Nipple Shields??


Mum and Pregnant
Jun 14, 2013
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Im pregnant with baby number two.

I was determined to breastfeed DD, but I had major problems getting her to latch, it was exhausting and in the end I ended up getting very sore, cracked, bleeding nipples. I couldnt bear the pain when the midwife tried to put her on them, so the midwife told me I should switch to formula, which I did. Once my nipples healed, I felt so disappointed that id switched, so with baby number two, I desperately want it to work. The GP at my 6 week postpartum check complained that the midwife shouldnt have pushed formula and should have used nipple shields until the nipples healed. But by then it was too late.

Ive read up lots about nipple shields, I know that they can diminish supply, leading to baby not gaining weight, mastitis etc as they dont stimulate the breast enough and can cause nipple confusion. I also know every baby is different, this next one might latch better than DD did. However, as a back up I am going to buy some in advance. If its a choice in having to switch to formula or use one, Id rather try one. Has anyone any experience using them? Also which brand would you recommend buying?

Thanks in advance (sorry about the essay!) x
The damage to my nipples where due to use of a pump. I cant tell you how sore they were, I was kept in hospital because of it, I needed to pump because they were too engorged as DD wouldnt latch and stay on long enough to take enough milk! It was just a really stressful time :( x
Nipple shields stopped me giving up. I used the Avent ones. They were great for bubs and she weaned off them easily. They gave my nipples time to heal and for the pain to subside!
I am using Medela brand and love them. I pumped for 4 weeks and gave her bottles because she wasn't strong enough to bf and then when she was, she refused to latch on. I just bought the nipple shields a few days ago and she immediately latched and hasn't stopped since :) she hasn't had a bottle in 2 days now. I don't notice my milk supply decreasing at all and I still pump through out the day to see how much she ate. I just had mastitis last weekend and pumping wasn't helping all that much. As soon as she stared bf, pain and lumps are all gone!

So for me, they worked wonders and I don't believe they have any negitive effect expect for baby getting use to them which I am ok with for now.
I am very thankful for nipple shields but don't buy them in advance because you'll be tempted to use it at the first sign of pain. They do make feedings longer, and it's hard to wean. I don't know about where you live, but here in the US I can run out and buy a nipple shield at any Walmart or target.
I would've given up without them, I'm using the tt ones, baby does feed for a long time but my supply is fine, do what you feel is best x
(ps here I fund them hard to find in shops...took two days o find any, I'd research first)
I wouldn't be able to feed my baby without them.
I bought them before he was born, "just in case." I guess it was mother's intuition because I need them!
I use the ones by Avent; I tried Ameda in the hospital but found that the nipple collapses. Plus, the Avents are designed so not to suffocate/bother baby's breathing while feeding, jy ust put the cut-out where baby's nose is.

I must say that with the constant use I want to replace these already.

I just bought a pump and used it for the first time today; pumped just under 2oz and my breast is SO SORE, it even tore away some skin on my areola!!!
I will only be using this when absolutely necessary!
They were recommended to me because of flat nipple/latch issues but I despise the damn things. My current LC doesn't think I need them.
saved from stopping this time and this is the 4th bf baby used them for 3 days did not affect supply or baby - definately worth a shot.
I used them for a week or two with my first, after my nipples healed I just did without. This time around I don't even need them, so maybe you won't either? :)
I use the NUK brand nipple shield, I ended up getting one because I didn't know what else to try to get my LO to latch whatsoever. It definetly at least helps make a step in the right direction. The NUK is really big I think, so Im going to switch brands and try the Medela.
I wasn't aware you could get them in so many brands, I just picked some of Boots own brand up while I was getting a few last minute bits, just so I have some at home just in case.
Without my nippleshields I doubt I could have relatched my boy :) I tried avent ones when we were first having trouble but he didn't like the shape, I have now found some very similar to his bottle teat (boots own brand) and he latched on straight away and we have been breatfeeing all the time since :) with absolutely no refusal/screaming!

I don't care about the 'negative effects' or that it reduces te amount of milk my baby gets by 30% or whatever it is, as th fact is, without them he wouldnt be getting any milk at all directly from me so 70% is better than none!

I can now manage to slip them off during a feed and have him latch straight back on without them. Maybe one day he wont need them at all but im happy to use them for however long I need to :)
Can nipple shields cause nipple confusion? Maybe a weird question, and I hope it is okay to asking :$
I think there is a possibility of nipple confusion with nippleshields yes. Its sort of bitter sweet I guess as on the one side they help get baby to latch onto you and facilitate breastfeeding but on the other hand it may stop them latching straight on to the boob if they are used to the feel of the silicone. I know that you generally have to wean off nippleshields gradually rather than just stop using them.

Not all babies get nipple confusion though as many are able to go quite happily between boob and bottle with no issues if combi-fed.
I think there is a possibility of nipple confusion with nippleshields yes. Its sort of bitter sweet I guess as on the one hand they help get baby to latch onto you and facilitate breastfeeding but on the other hand it may stop them latching straight on to the boob directly if they are used to the feel of the silicone. I know that you generally have to wean off nippleshields gradually rather than just stop using them, but it can be done.

Not all babies get nipple confusion though as many are able to go quite happily between boob and bottle with no issues if combi-fed.

I guess it comes down to whether you are prepared to consider using nippleshields for quite a while if baby cant latch withoit them or if you would be happy bottlefeeding instead.

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