I live in the north of the UK so it's still illegal, although lots of people use it. It's actually getting worse, can't let my boys out in the back garden at all now, and when I went out yesterday to put the washing out it tried to get at me over the fence, was terrified😳 allegedly the landlord has "had a word" but the only solution is for the dog to not be here. It's obviously been trained as a guard dog, and isn't a fan of strangers, but I can't live like this, constantly on edge, it's awful. My dog was in our garden last night and all of a sudden it kicked off as the pit bull was suddenly At the fence, so I ran out to grab my dog and found myself face to face with it over the fence, and I've never been so scared. The neighbour came out to grab it and mumbled he was sorry, but it's just getting worse. The smoke alarms were going off again last night and all I could smell was cannabis. If I'd had any doubt they were potheads, when I saw the neighbours girlfriend come out and sit on the walk, totally "pulling a whitey" then that was gone! It's horrid, and I'm worrying that all the stress is affecting the baby, as it's definitely affecting me 😔