New to the board - We are NTNP


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Dec 27, 2010
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I stopped birth control in September and are hoping this month is the month! Out of the 4 months, one didn't have much chances because of the BC still possibly having an effect, one we just didn't get pregnant and one we didn't really DTD close to ovulation. December is the 4th month and I'm in 2WW right now. Should have ovulated around December 25th.

How long have people taken to get pregnant with this relaxed method? How many people try this and end up trying a more active approach because it just isn't working?

Candice, mom to Nora (3.5 years), wife to Ahmed
Hey, and welcome :kiss:

We're also ntnp but in all honesty.. i think i am actually secretly ttc lol

In reality I think it tends to take a while to conceive doing this as prob not enough bding

Lots of babydust and enjoy B&B :dust:
Hi both. my husband and I are young 'uns at 23 and almost 24 ( thats me). We are looking to ttc very soon (about six months but trying to convince other half sooner is better :p ). At the mo I reckon we are NTNP since we use pull and pray method... and no protection just one week before period.

Soooo... Just wanted to introduce myself! I have been exciting myself silly with reading up on pre-ttc and bought some pregnacare tablets for both of us. Mum thought it was odd i bought some for my husband LOL. has anyone had this response before?? When are you both deciding to ttc.

Also I am soooo jealous of a friend who's just fallen pregnant accidently! :D wish it was meee! does any one feel this way towards pregnant ladies ! Lol. I feel rediculous!
TattooedMamma: I am always keeping track of which day I'm at in the cycle and for sure, I make a bit more effort to do the deed when I know it could be ovulation time and a bit less when it's super unlikely. *blush*, poor hubby.

Cherryness: I'm 24 myself! I got pregnant with my daughter at 19 (had her at 20) and it just happened all by itself. We were not trying officially, it was just the wrong time and we had nothing that was our's, but we wanted to get pregnant deep down and by not being careful with my birth control, it just happened. So far this time it has been 4 months without birth control and no pregnancy. But I guess the number of times doing the BD that could have made me pregnant was not high!

I need to get myself some vitamins... I think I might go to the pharmacy tomorrow! I don't know when we will officially try major methods of TTC. Haven't thought about it yet - I guess I just figure this will do the trick. If it hasn't happened in a few months, I might feel differently.

It's totally normal to wish it was you when you see your pregnant friend! You want to be pregnant afterall! I have a bit of a feeling like that when I see pregnant women but of course I try to keep it to a minimum. It's never fun to feel envious. But it's normal for that thought to pass in your mind!
hi, would just like to introduce myself, i am 27 with 4 gorgeous children, we are ntnp and just taking it easy and seeing what happens. (hopefully a baby!) my oh is not so sure. Hope to chat to you ladies soon x x x
Hi all. Some exciting news. We have officially started TTC #1. So we'll see if it happens :) After a heart to heart we decided to try now rather than leave it since it could take a while to concieve anyways or... ( I hope) we conceive immediately lol. So I'll be moving over to the TTC boards!!! Last month NTNP resulted in period being late by 3 days randomly (period started on 4th Jan instead of1st of Jan).... so I guess I'll be checking to see when I ovulate this month. I have a funny feeling I ovulated late last month hence late period.

Cherryness x
Congrats cherryness! That's great news! What methods will you be using? General low maintenance or full on charting?
Im gonna try temp chart and the opk strips... but scared incase I get myself all stressed and it makes it harder to conceive since iv heard stress can make it hard to conceive. We'll see... :) thanks loads. Im super excited. What makes it difficult is my cycles seem to be erratic... mostly 31 days long but sometimes 33 or 34 days if i stress myself out or convince myself im pregnant (as I have convinced myself in past pregnancy scares lol). Damn psychology.
Hi and welcome to the boards :howdy:

Lots of baby dust to you :)
cherryness: I started temping a couple days ago and I'll see how it works out. I'm trying to make it stress-free and more of a tool to figure out if I'm ovulating when I should, as well as a "try" for what might be part of my birth control strategy *after* next child. Birth control is a long ways away since I don't know when I'm going to be pregnant and I will be pregnant for 9 months after, but imagining that I will get pregnant kinda soon either way allows me to stay relaxed and positive about it!

Try to do the same - most people don't have that much problem conceiving so likely it will happen by itself if you are BD regularly!

Barbiejet: Thanks!
candice thanks for your reply! I have started temping and opk strip testing so I 'think' I will try and take a relaxed approach sort of - I ovulate roughly around the same time I think ... give or take 3 or 4 days.... but i'll still be sooo nervous at first time testing time. :D

Thanks for the welcome too lol! x
I think I finally belong here...:blush:

OH and I have been together nearly 5 years, and bought a house in 2009. We have been 'relaxed' about BC for a little while, but decided that it seems silly trying to avoid it now we are in a stable situation. I'm 23 and my OH is 25 in Feb. I've been told by my GP I should start TTC 'sooner rather than later' anyway so we have decided to take the plunge and start NTNP!:happydance:

Yay, now I don;t feel like a crazy broody woman skulking around Mothercare pretending to browse for a 'gift for a pregnant friend'...:blush:
bebedee: Congrats on newly NTNP! What was your "method" while you were off the pill? Were you tracking your cycles? I'm thinking of making this my b/c strategy (using condoms and spermicide only during fertile times) after upcoming baby. It's weird to think of birth control when TTC, but fertility awareness is so new to me and the feeling that I don't want to ever return on the pill is also new for me at this point!

I also find your GP's advice interesting. While I agree, it's not the typical advice, is it? I guess I imagine that typically they refrain from their personal opinions even if they do make medical sense when it comes to something like having children.

What are others' experiences on this??
Hey! We used this method. I had been on the contraceptive injection for 5 years and then turned to the pill for a couple of months before ntnp! It was about 5 months before I fell pregnant. It was only 2 of those months that I felt had a 'chance'- we dtd several times around ovulation but I didn't fall pregnant. The month I DID fall pregnant it was a complete shock- oh had been away around ovulation and we had only DTD on day 7 and day 22+. Just proves the 'fertile period' could be a lot wider than we think!
bebedee: Congrats on newly NTNP! What was your "method" while you were off the pill? Were you tracking your cycles? I'm thinking of making this my b/c strategy (using condoms and spermicide only during fertile times) after upcoming baby. It's weird to think of birth control when TTC, but fertility awareness is so new to me and the feeling that I don't want to ever return on the pill is also new for me at this point!

I also find your GP's advice interesting. While I agree, it's not the typical advice, is it? I guess I imagine that typically they refrain from their personal opinions even if they do make medical sense when it comes to something like having children.

What are others' experiences on this??

Hi Candice :hi:
I have been charting since June, and my cycles are typically around 63 days lol (although they vary A LOT). :dohh: I don't always ovulate either - I have a hormone imbalance, hence the GP advice, as I guess I only have 'half the normal chance' already due to the fact I only have between 4 and 8 cycles per year. We started with condoms when I first came off the pill, but more recently just been using fertility awareness method.

I actually changed GPs before coming off the pill, as my old one was terrible with anything to do with my cycles. Her advice was basically, don't do anything to help them settle down, just accept they are messed up and stay on the pill so I don't get pregnant! My new one is much better :thumbup:

I am interested as to others' experience of this too, it's a pain, you go to a GP for help...?!
bebedee: I'm glad you found a GP who was a bit more open and supportive. I can understand the situation a bit more now that you describe it.

The health care is difficult here so lots of people don't actually have a family doctor and lots who do have trouble getting in touch with them (like me). I have to make appointments months in advance for my yearly exam and if I get pregnant, I'd get a regular check-up but other than that, I wait in the "no appointments" lines because it's not possible to get an appointment for most reasons. So even to get birth control prescribed, I have to be off work or take a half-day off and might not be seen until 7 hours after I get a number. Can be less on a good day but you're guaranteed a good 3 hours wait. Let's just say I don't go there often!
Oh Candice that sounds like such a pain!! It's similar to my practise, we have to call on the day and hope there is a free space available - you can't really book appointments because they are too far in advance. So then you have no notice for work, grrr :dohh:

GOOD LUCK to all those newly NTNP, hopefully there will be a nice :bfp: surprise for us all in 2011 :thumbup:

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