NHS docs appoint tmrw, test Advice?


Feb 2, 2011
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Hi everyone. I am now 38 been trying for 8 months and have decided to see my GP. Can anyone help me out, which tests should I be asking for/offered from my GP. I know the National Health service is not brilliant so I want to go in with the correct information and know the tests to ask for.

I don't want to be told to go away and try for another a year! At 38 that is not possible.

Also what tests should my partner ask for?
Any help very much appreciated.
Hi everyone. I am now 38 been trying for 8 months and have decided to see my GP. Can anyone help me out, which tests should I be asking for/offered from my GP. I know the National Health service is not brilliant so I want to go in with the correct information and know the tests to ask for.

I don't want to be told to go away and try for another a year! At 38 that is not possible.

Also what tests should my partner ask for?
Any help very much appreciated.

Don't really have any proper advice to give you on the subject as I never got that far to actually go and see the doctor, but if I had done I was going to stretch the truth a little about how long I had been TTC. If it ticks their box about meeting the criteria for "help" then I don't see what harm a little white lie could do?
Sorry I can't be more help.
My DH and I did start to have some of the tests when we were TTC back in 2009.

Most NHS authorities should test those over 35 after 6 months of trying and you may be able to confirm this by searching on the net but if not as Claireyb says stretching the truth a little isn't a big fib.

Your DH can have a sperm analysis done and don't allow your doctor to brush it off. It is probably the easiest test to be done.

With yourself they can run test to check on FSH levels, a 21 day test which can help confirm if ovulation is occurring but ask for it over 2 consecutive months which can confirm both ovaries are working.

I haven't had any other testing done so can't advise further I'm afraid but good luck for your appointment and I hope you get answers and a clear idea of how things will proceed for you :hugs:
I didn't ask for any tests specifically, just explained to the gp that I wanted to be referred to a fertility specialist for investigations to check everything was ok.

She just referred me there and then. That was just before Christmas and my first appointment with the specialist was the end of Jan.

As I was at the beginning of a cycle they took day 3 bloods for FSH checks there and then and gave me the specimen bottled for SA sample for DF and for my day 21 progesterone tests. They advised to call them on the first day of my next cycle to book in for a hycosy (check tubes and inject a dye then scan to se if dye flows correctly)

DF did SA sample 2 days after the first appointment at home and dropped it off. I went to the blood clinic on day 21 and they took more bloods. The noly hitch was booking the hycosy as you need to ring at the beginning of your cycle and they ask you what day of your cycle you are on as it needs to be done between day 8 and 15 (I think). the first month I rang they couldn't fit me in and the second months they said they couldn't again until I protested .. and then they magiced a clinic up that wasn't there before :)

After the hycosy they gave me the results of all the other tests there and then and said that everything looked fine. They talked about clomid but said they didn't think there was any benefit as the tests showed I was/am ovulating without intervention.

They also recommended looking at IVF straight away if it was something we were going to consider but I'm still not sure about the stress that would put on us. We have another appointment in Aug as if you wait longer than 6 months, you need to re-refer.

As it stands at the minute, I hopefully won't be going back in August :happydance:

I think the GP normally arranges the blood tests in most cases and possibly the SA tests and the fertility specialist just does the hycosy as they did seem a bit miffed that my GP hadn't arranged any tests already.

It's certainly worth doing and I've had 2 chemicals since the hycosy, not sure if it's coincidence of not, DF was also recommended to take zinc and selenium to help his swimmers.
standard tests would be
1. sperm analysis
2. FSH, day 3 day 21, progesterone levels (blood tests for you)
3. HSG (checking your tubes with a dye xray)
4. AMH, anti-mullerian hormone blood test. You'll have to push for this, only costs €100/£80 if nhs in your area won't do it. it shows your egg reserve.

I believe info is your best weapon as they can't fob you off with a pat on the head. Get the tests and then you know where you stand

best of luck hun x
I didn't ask for any tests specifically, just explained to the gp that I wanted to be referred to a fertility specialist for investigations to check everything was ok.

She just referred me there and then. That was just before Christmas and my first appointment with the specialist was the end of Jan.

As I was at the beginning of a cycle they took day 3 bloods for FSH checks there and then and gave me the specimen bottled for SA sample for DF and for my day 21 progesterone tests. They advised to call them on the first day of my next cycle to book in for a hycosy (check tubes and inject a dye then scan to se if dye flows correctly)

DF did SA sample 2 days after the first appointment at home and dropped it off. I went to the blood clinic on day 21 and they took more bloods. The noly hitch was booking the hycosy as you need to ring at the beginning of your cycle and they ask you what day of your cycle you are on as it needs to be done between day 8 and 15 (I think). the first month I rang they couldn't fit me in and the second months they said they couldn't again until I protested .. and then they magiced a clinic up that wasn't there before :)

After the hycosy they gave me the results of all the other tests there and then and said that everything looked fine. They talked about clomid but said they didn't think there was any benefit as the tests showed I was/am ovulating without intervention.

They also recommended looking at IVF straight away if it was something we were going to consider but I'm still not sure about the stress that would put on us. We have another appointment in Aug as if you wait longer than 6 months, you need to re-refer.

As it stands at the minute, I hopefully won't be going back in August :happydance:

I think the GP normally arranges the blood tests in most cases and possibly the SA tests and the fertility specialist just does the hycosy as they did seem a bit miffed that my GP hadn't arranged any tests already.

It's certainly worth doing and I've had 2 chemicals since the hycosy, not sure if it's coincidence of not, DF was also recommended to take zinc and selenium to help his swimmers.

This is correct!
Your GP will need some info to pass on to he fertility clinic. It shouldn't take long to do cycle day 1-2 bloods and day 21 ish bloods (for ovulation) also things like , PCOS blood test ,iron level and thyroid etc. you may be referred for an ultrasound before you are referred on to fertility clinic. Your OH can do a sperm analysis.

Over 35's trying for 6 months should get a referral to FS once the initial blood tests /sperm tests are done.

Hopefully you'll have a doctor who is clued up on local protocol!
good luck
Have you been charting - do you know that you are ovulating? When I brought a chart to my GP she said well the chart shows you are ovulating and that's as good as any test we can do. So the next step was to have a SA for my husband. (since that's the easiest test to do) It looks good but he has to go in to talk to his GP about the results this week. My GP said the next step for me would be a referral to a gyno for further testing.

I have a physical with her booked first for next week, as its probably good to have a pelvic exam first to make sure there are no obvious signs of problems.
Thanks guys for all your info. I have written a list of all the things you said in my note book to take to the doc today. Very helpful, was looking it all up last night, so I understand what each test is for etc. Will get DP selenium and zinc today. Unfortunately my usual doc who was brilliant has retired, and I am getting his new replacement probably just graduated. So I wanted to make sure I went with all the correct info as I don't think he will have any experience in this.

Claireby1 congrats on the baby news! Was there anything you were doing that you think helped?

Will let you know how it all goes, fingers crossed.
Thanks guys for all your info. I have written a list of all the things you said in my note book to take to the doc today. Very helpful, was looking it all up last night, so I understand what each test is for etc. Will get DP selenium and zinc today. Unfortunately my usual doc who was brilliant has retired, and I am getting his new replacement probably just graduated. So I wanted to make sure I went with all the correct info as I don't think he will have any experience in this.

Claireby1 congrats on the baby news! Was there anything you were doing that you think helped?

Will let you know how it all goes, fingers crossed.

Hi Blueberry, I hope you have a succesful visit at the doc's today!
Did I do anyhting that helped??......... well, apart for the obvious of timing the BD'ing at the right times. lol
I did do fetility relexologythe month I got my BFP and I am sure it did help, if nothing else it really relaxes you!
I also used preseed during my fertile time as I produced very little if not non existent EWCM.
Hope that helps?
Hi, the docs appointment was fine. He has refered me to a Fertility specialist, there is a 2 month waiting list. I am also booked in for day 3 and 21 bloods. That is it for now and I am happy with that.

AF is due today and BFN for the last 5 days testing.

Velo I haven't been charting but have used OPK, Last month I couldn't find a LH surge but the month before it was really obvious with 3 days strong LH surge. I started temperature this morning and it was 36.44/97.59

My DP said he was totally humiliated to have to do a SA. He cancelled his doc appoint saying he was too busy and there was nothing wrong with his swimmers. I freaked, and persuaded him that they wouldn't test me until they are sure everything is o.k with him. Totally disappointed in him though. I had thought that if these tests flagged up a problem then I would do IUI or IVF or whatever my options are. But if he is having a fit about giving a SA then I can see it's going to be one constant uphill battle with him. He has also said he won't adopt- would have to know the child is his, I would easily adopt. I am getting a little bit tired of his small minded attitude, its hard enough to deal with the NHS without having him delay and cancel appointments. His decisions seem so final and don't seem to include my opinions. I think I have PMT
Hi, the docs appointment was fine. He has refered me to a Fertility specialist, there is a 2 month waiting list. I am also booked in for day 3 and 21 bloods. That is it for now and I am happy with that.

AF is due today and BFN for the last 5 days testing.

Velo I haven't been charting but have used OPK, Last month I couldn't find a LH surge but the month before it was really obvious with 3 days strong LH surge. I started temperature this morning and it was 36.44/97.59

My DP said he was totally humiliated to have to do a SA. He cancelled his doc appoint saying he was too busy and there was nothing wrong with his swimmers. I freaked, and persuaded him that they wouldn't test me until they are sure everything is o.k with him. Totally disappointed in him though. I had thought that if these tests flagged up a problem then I would do IUI or IVF or whatever my options are. But if he is having a fit about giving a SA then I can see it's going to be one constant uphill battle with him. He has also said he won't adopt- would have to know the child is his, I would easily adopt. I am getting a little bit tired of his small minded attitude, its hard enough to deal with the NHS without having him delay and cancel appointments. His decisions seem so final and don't seem to include my opinions. I think I have PMT

Hi Blueberry, perhaps it's your OH that has the PMT! :haha:. Honestly men, you would think you had asked him to cut of his wotsit or something. I hope he comes around to your way of thinking as you need to do this together!
Good luck hun.
Blueberry sorry to hear your DH is refusing an SA :hugs:

I hope he comes to understand that it is equally important to know how is fertility he is as much as your :hugs:
My man really actually suprised me yesterday, I told him that the doc said if we had no sucess after 9months to a year he would be happy to refer us to IUI... I said but im sure you dont really want to bother with that do you?, he said yea thats cool, what will I need to do.. lol I was so shocked I didnt really answer ha ha
Hi, the docs appointment was fine. He has refered me to a Fertility specialist, there is a 2 month waiting list. I am also booked in for day 3 and 21 bloods. That is it for now and I am happy with that.

AF is due today and BFN for the last 5 days testing.

Velo I haven't been charting but have used OPK, Last month I couldn't find a LH surge but the month before it was really obvious with 3 days strong LH surge. I started temperature this morning and it was 36.44/97.59

My DP said he was totally humiliated to have to do a SA. He cancelled his doc appoint saying he was too busy and there was nothing wrong with his swimmers. I freaked, and persuaded him that they wouldn't test me until they are sure everything is o.k with him. Totally disappointed in him though. I had thought that if these tests flagged up a problem then I would do IUI or IVF or whatever my options are. But if he is having a fit about giving a SA then I can see it's going to be one constant uphill battle with him. He has also said he won't adopt- would have to know the child is his, I would easily adopt. I am getting a little bit tired of his small minded attitude, its hard enough to deal with the NHS without having him delay and cancel appointments. His decisions seem so final and don't seem to include my opinions. I think I have PMT

Pleased to hear your appt went ok. Just so that you know I was in the same boat as you. My BF flatly refused to do the SA - the test pot and paperwork is still sitting in the drawer untouched since January. Thankfully I didn't need it in the end however I was going to have an uphill struggle to get him to do anything if it were necessary. The arguments that have occurred over babies these last couple of years have been horrendous!

When it comes to fertility and babies etc sometimes men see things so differently to us. They come out with seemingly the most insensitive of things you wonder if they're quite human! And then at other times they are so wonderfully loving and understanding you wonder if you got it all wrong somehow or even if it's the same bloke! Perhaps he needs a bit of time to get his head around all of this. It's just as hard for men when conception doesn't just happen and they express it differently. Besides when you have PMT everything can seem much, much worse!
Hi Blueberry,
Sorry to hear your DP is being a pain about this. Is his problem with the whole SA in general, or in particular having to go into the clinic? If its the clinic maybe you can pick up a cup and test requisition, have him provide the sample at home, and drop it back off for him?

How was your new doc btw? Was he a new grad? I find sometimes the new grads are more helpful because they haven't gotten stuck in their patterns like older docs have, and they are often very keen.
so funny how they react differently isn't it. My DF couldn't wait to tell his mates he had the morning off work to quote 'watch porn and have a toss' with my consent lol. Maybe put it to him that way.
That made me laugh truly_blessed thanks. Ruth was glad to hear that it wasn't only my OH that got in a huff about doing an SA. Lucky you got pregnant, congrats. Maybe it will rub off on the rest of us. Velo I told OH about doing the SA in a sample cup he could take home and then into the clinic, he is doing it tmrw morning got over his humiliation!

I got my blood test results today. All came back in the normal range except Prolactin which is high. I read high Prolactin can be caused by hypothyroidism or PCOS. My my thyroid is in the normal (high) range and I had a scan of my ovaries 5yrs ago checking for PCOS and there was just one follicle-normal. But is could have changed since then. I don't know why high Prolactin, anybody else have it?
Here are my lab results for Day 3 (was actually day 4) Any ideas?

serum FSH 4
LH 4.7
testosterone 1.3 (0.7- 2.8)
prolactin 663 (53-520)
T4 15
TSH 3.23 (0.35-3.30)
Prolactin is what keeps breastfeeding women from getting pregnant (usually). I know it can also be caused by high stress levels, are you feeling particularly anxious?
From the book I am reading now, Making Babies: a 3 month program for Maximum fertility:

Suggestions for bringing down prolactin levels:
- get plenty of B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc in your diet
- find ways to ease the physical effects of stress in your life: have regular massages, learn to meditate, or discover other stress reducers that work for you.
- get regular GENTLE exercise (excessive exercise can raise prolactin levels)
- avoid alcohol altogether
- chaste tree berry can help reblance hormones, including taming too-high prolactin levels
- see an herbalist for herbs that can move qi (traditional chinese medicine perspective)
Hi girls,

Sorry for late reply, moved to a new house and just got internet installed. Thanks for your advice on lowering prolactin. I went for my 21 day progesterone blood test this morning and was feeling very calm. I spoke to the nurse and she looked back over my blood tests. In september my T4 was clearly marked on the computer as ABNORMAL (in caps on the computer). Quite a lot over the normal range. The doctor at the time sat there and told me everything was normal. Even after I had explained to him that I was diagnosed as hypothyriod before in Spain and I was checking my thyroid as I was planning a pregnancy! Total lies! I knew my thyroid had problems and thought I would need to sort that out before trying. Now 9 months later I find out! What a waste of time. Needless to say I am totally sick of the NHS. Clearly my high prolactin levels are caused by an underactive thyroid. I think Britain has one of the worst National Health services in Europe. Spain has a brilliant free service, you don't have to wait anytime and they give you your test results printed off to take home & discuss with the doc. I read many people go to Spain for IVF etc and have much better results. For me it would be free as I am still registered as a resident and have a National security number etc. The NHS is shockingly bad, in comparison with other European countries that also offer a free national service.

I am going to see a herbalist to try and regulate my hormones naturally while waiting & waiting for an appointment with the fertility clinic. I phoned but they are only open on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. There is another number that just rings out! I can't even get in touch with them and expect a 2-3 month wait. By the time I get through to them as they will probably have sent a letter to my old address, I will probably have hit menopause :haha:

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