In that case why does anyone pay for childcare, we should just leave them at home with their lunches ore made because taking them
In the car to nursery is far more riskier! This is ridiculous! My honest opinion is if you are prepared to leave a 5 year old alone then you shouldnt be a parent! Absolutely despicable!!
You have the right to your opinion, but I have a feeling it is so visceral because you live in a place where such things are atypical. If you lived in a different place, with different daily norms, you wouldn't think anything of it.
Actually, I was a bit taken aback when I moved here and saw such small kids out by themselves (and this isn't just a few kids here and there. it's the way the whole city is: kids taking the bus/subway, walking, riding their bikes). I wasn't used to seeing that. But over time, I got used to it. And now I also see all the fantastic benefits of the attitude/way of life here.
Because parents aren't constantly hovering, and don't have to shepherd their kids back and forth to every which place, they have more time to themselves. So they are much more relaxed and calm. I hardly ever hear a parent yelling around here. The kids, by and large, are very well-behaved. Every so often, I'll hear a child cry, but nothing like the kind of tantrums I used to see all the time back in the States. Because they are trusted and taught responsibility, they act more mature. And also, because they are allowed to go out and really play freely, they don't have all that pent up energy inside of them.
So since I see, every day, kids getting around just fine by themselves in a major, European metropolitan city, I see no reason why (generally speaking) a kid of a similar age can't handle ten minutes or so alone if their parent runs to the store or whatever.
Obviously no parent should do something they feel uncomfortable about, or don't feel their child is ready for. But another parent letting their child do something at an earlier age than *you* would, in no way means they are these terrible, neglectful parents. It's a big world with places that have very different views on child raising then the US/UK and the children do just great.