That sounds so good for you, Emmy! I'm waiting for your BFP with baited breath!
Okay, so you want to hear good news on top of good news (sarcasm heavily loaded here)? My birthday is in two days. DH wasn't scheduled to work, and we'd planned to spend the whole day together -- I also had an app't scheduled that afternoon with a doctor, so DH was going to watch DS for me. Anyway, apparently a week ago DH forgot what day my birthday was and scheduled himself to fill in for a coworker at work on my effing birthday! He'll be gone all day, I have to cancel my appointment, and I'll be alone with DS instead of celebrating. Oh, and DH works Friday through Sunday, too, so I can't celebrate then, either. And we don't even need the extra cash.
I'm just waffling between sad and angry at DH. I can't believe I'm going to be all alone on my 25th birthday. Oh, and most likely bleeeeeeeeding, too.
is there anyone else you can call to mind your son while you're at your appointment? I hope whenever you do get to celebrate your birthday you get to celebrate it with a bang. And I think the extra money should be spent on a treat for you
Aw, it'll be okay. I'm making DH plan a secret romantic night for us, with no input or help from me whatsoever. I'm going to force him to a be a romantic for once, even if it kills him!
I feel better after complaining to my mom on the phone for 45 minutes. She was much more upset than I was, even; I think she wanted to fly down here and beat him for me. Lol, guess that's what moms are for!
Just checked my cm for the first time today and it's got ever so slightly darker, pinky / brown and there was a teeny tiny clot in there, so I think af might be on her way.
It's a bit saddening to think I won't be getting a bfp this month, but, I have to admit I am very excited at the thought of another visit from the and I'm really looking forward to trying next cycle.
I still want that bfp before Christmas, and that's what I'm going to aim for
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