to my AF so that I can start with a healthier me in November.
Fingers crossed for you for a BFP this month! How long til AF due?
^ Me? It should be here Nov. 4/5--next Wednesday/Thursday. :)
I'm due in two days but I don't feel pregnant, my guess I will get AF again. I'm trying to be casual about everything, but find myself reading more and more things on line. I hope I don't become obsessed.
I won't do anything but waste a couple of hpt's each month. LOL.
Help, I'm confused! I thought AF had arrived on Friday but it turned out to be hardly anything. I've been cramping as if I'm about to get it (it was due Fri or Sat) but nothing since apart from a bit of light brown discharge TMI
This morning I went out and got a digi CB which came out Not Pregnant. The cramping seems to have stopped and still no sign of AF. What now??
Hi, my partner and I are TTC but at 37 I'm worrying that I've left it too late. I never realised there was so much to it! This is only our second month of trying but this month I used a digital OPK. I got a positive result on Friday morning and we've BD Fri/Sat and Sun. I'm hoping this has caught my most fertile time!
All my friends have kids and managed to concieve with no problems that I know of. I can't help thinking that we can't all have it easy and that I'm going to be the unlucky one who has problems!!

Hello:hi: im new too and just started TTC, im 36.

I didnt realise either, im not going to buy lots of stuff just practice loads and cross my fingers:winkwink:

Lets hope we both get a BFP soon:hugs:
Help, I'm confused! I thought AF had arrived on Friday but it turned out to be hardly anything. I've been cramping as if I'm about to get it (it was due Fri or Sat) but nothing since apart from a bit of light brown discharge TMI
This morning I went out and got a digi CB which came out Not Pregnant. The cramping seems to have stopped and still no sign of AF. What now??

Sometimes i get just a small AF which is brown rather than red, in dont know why either, but happens on occasion x

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