Nightmare nappy changes


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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My toddler has become a real nightmare at nappy changing times. I get hit, kicked in the face, bitten and end up struggling with a screaming 2 year old, trying to get away from me.

I honestly do not know why he gets so worked up when it comes to nappy changes. But I am losing the will to live over this and the constant battles I have every single day with him.

It all starts as soon as I say "Let's change your nappy". That is a trigger for him to start misbehaving.
I think I have tried everything I can possibly think of. I try to involve him in the nappy changes, so I ask if he is going to help mummy to change his nappy. Shall we get the nappies, cream etc? Do you want to get the nappies out for mummy. That would be a big help.
I've tried getting his favourite toy for him to play with to distract him. I've tried just ignoring him and waiting until he come to me wanting his nappy changed on his terms - but this doesn't work because he wont come.
I've tried getting him to choose a book to look at while we change his nappy. This actually works sometimes, but not all times. Sometimes he just refuses to choose a book and hides around the back of the sofa, wanting me to come and chase him, but I refuse to enter into that game with him.
I've tried grabbing him and putting him on his changing mat, this does not work at all. He just turns violent with me and screams.
I've tried putting him on the time out step, which he will sit on but will come off when his time is up and want me to chase him again.
I've even tried bribing him with Jelly Babies lol. This sometimes works but sometimes he just eats the jelly baby and then starts with the kicking out and wriggling when he knows I still want to change his nappy.

Help, I need some tips on how to just change my sons nappy without him having a meltdown every single time.
Gotta love when toddler go through stages like this! Ugh... tbh, I've no other great suggestions than what you've tried. Does he get to watch TV? I don't normally recommend it as a calming technique, but sometimes my LO will zone out to her fav show and then I've no issue changing/dressing/brushing teeth etc... I've used it here and there for emergencies!

I would also stop telling him ahead of time- just simply grab him and start. If he's gonna put up a fuss either way- might as well save yourself the time before you start! Hopefully this passes soon... sorry no other advise. Maybe others can help!
Gotta love when toddler go through stages like this! Ugh... tbh, I've no other great suggestions than what you've tried. Does he get to watch TV? I don't normally recommend it as a calming technique, but sometimes my LO will zone out to her fav show and then I've no issue changing/dressing/brushing teeth etc... I've used it here and there for emergencies!

I would also stop telling him ahead of time- just simply grab him and start. If he's gonna put up a fuss either way- might as well save yourself the time before you start! Hopefully this passes soon... sorry no other advise. Maybe others can help!

Thanks for replying. Yes I do have the tv on all the time when we are indoors. :blush: I have tried turning it off for nappy changes, leaving it on lol, makes no difference. I will try the suggestion of not telling him ahead of time and just grabbing him and doing it lol. It will probably go down like a lead balloon with him but oh well I have nothing to lose.
I hear ya! My LO went through a stage (luckily not too long) where she would literally roll like an alligator death roll when I tried to change her! :haha: It was a struggle to keep her still long enough- and wet diapers aren't as big an issue- but the other ones... that was a struggle! She just recently (knock on wood) got out of the scream bloody murder when I try to give her a bath stage... that was fun. Odd too- cause she loves water any other time! lol.
Drives me crazy, my son is like this too, but he laughs the whole time, kicks and wriggles and hides if I dare to let go of him! Changing nappy and clothes is a big joke to him but not for me, it is exhausting! Grrr hope he grows out of this soon, it's killing me lol x
I agree don't say anything just grab him and change him.
Have you tried changing him while he is standing up? It's awkward at first but once you do it enough times you learn how to do it backwards, upside-down, while moving, lol.
Have you tried changing him on the couch as opposed to the changing table, or the floor perhaps?
Also you can try buying a special toy that is ONLY used at diaper changes so it's something he can look forward to?
It's just a phase though and IMO you just need to be stern because he simply cannot be running around in a dirty nappy all day
Have you tried using pull ups? Both our boys were a nightmare for nappy changes so we switched to them, so much easier as they can be put on whilst standing up, no struggling to get them to lay down x
Potty training time? I've heard of people potty training when diaper changes became a nightmare.
I second potty training. My daughter was a nightmare, she was toilet trained in 2 days and dry at night after 4 days, no more dreaded nappy changes.
Yeah, I think if it was literally a battle every time the wipes were brought out I would be saying "you hate nappies? right...use the potty"
I agree don't say anything just grab him and change him.
Have you tried changing him while he is standing up? It's awkward at first but once you do it enough times you learn how to do it backwards, upside-down, while moving, lol.
Have you tried changing him on the couch as opposed to the changing table, or the floor perhaps?
Also you can try buying a special toy that is ONLY used at diaper changes so it's something he can look forward to?
It's just a phase though and IMO you just need to be stern because he simply cannot be running around in a dirty nappy all day

Hi thanks for all your suggestions. I have tried changing him standing up, but only when he has wee'd. That was awkward enough lol. I couldn't imagine changing him standing up with a poopy nappy. He wouldn't stand still in one place I don't think, not for long enough for me to wipe him. But I will give it a go.
Have you tried using pull ups? Both our boys were a nightmare for nappy changes so we switched to them, so much easier as they can be put on whilst standing up, no struggling to get them to lay down x

We have to use a nappy and a pull up at night time due to excessive night time leakages every night. He absolutely loves pull up pants - or big boy pants as we call them. I think I am going to try him with pull ups during the day as well. I just worry I wont be able to wipe him up very well while he is standing, if he has done a poo, but I guess you just get used to it.

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