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DH, DD 3 1/2 yrs.
Jun 16, 2010
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Hi there. Good to find SOMEPLACE where I can (hopefully) find support. Because this "secondary infertility" stuff feels like it's for the birds. And nobody gets it either. This is what I hear "But you should be glad you have one!" or I hear "you don't have a fertility problem, you have a child!".

Well, something is not working right.

We had our DD back in the fall of 2006. We decided to get off of BC pills and waited 3 months to try for a baby. It took no time at all before we were pregnant. I want to say 2 months? No tests, no blood work, no waiting. Just got pregnant from lots of sex. I never read one bit of info on how to best make it happen. It just happened. And she was born healthy and it was awesome. Though the newborn phase didn't sit well with my PPD. :wacko: After that we thought we should space out our kids (always wanted to have 2 kids). We thought 3 or 4 years apart would be nice. So we got back on the BC pill. How I regret not just trying to start the process again then. If only. I know we aren't supposed to say "if". But I definitely feel guilty. Is that normal?

My 3 year old nephew was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor when DD was 1. We were very close with him. When his death was imminent, DH and I decided we DID want to go ahead and try for #2. So we ditched the BC pills. DD was 18 months then. But we never actually tried. Just sort of casually had sex here and there. 3 weeks before my dear nephew died, I believe I had a "chemical pregnancy" - positive tests, but then a several week late period. I hadn't even called my OB because we were dealing with the whole huge tragedy of my nephew. I believe that was my first miscarriage.

After he died I was in tremendous grief. We decided it was not a good time to get pregnant because of the horrible emotions. I didn't get back on the pill, but I charted my period start dates and end dates and we had sex around those times. And then - SURPRISE! I got pregnant 3 months after he died. DD was 2 weeks short of being 2 years old when I discovered the pregnancy. We had not been trying and it was such a surprise. So much so that I cursed when I saw the positive result on the test. Again, I feel so much guilt for doing this. Can't you hear my tears fall against the keyboard as you read this? (they are falling)

We announced to all my family at DD's 2 year old Bday party that we were expecting #2. We were 8 weeks along. I was sick, just as I was when I was pregnant with DD, so I thought that was a good sign. We have the big announcement on video. I wish we didn't. We had accepted the "accidental pregnancy" and had fallen in love with our little baby-to-be.

One week later I went to the OB for the first ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was all chatty but then said nothing mid-ultrasound. I knew it meant something was very wrong. It was. It was an empty sac. The baby had stopped developing early on and my body was going to miscarry soon. There had been a little spotting so I wasn't entirely surprised. But I was utterly heart broken.

After a D&C we waited a while to TTC. It was too painful to think about. 6 months later we began TTCing. For two months, we had sex every other day. And nothing. Then we had some stressful things happen - a job change, a move to another city, buying a home, etc. So we put off TTC for 5 months. My third regret. Why oh why didn't we just TRY.

Which brings us to the present day. I have now been TTC for 5 months. And got my AF yesterday for the 5th time. For the first time ever, I used OPK's this time and I suspected that my Luteal Phase was short. Like 8-10 days. So I went to my OB. He did bloodwork and everything was normal. He had me start charting my BBT.

Sure enough, the luteal phase was short.

So he tried me on a low dose of clomid, then had me come in 7 days after Ovulation to test projesterone. Said it was also normal. But still had the short Luteal phase. Last cycle he put me on progesterone 2 days post ovulation. And I finally had luteal phase 12 days long. BUT, the medicine made my arms, legs, feet & hands constantly feel numb - a pins and needles feeling. Ugh. And I got AF, so id didn't work.

We also found out that DH has a vericocele. Which can cause infertility too. He is getting a sperm count from a Urologist on July 21st. Why it takes SO LONG to get an appointment is beyond me. I hate waiting on appointments. Sometimes I want to call the doctors themselves and scream "we are talking about making a human life here! Make room for us on your schedule!"

The desperation is growing. DD is now 3 1/2. Everyone an their mother has asked me when we are having another. The asking has finally come to a stand still. I think there is a general assumption that something is wrong. Which feels awful.

I also feel awful for DD. She wants a "girl baby" so bad. She doesn't understand why EVERY ONE of her friends has a brother or sister. I dont' understand either. It seems like such a piece of cake to get pregnant for every one else. And it was for me too. Though I had to experience loss, we do have our one beautiful child. And I feel guilty too that she isn't "enough" for us. I also feel guilty that if we do get pregnant, they will be so far apart in age, they will never be playmates. :(

This is definitely one of the hardest things I've gone through in life. And having a miscarriage under my belt (and possibly 2) makes it worse because every time I get my period it's like a mini-miscarriage. I have a niece who would is 2 months younger than my miscarried baby would have been. It hurts to see her. It hurts when my DD prays every night for a "new baby". When she asks me when we will get one. It hurts when I keep seeing friends get pregnant, over and over again.

So... I know that was long, but I hope some of you understand. I would also appreciate advice. When should we start seeing a fertility doc? I've had 2 cycles taking Clomid, one of them taking progestrone too. Still have only seen my OB. Suggestions?
Hey hun, I think i am in a really similar situation to you. I have a son, he's nearly 4 and we have been trying for 14 months. I also had PPD (or PND as it's called over here) and had a MC in April so I can understand a lot of what you have been through.

The forums here are a great support and help - so much so that members on here diagnosed my PCOS about 3 months before my doctor did! If you find on the secondary infertility bit that youre not getting much response, try posting in the main LTTTC forums. I find I get a lot more responses that way.

Best of luck to you, I am on most days if you ever want to chat! xxx
Oh wow! That IS really similar to me! And I thought I was the only one! I'm so sorry for what you are going through, as I know it too! :cry:

I will try posting in the forum you suggested. I just don't want to offend people who are trying for their first because I can't imagine not having the one I have and going through this. Though I think secondary infertility is a special hurt of it's own nature.

It looks like you are on your third clomid treatment? Me too! Best of luck to you!
pmsl -we really are similar! Where are you in your cycle? I am only day 7 but I think i am likely to ovulate early again. I know what you mean about sensitivities to others who are trying for your first - I did worry that i wouldn't be welcome but most of the secondary infertility gals just go on the main LTTTC boards as there is just a bigger community. I took nearly 3 years to catch with my son though so I can understand their pain but actually it feels almost harder this time round because you are aware so much more of what you are missing out on. Plus I had issues with Harry's birth - he turned breech at the last minute and I had to have a c-sec under general anaesthetic so I missed his birth. He was nearly an hour old when I met him. I think that was a major factor in the PND to be honest. So there are a lot of wrongs that need to be righted.
Hey I am (or soon will be) in a similar situation too - I 'fell' pregnant the first month of trying with my son. I always said I only wanted 1 child - but by the time he got to 2 and a half, I decided I wanted another one really badly! We have been trying for the best part of a year (and have not used any contraception at all since he was born) and have had no luck at all - no bfps. I also agree that this is a special type of pain - because you know exactly what you are missing - you have that amazing love for your child and it hurts so much that you can't experience that again :cry:

I have had day 21 bloods done and apparently they are fine, but I have always had exceptionally painful, heavy periods and now I have pain for a few days before my period starts and for a few days round ovulation. Going to my GP soon to see if I have any chance of getting a lap and dye on the NHS when I already have a kid - I am convinced I have endometriosis.

We keep getting the 'oh when are you going to have another?' all the time now and we just tell them the truth. People assume if you got pregnant during your honeymoon, then you can just put another in the oven just like that. Starting to wish I had never told anyone at work that we were trying now! Plus all the mums I met when I had my son have all had another baby (all the first month or two of ttc) ](*,)
Hi really sorry you are feeling so down, i understand why. I have a 10 yr old DD who i adore and always get told that i should be grateful, which i am but always wanted a bro or sis for her. I got married 3 yrs ago and me and DH started ttc straight away, i knew i had problems as had irregular periods and never been on bcp since before i fell preg with DD, Me and DH really had to push the docs to do anything we had all the tests which shown no ov and eventually given 4 months of clomid with no joy and 3 yrs later i am no further on and im due to have ovarian drilling nxt fri, after that we are at the end of the road, we are not entitled to ivf on NHS and cant afford to go private. It took so long to get this far as where we are the appointments for fs are average 6 months at a time.I am completely gutted about this and to be honest i dont know how pos i am about the OD as i so cant imagine getting a BFP ever!! My advice would be to get the ball rolling sooner rather than later, it cant hurt. I waited to long really and feel bad that my DD never had a sibling to play with. I wish you good luck and fx you will get that BFP very soon xxxx:hugs:

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