night time routine has to change


Mummy to Joshua James
Oct 11, 2007
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from about a week old joshua has hisown routine,

this is how it usually goes.

6.30pm ish - has a bottle.
7.00pm ish - goes to bed
1.30am ish - wakes for a bottle and a nappy change
4.30am ish - wakes for another bottle(only takes a few oz)

after that 4.30 bottle he is ready to get up.

it needs to change, i can cope with getting up in the night but i cant be getting up at 4.30.

i need his routine to change so his last bottle is about 9pm ish so he sleeps that 7 hours he sleeps usually after his 6.30 bottle.

do i put him to bed at 7.00 like usual then wake him at 10ish to top him up.
the only thing with that is that will he sleep for longer or will he just wake up every 4 hours like he usually does OR will it be a case that i wake him to top him up and he wont take it.

the other night he had his last bottle at 9pm as he had a bottle at 5pm and it was too early to go to bed.
he was in bed by 9.30 and he woke up at 3.30 had a bottle then had another at 6ish then went back to sleep until 8.30.

i think he is ready to get up at 4.30 coz hes going to bed early.

how can i change it?
Dream feed him a couple of ounces at 11pm. That's how I got Caitlyn into her routine.
do i change his nappy?
coz he will be in it from 7.00(say) until he wakes up.

do i just feed and put him back down again?
im guessing i wind him
Caitlyn hasn't had a nappy change during the night since 5 weeks because that's when she started sleeping through. She has never had nappy rash, I cover her in cream!

I'd feed her, stick her over my shoulder and rub her back gently untill she burped, and that was her in bed untill atleast 5.

I'm sure that won't work for all babies, but worth a try?
yea i cover him in cream before bed its just when i change him after its been on for 7 or so hours his nappy feels really full.

how much do you think he will drink?
how much did caitlyn drink?

so at a guess,
if i dream feed him at 11 what time you reckon he will wake up.
Sam sleeps for 11 hours at night without a nappy change! He doesn't wake up for a feed so I won't wake him up to change him x
Just an extra 2/3oz. I'd hope he'd skip the 1.30am one and stay in bed untill the 4.30am one atleast.

Might be worth a shot, but then it could make things worse.. :dohh: Babies are hard work!
I dont put Chloe down til 10, she always slepps til at least 7am, sometimes without waking at all, sometimes waking once at about 4
ill give it a go tonight and see how it works out.

if i dream feed him at 11 and he doesnt wake up until 4ish will he be ready to get up at 4 or will he go back down if i give him a bottle.
Caitlyn hasn't had a nappy change during the night since 5 weeks because that's when she started sleeping through. She has never had nappy rash, I cover her in cream!

I'd feed her, stick her over my shoulder and rub her back gently untill she burped, and that was her in bed untill atleast 5.

I'm sure that won't work for all babies, but worth a try?

Thats exactly what I've been doing though even when she wakes in the middle i don't change it because I don't want her to wake anymore than needed this way I find she goes back to sleep
well i dont know how tonights gonna go now coz joshua usually has a bottle at 6.30ish but tonight he wanted and had a bottle at 5.45.

so obviously its too early to go to bed now so he will be due a bottle at 8.45.

do i still dream feed him?
if so what time as i was gonna do it at 11 but will that be too soon now?
if LO is asleep when I want to go to bed but it's been ages since he's fed, I dreamfeed. I don't bother doing it if I'm still awake and going to be for a while. So if I was you I'd leave it to see how it goes and if he feeds at 8/9 dreamfeed him at 11 (if that's when you go to bed).
hes still awake so im hopinghe has a bottle at 8ish.
but i wanted to top him up later coz he is usually ready to get up at 4am.
i was wanting to dream feed him to see if he will stay in bed til abit later. x
I would...we feed Hannah anywhere from 7:30-8:30 at night and still dream feed her at 10 (sometimes she doesn't take a lot but that's okay). But she doesn't sleep through--never has, she still needs to eat at 4ish.
Ted has to feed twice in the night but generally sleeps from 9 till 8 am with feeds at 3 and 5. I feel pretty lucky, though I wish he would go to sleep earlier.

I also do not change his nappy during the night. He can be in the same for 12 hours. I use those pampers nightime ones with aloe vera - designed for up to 12 hours of use Seems to work. I also give hima good coating of sudacrem when i put his nighttime nappy on.

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