New User 12dpo HELP

Well I went to the ER today, because I was tired of the pain and discomfort, and they said I have bacterial vaginosis.

Bur what about my lip ring infection and swollen gums? What about my cold & flu like symptoms? What about the constant stabbing pains in my pelvic area? What about my round ligament pain and continuous backache?

They never really told me if I was pregnant or not. They just gave me a prescription for antibiotics...

Well I guess that's it.

I guess I will just take the antibotics and pray to God that if I am pregnant for some odds reason, that I don't misscarry...

Thank you all for your support it means a lot!
Baby dust to all!!

Well there could be a good reason for the other things.... If you have a bad BV then it could affect other places, especially if your partner was down under and then kissed you afterwards...... (sorry for the description)

I know BV can be nasty, I have had them in the past. If you want those to go away try grapefruit seed extract, it treats infections of all sorts and is safe!!

GL and lets know how things go!!:hugs:

It actually isn't a bad one at all. It's very minor so i'm contemplating even using the.antibiotics since it could kill my good bacteria. Thanks for thr tip!
Ugh i'm so frustrated i'm still feeling different pains. I'm still feeling pain in my hip and pelvic area & my butt. I know it's sciatica...but of course the ER didn't take me seriously when I told them that the bleeding was different & so is the pain...I didn't think this was related, but on Nov. 28th I had ribcage pain & it even swell up a little too. Now last night I had the same sharp pain that sometimes hurts when I breathe. It's my lower ribcage where my diaphragm is located.

I felt the sciatica pain on my left side around Nov 22th. Now it's on the right.

I looked up my google search history, so that's how I know the dates..
The ER trip was so disconnected. I had a doctor, nurse, and OB/GYN run in & out of the room on seperate occasions, and it didn't seem that any of them even discussed things with each other. The OB came in told me about the BV, and left the the doc came right in after her asking me "what did she say?"

Ugh then she took my blood pressure. She never told me why she had to do it even though a triage nurse already did, but I figured it out myself. I looked up my blood pressure online & it was kinda in the pre-hypertension zone, so I guess she needed to check it before I left.

Then nurse randomly came in not too long before I left and felt my stomach, then left & that was the last i've saw of her until she rushed me to sign a discharge paper then that was it. The OB made weird faces when she put the the stethoscope on my stomach, which was weird because she was upbeat the whole rest of the pelvic examine. Oh and she also didn't check if my uterus was swollen or enlarge or anything. All she did was check my cervix.

It just bothers me that they ignored all my other symptoms and just treated me like a dumb girl who doesn't know her own body or period. I've had my period since I was 12, & I'm a 20yr old women, I'm not a young teen, I know my own body! Women's intuition right?

I just start using tampons earlier this year, and I have cycled between tampons and pads, so I know how my blood is suppose to be. I remember having slight suspicions of pregnancy in early Nov. But once I got my "period" I brushed it off but my Nov. bleeding wasn't normal either. It was just straight blood like this time. Throughout late Nov. after the bleeding I had back pain and one side pain in my pelvic and what not that went away for a short time then came back again before, during and after this months bleeding.

It sucks, because I started my weight loss journey the start of Nov. and around the 20th I started feeling pain, and the fatigue and sick feeling kicked in and I can't work out i'm way too tired and weak.

I just wish I would have gotten answers. They must have assumed that after my "period" stopped that the pain would too, but the reason I came there was BECAUSE the bleeding stopped and the pain persists.

Damn med pushers. All they did was prescribe me antibiotics and send me home.

It's not the fact I may or may not be pregnant, but the fact that i'm in pain, and they didn't seem to care.

Anytime I tried to tell them about other symptoms, they just said "mmh hmm" & I could tell they weren't really listening...

It's like they all walked in with a presumptuous idea of me as this girl who is just having period cramps, and doesn't know what they feel like. Instead of thinking "this girl might have a serious problem, let's run more tests, or atleast a blood test to rule out anything serious that could slowly kills her"

I've had much better ER experiences where they monitored me for hours gave me a blood test & everything. (this was due to really bad stomach cramps for taking the morning after pill and possibly having an ovarian cyst that ruptured), but since the pain went away they knew I was gonna be ok, and I left there relieved and felt like they really cared. This was 2yrs ago at Kaiser, and I also found out that I had iron deficiency anemia, and the gave me the prescription for it that day and even set me an appointment for birth control. Mind this was in the ER and they were very thorough.

This is first time in my life that I left a hospital with more questions while leaving than I did when I got there!

And they wonder why people self-diagnose themselves >__>

Well that's the end of my rant. I will see if I can make an appointment at Kaiser even though my membership has expired.

Thank you everyone for being there. sadly this isn't all over, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on in my body.

Baby dust and sticky vibes to all!
Oh love I am sorry that you are having so many troubles. With everything you said I don't really think that you are pregnant, but I do believe that something else is going on. I really hope that you can figure this thing out for your health's sake!!

I can empathize with you on Doc and nurses looking at you like you are crazy! I have been in and out of the hospital most of my childbearing years!! 80% of them looked at me like I was nuts, or she is just looking for attention, cause there is nothing wrong with her!! Even just the other month here I went in because I had pulsing pain to 9-10. They ran every test and said sorry we don't know what is wrong, and sent me home with oxcy. They still don't know what is wrong with me but at least I found myself a doc that wants to figure this all out. I X my fingers you find one too! <3
Oh love I am sorry that you are having so many troubles. With everything you said I don't really think that you are pregnant, but I do believe that something else is going on. I really hope that you can figure this thing out for your health's sake!!

I can empathize with you on Doc and nurses looking at you like you are crazy! I have been in and out of the hospital most of my childbearing years!! 80% of them looked at me like I was nuts, or she is just looking for attention, cause there is nothing wrong with her!! Even just the other month here I went in because I had pulsing pain to 9-10. They ran every test and said sorry we don't know what is wrong, and sent me home with oxcy. They still don't know what is wrong with me but at least I found myself a doc that wants to figure this all out. I X my fingers you find one too! <3

Thank you so much! At this rate i'm really worried about my health. I'm too young to feel crimpled by back pain & what not. I wouldn't mind being pregnant, & if I just so happened to be one of those people with an abnormal pregnancy, but I need to know dor sure if I am or not. And urine tests have been known to be unrelable because there is a range that would set it off to negative zone. That's why blood tests are better, but of course they didn't give me one. I need a blood test.

Some women had blood & urine tests that were negitive but were given ultrasounds & had confirmed pregnancies that way.

Medicine needs to advance & realize that the textbook explanation doesn't cover everyone's problems & that everyone is different.

All my symptoms connect back to an odd pregnancy due to hormones. That's the conclusion I draw, and until a doctor can find everything that explains this pain and coincidences & link it to the many illnesses I must have then the pregnancy conclusion will remain there, and will be put on the back burner once it is ruled out by atleast a blood test. You can't be too safe when it comes to health.
Hey there - I have just read your post and can understand how frustrated you must be. Although it's not my career now, I was a medical assistant and Reproductive Educator and Counselor at Planned Parenthood.

First off, always seek medical attention and this email is NOT to be used for diagnosis.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) typically is associated with all of the symptoms you have stated - back pain, pelvic pain, fevers, swollen glands, bleeding etc. It's an infection in your system. Medication is required or this will get worse (and I am not a fan of antibiotics but it's needed here.) You can look into taking probiotics to maintain healthy bacterias.

At 20 yrs of age your hormones are usually still out of wack -as are menstrual cycles. Although some women are regular by this point, many are not until their mid-late 20's and some in their 30's.

This is not to assume anything, but if you are having unprotected sex I always recommend testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Even though you may not have been with anyone other than your partner, you don't know where your partner as been. These don't always have symptoms, but can also present as you have stated. These, if left untreated, can lead to infertility. It's easy to get tested while having a pap-smear - and an easy test. There are approx. 1,000,000 cases of chlamydia diagnosed each year (not to mention undiagnosed or unreported) I got tested until I was married - just to be safe.

You mentioned you were going to go to a Planned Parenthood and I really recommend you do. This is their specialty and they can provide much more accurate information than many outside Ob/Gyns. Not that Ob/gyns don't have the answers, but it's not their specialty.

Sure, it could be pregnancy, but it does not sound like it to me. Hope this helps and try to stay positive if you can!
If all that stuff was associated with BV why isn't it listed anywhere online?

As i've said before the swollen glan (just one) was associated with a lip piercing infection.

As mentioned before my BV is very mild. Also I got test for G & C & I will see if I have that, but I doubt. (and so does the obgyn)

I'm just gonna focus on a more natural way to get rid of the BV and all the unexplained things like the sciatica, the ribcage pain, and the swollen gums.

I highly doubt i'm suffering from a tons of different illnesses all at once either.

Pregnancy can cause litterally everything i've mentioned. I'm not too focused on that though. I will see what happens.

Oh & my hormones are only out of wack enough to cause alternating cycle lengths, but not enoufh to have irregular bleeding. As mentioned before I have many symptoms of hormonal imbalance. And a person with hormonal imbalance can get decidual bleeding. You been surprised at how more common it is than people think.

Thanks though.

I'm not ruling out pregnancy inless it's atleast ruled out by a blood test, something more accurate.

And i'm diff. not gonna ignore all these symptoms that have never happened to me before.
For the non-believers:

Replace "period" with decidual bleeding, because you obviously cannot ovulate while pregnant.
May bloating went down a bit. My stomach was hug. I'm feeling a little bit better when it comes to pain. But discomfort, not to much.

I still deal with the sciatica, and slight back pain. I still can't lay on my stomach and getting comfortable.

I remembered i peed b4 I was seen in the er, and I got called in about 30mins later, and when I peed I didn't have alot at all. Only enough for 1/4th of the cup.

I was drinking Arizona that afternoon to stay hydrated.

Any urine test they gave me was invalid, because my pee was diluted.

Also I didn't take any of my test with FMU...

Should I test again?
May bloating went down a bit. My stomach was hug. I'm feeling a little bit better when it comes to pain. But discomfort, not to much.

I still deal with the sciatica, and slight back pain. I still can't lay on my stomach and getting comfortable.

I remembered i peed b4 I was seen in the er, and I got called in about 30mins later, and when I peed I didn't have alot at all. Only enough for 1/4th of the cup.

I was drinking Arizona that afternoon to stay hydrated.

Any urine test they gave me was invalid, because my pee was diluted.

Also I didn't take any of my test with FMU...

Should I test again?

If you are going to test just wait until first morning bathroom break. You taking the prescription?
I'm still contemplating if I should. Also, I need to check the status of my medical, because when I was at the hospital it didn't go through for some odd reaso..

Ugh I just read this:

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