New User 12dpo HELP


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Dec 8, 2012
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So i've had a few pregnancy scares in my life but not as weird as this. What tipped me off was waking up yesterday (supposedly 11dpo) in wet pants. I knew it wasn't pee, because, well I mean come on, i'm not slow, plus I woke up because I've been having restless nights. I didn't notice the wetness til about 5mins because it was already absorbed into my pants. So while I was sleeping I had excessive cm! I didn't make sense! It resembled what happens after I have sex with my bf, but about 3times more!

I looked at the calender & saw AF is due soon. On the 10th. Then I started looking into it more, and noticed that yesterday was within the time frame of implantation, and I was wondering if all that excess cm, was because of it. I've never in my life had that happen to me, and ever since the 25th I haven't been feeling well. At first I felt like I had a cold, and that's why i've been so tired but idk. I had ewcm on the 24th & immediately after it started me & my bf bded & we did again later on at night the next day.

I've been having back pain, and hip/pelvic pain, and twinges, and cramps and, idk what's going on. All these feelings are very new to me. Oh and my breat have been more sore than ever before. I've been very moody too and so have my bf, and our appetite and sex drive goes down alot than shoots back up randomly.

Have any of you had the symptoms like these and ended up pregant? Should I test tomorrow, or wait?

I'm anxious, because it was not planned, we figured God didn't want us to have a baby yet & been let down this whole year wondering why conceiving isn't as easy as we were all raised to believed. We both feel.that if it happens then it happens.
You could test tomorrow with an early test. It sounds like you may be, but then again I have had many of those symptoms and nothing has happened too. Try and not panic and just go with the flow.... I am trying to do that myself!! Best wishes!! <3
Hey there! I haven't experienced those symtoms myself, however I know they do sound like typical pregnancy symptoms! Especially in the time frame you're talking about, and since you BD right at ovulation. Did you take a test this morning? I'd say you could already! GL!
Yesterday I begain bleeding, but it's not as heavy as my period & there's no cm in it (like normally). It's just blood. For safety reasons i'm wearing a pad for now, and there is narrly amything on my pad. It's weird. My period has a distinctive smell, but this bleeding doesn't.
I've read that implantation bleeding occurs when the.egg is towards the end of implantation, and that it can also cause a blood vessel to rupture, and even cause fresh blood to come out.
I also came across informantion on "hormonal bleeding"which is when a woman has bleeding in her early pregnancy around the time of her usual period, because of the pregnancy hormone not being that strong.

Normally I would just say "i'm out, here's AF", but things just feel.different. My immune system has even went down (suppressed for implantation & fetal growth?) I let a lip piercing close up in July, yet it is infected. It started on the 7th (the swelling), and got worse yesterday, & now I have a swollen lymph node on the same side under my jawline.

I've had the stuffy nose and cough and scratchy throat in the past week or so, so idk wth is going on. :/

If I somehow implanted late or something (read implantation can take 14dpo), when should I test then???

Thank you guys so much for answering! Baby dust & sticky vibes to all! <3
I got my bfp 2 days after after ib I thought it was 5 but looked back on all my notes today and it was 2 so I would test in a day or so if the bleeding doesn't get heavier. Good luck
I got my bfp 2 days after after ib I thought it was 5 but looked back on all my notes today and it was 2 so I would test in a day or so if the bleeding doesn't get heavier. Good luck

Thanks! I took a test in mid day and it was a :bfn: . I think i should wait to test again. I think I really am pregnant! I also think i'm pretty far along. It's weird, because I swear I feel Braxton Hicks! At random moments I feel this tightness and pulling in my stomach and lower back. I also feel pulling feelings in my pelvic and hips. I also feel a burning and itching sensation in my in my stomach and pelvic area. I feel random flutters too. My stomach is quite hard and protruding!

How was your IB? Mines was fresh blood and it lasted for 3 1/2 days and the 1/2 day was soooo much lighter.

I decided to go to the ER and make sure things are ok. I don't care if I have to wait hours. I need to know what's going on! Oh and FYI I'm a bit overweight, so If I did have a baby in there it could easily hide!

I didn't start noticing a lot of this until I was a lot less stressed. I also gained 5lbs this week, and I really haven't been eating much due to nausea, and lack of appetite!

Wish me luck at the ER today!
Wow that is crazy!! I could not imagine not knowing I was pregnant I watch that I didn't know I was pregnant show all the time (it's a great show lol)
Good luck at the er hopefully you can get some answers. A friend of mine didn't get a positive on a test till she was 21 weeks so its possible! I will be stalking to hear what happened.
Wow that is crazy!! I could not imagine not knowing I was pregnant I watch that I didn't know I was pregnantshow all the time (it's a great show lol)
Good luck at the er hopefully you can get some answers. A friend of mine didn't get a positive on a test till she was 21 weeks so its possible! I will be stalking to hear what happened.

That's why I'm not trusting the test! I haven't been to the doctorss in awhile, so anything could be wrong. I really like I could be about 4months along. It's weird because as soon as I was more relaxed because I did great at two job interviews my immune system went down & i had the watery cm and lip piercing infection & lymph node! My last interview was on the 4th & I had to watery cm on the 6th! Then I got the infection litterally over night on the 7th then the swollen lymph node overnight the next day (the 8th! Then the next day I got the swollen gums (the 9th over night too! And now I'm bloated and it's not going away at all, and my stomach is slighty hard! It was almost like "yay mommy's not stressed anymore, now I can show myself!" I feel that I may.have gotten pregnant in late aug. but because I was stressing about money and stuff I wasn't aware of things. I don't know...This seems like a stretch in words, but we'll see. Thanks for the support! I will be going to the ER in a few hours, so I will update you!
Are you sure the test was BFN? Could you post a pic? Also have you ever heard of hook effect? Could be what's going on!
Are you sure the test was BFN? Could you post a pic? Also have you ever heard of hook effect? Could be what's going on!

Yeah it was. I took another earlier and is was BFN....I threw them away so I can't post a pic. I never heard of it ima look it up now!
Some lady diluted her pee with water. Weird....
I decided to go to planned parenthood tomorrow instead.
My boyfriend came in our room and said that my stomach was huge. Like a pregnant womans stomach. I'm so worried. I really don't know what to do!
I saw a lot of women would go to get a private u/s. Someone said they paid $40. I'm going to look into that!
Some lady diluted her pee with water. Weird....
I decided to go to planned parenthood tomorrow instead.
My boyfriend came in our room and said that my stomach was huge. Like a pregnant womans stomach. I'm so worried. I really don't know what to do!
I saw a lot of women would go to get a private u/s. Someone said they paid $40. I'm going to look into that!

You may be bloated! I know when I was pregnant with one of my monkey's I was so bloated someone thought I was 6 months when I was just 8 weeks LOL
Some lady diluted her pee with water. Weird....
I decided to go to planned parenthood tomorrow instead.
My boyfriend came in our room and said that my stomach was huge. Like a pregnant womans stomach. I'm so worried. I really don't know what to do!
I saw a lot of women would go to get a private u/s. Someone said they paid $40. I'm going to look into that!

You may be bloated! I know when I was pregnant with one of my monkey's I was so bloated someone thought I was 6 months when I was just 8 weeks LOL

Lol yeah okay, if i am preggers it would be great to not be too far along into it! Thanks. So 1-2months like I originally thought is very possible! (had a weird period in november too) Thank you! I felt that with the bloating being bigger than usual, that it could mean i'm possibly further along!

Thank you so much for responding!
Yeah, after you reach a certain point in your pregnancy you have so much of the hormone that it stops showing up on pregnancy tests unless your urine is really diluted! Weird, huh? Hope you get some answers soon. Good luck tomorrow!
Decided to just make an appointment with an OB/GYN soon, instead of wasting trips to place that won't help me. As I do research I see ER's do nada really. And as far as pph goes, im not sure how much they can help me if i'm getting bfn...

I've wrote down my menstrual cycle ever since March, and here it is.

Mar-Apr -35
Apr-May -24
May-Jun -31
Jun-Jul -27
Jul-Aug -31
Aug-Sep -29
Sep-Oct -28
Oct-Nov -33
Nov-Dec -28

Notice the trend? They alternate! I read online that a menstrual cycle that alternates in lengths is a sign of hormonal imbalance!

More symptoms are as follows:

-Cycle less than 24 or more than 32.
-Pain & cramping during period.
-Scanty or heavy blood flow.
-Breast pain & swelling before or during period.
-Irritable & depressed swelling before or during period.
-Facial hair growth.
-Hair loss or thinning.

Decidual (hormonal) bleeding is caused by hormonal imbalance, and can causr false negatives in tests!

It all connects!

Now i'm more concerned. Me & my boyfriend has unprotected sex alot, so there's no telling when I got pregnant...
Decided to just make an appointment with an OB/GYN soon, instead of wasting trips to place that won't help me. As I do research I see ER's do nada really. And as far as pph goes, im not sure how much they can help me if i'm getting bfn...

I've wrote down my menstrual cycle ever since March, and here it is.

Mar-Apr -35
Apr-May -24
May-Jun -31
Jun-Jul -27
Jul-Aug -31
Aug-Sep -29
Sep-Oct -28
Oct-Nov -33
Nov-Dec -28

Notice the trend? They alternate! I read online that a menstrual cycle that alternates in lengths is a sign of hormonal imbalance!

More symptoms are as follows:

-Cycle less than 24 or more than 32.
-Pain & cramping during period.
-Scanty or heavy blood flow.
-Breast pain & swelling before or during period.
-Irritable & depressed swelling before or during period.
-Facial hair growth.
-Hair loss or thinning.

Decidual (hormonal) bleeding is caused by hormonal imbalance, and can causr false negatives in tests!

It all connects!

Now i'm more concerned. Me & my boyfriend has unprotected sex alot, so there's no telling when I got pregnant...

Well i am glad you are going. Best to see one so you know what is going on!! GL my dear!!
Well good luck with it all I hope the appointment goes well! Will be looking for an update! This all could very well be to do with a hormone imbalance ment that is making you feel all these things. I have quite a severe imbalancement I constantly have Preggo symptoms it sucks lol. I even get Preggo symptoms when I ovulate (which is very rare!)
Well I went to the ER today, because I was tired of the pain and discomfort, and they said I have bacterial vaginosis.

Bur what about my lip ring infection and swollen gums? What about my cold & flu like symptoms? What about the constant stabbing pains in my pelvic area? What about my round ligament pain and continuous backache?

They never really told me if I was pregnant or not. They just gave me a prescription for antibiotics...

Well I guess that's it.

I guess I will just take the antibotics and pray to God that if I am pregnant for some odds reason, that I don't misscarry...

Thank you all for your support it means a lot!
Baby dust to all!!
Well I went to the ER today, because I was tired of the pain and discomfort, and they said I have bacterial vaginosis.

Bur what about my lip ring infection and swollen gums? What about my cold & flu like symptoms? What about the constant stabbing pains in my pelvic area? What about my round ligament pain and continuous backache?

They never really told me if I was pregnant or not. They just gave me a prescription for antibiotics...

Well I guess that's it.

I guess I will just take the antibotics and pray to God that if I am pregnant for some odds reason, that I don't misscarry...

Thank you all for your support it means a lot!
Baby dust to all!!

Well there could be a good reason for the other things.... If you have a bad BV then it could affect other places, especially if your partner was down under and then kissed you afterwards...... (sorry for the description)

I know BV can be nasty, I have had them in the past. If you want those to go away try grapefruit seed extract, it treats infections of all sorts and is safe!!

GL and lets know how things go!!:hugs:

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