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Nightmare ditching the bottle


1DD, 1 pup, WTT#2
Nov 11, 2012
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I know it's absolutely ridiculous that Gracie still takes a bottle before bed considering that she turned two last month, but that's where we are at.

She doesn't get milk at any other point in the day, and doesn't nap. She has just started drinking from an open cup instead of a toddler cup (she's been able to do this for a while but she's just got over the "throwing" stage so we haven't made a full swap til now)

We decided it was a good idea that she has to have a drink of milk from a mug at bedtime rather than her bottle, for the sake of her teeth.

Last night bedtime consisted of two hours of constant screeching. Tonight was slightly less but still over 1hr45m.

Any other hints and tips? It's stressing me out because I work full time and by the time I'm done with the bedtime routine it's my bedtime! My partner does help but she usually just screams for me.
Honestly i say if its something that comforts her, let her drink from the bottle. Sucking on a bottle for 5 minutes a day is not going to ruin her teeth. Or maybe try a straw cup? My daughter is 2 yrs 4 months and will not drink milk from anything but a bottle. Ive tried. So i say whatever bc she needs her milk.
We're just about to turn 2 and have milk first thing before we take the dogs out and have breakfast when we get back. Then she has milk before bed as well. Both from a bottle. Still at the throwing stage with an open cup so not looking to change just yet. We're just following her lead on it like we have on dropping other feeds. Sorry I haven't got any other advice!
Dropping other feeds weren't too bad, but I'm just worried about her teeth. She also started waking at night for milk and would be drinking a lot (18oz per day) which meant she was eating less. She's normally got a great appetite but she is really small for her age (she has not long grown out of 9-12m trousers but still wears some 6-9m tops, she's a size 4 feet) so I really want her to be eating more and drinking less milk.
I would just continue with what you are doing. With our son, at least, when we follow the gentle but firm route, he'll usually get over something within a few days. I'd just tell your daughter that it's soon bedtime so if she wants some night time milk then she has to have some now in the mug. If not, she has to wait until the next day to have any.

I know it's stressful now, but once it's done, you'll be happy to have it done and over with.

Good luck!
I should think the screaming at bedtime will just be for a few days while she gets used to the change and would just persevere if I were you :flower:

If she's now refusing to drink the milk from a cup I would maybe switch to giving her a bowl of milky cereal before bed so that she's still getting the milk without having the hassle of getting her to drink it from a cup.

My boy was a similar age when we dropped the bottles and he has never wanted to drink milk from a cup since. Turned out he just liked sucking on the bottle and wasn't bothered about the drink itself.
My daughter was the same with a bottle, even to the point where she would wake up at 2am for one (at just over 2) I eventually just said no more and dealt with the backlash. You can find alternative means of getting milk in to her - cold or hot cereal, or give her yogurts and other calcium rich foods. As for the screaming it will pass. It's a comfort that you are taking away so see if you can find something else. For us a glow bear worked as it was a complete distraction. I would continue as it really isn't good for her teeth, you will be glad you just got it over with. I was when I got it done with both if mine, although 2nd time round was easier as I had been through it. good luck xx
I think you should just persevere with what you are doing, she will get over it after a few days. If you give in and give the bottle back now then all that crying the last few nights would have been for nothing.

My DD is also 2 and sounds like she is the same size as Gracie. We used to offer her milk only with snacks, at meal times it's always just water so she doesn't fill up on milk instead of food. Now we only give her milk when she asks for it, maybe 2-3 times per week, she only really drinks water for the most part. She eats lots of yogurt and cheese so I don't see a need for her to drink milk daily.
Thanks for the replies.

Tonight is night four so I'm hoping it will be easiertonight than it has been.

She doesn't really need milk before bed, she gets her three portions of dairy through the day and she can't have any more than that (intolerant) so she gets formula in her mug. She's barely been drinking any formula, but we still offer it.

I wish we had ditched bottles when she was 1!
She slept all night last night! 🎉

Also, still took two hours to go to sleep but they were far more pleasant than the previous nights! Less screaming, she only screamed for about 20 minutes.

Here's to night 5! We have her well warned that Santa is watching her. Bribery seems to be working, haha.
I panicked when I woke up and she was still asleep! Had to go check she was okay. She had slept 12 hours!

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