If someone could give me a hand working out what the hell has gone on with my cycle this month, I woul be grateful!
I'm on clomid cycle 3.
The previous 2 cycles, i have had positive OPK on CD13, but defo O'd on CD15
FF, would always put my O date at CD13, so I would override and change it to CD15
This cycle, I changed the time I took the clomid (not the day, the time of day I took it)
I also started taking Pregnacare Conception and Spatone Natural Iron Suppliment.
I started doing OPKs CD11, but have had almost stark white tests everyday since, which normally only happens after I O, I normally have a build up of lines until the positive, then confirm with the digi (but I am using a different brand of pee stick)
I had wet CM on CD11, then the EWCM on CD12 and what I thought may very well have been O pains.
FF says I am 'most fertile' from CD12, my temp did a dip on CD12 and I have had a rise yesterday, the same temp today, and I put in a dummy temp for tomorrow, and If I get a slight rise tomorrow, I have dotted crosshairs for CD12.
What do you ladies think?
I am going to continue testing with OPKs, because I have heard of Pregnacare Conception actually delaying O, so that could be whats going on.
But I am confused by FF, especially as all my signs point to CD12, but I have had to overrride FF the past 2 cycles.