i really hope you get your darker line as it sure sounds to me from reading your symptoms that you are preg but our bodies can play cruel tricks on us but i did deff see a line.
I'm so shocked, I was sure it would be obv. positive by now! Crossing my fingers that it gets darker for you.
BFN for me this morning, I'm starting to lose hope for this cycle... I just ordered some IC tests on eBay yesterday, guess that shows you my feelings about this right now, lol. Thank goodness for the cheapies, otherwise my $17/month testing habit would be a $500/month habit!
Whatever happens, I'm secure in the knowledge that if I'm not PG this month, there was nothing more I could do. I mean, nothing. We BD'd every day before, during, and after ovulation, we used Pre-seed, I stayed in bed after we DTD... we did it alllllll. So if AF comes I won't be left saying "If only we had --", IYKWIM? I'll just figure that for whatever reason, it just wasn't my month. And then I'll drink like a fish on my birthday!
I'd kinda got my hopes up too that the line would have been a whole lot darker this morning, but really, looking at it, I'm not even 48 hours past implantation if I go off that little bleed the other day.
And there's the fact that I've not been using very sensitive tests, and that my fmu wasn't very concentrated either ... so there's always tomorrow, wednesday and thursday to try and stay hopeful for
It really does sound like you've done everything you possibly could to help get a bfp this month, I really hope it's just taking a while for the hcg to build up for you hun, would love it if we could move to first tri together
Ugggghhhh, can't stand not knowing anymore!!! AF is due really soon, but absolutely no signs of the witch, no cramping or anything, even though I ALWAYS get cramps beforehand. Just tender breasts for me. I swear I feel PG but I don't want to go out and say it because I don't want to look like a fool if AF comes tomorrow, IYKWIM???? I have taken a cheapie test this afternoon but these tests -- which I've since tossed -- are terrible at giving out evaps that look like faint BFPs, and I got so tired of trying to figure them out!
Eff you, TWW! The suspense is killing me!!!!!!
So, I'm a little loopy this afternoon. How are you doing, Emmy?
emmy how u feeling today!!!! Im still waiting for u girlies to join me in first tri im classing this as a lucky thread lol since it was the first one i joined on b&b after 2 years of desperatly wanting to be pg!!!! Gl ooooh i do hope that nasty nasty which stays away 4 u !! xxx
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