Awwwwww Brooke he's so handsome ,thanks for sharing,
I guess he's worth keeping, lol.
Def a keeper,
Awwwwww Brooke he's so handsome ,thanks for sharing,
I guess he's worth keeping, lol.
Yep...that's Mr. Dmom, lol.
Nice one Dmom! Mine conned me! he was blonde when I met him and now he is almost grey Still handsome to me!
I'm a redhead - and my little girl is dark like her daddy. His brown haired gene went and stamped all over my recessive r gene
Here's something interesting for you though - my mum and dad were not red (mum mousy, dad almost black haired/olive skin). My two younger brothers are not red. My grandparents on both sides were not red. But a great grandmother on my mum's side and one on my dads side were red, and that's where it has come from.
It really interests me - the genetics behind red hair - because mine seemed to come from nowhere. Basically (it is much more complex than this - but in a nutshell) you need two recessive r genes to make red hair. This means my dad had the r gene and my mum did.
It passed from my mum's great grandmother (red hair = rr genes) to my grandmother (brown hair - so her combination would be Br (dominant brown/recessive red), to my mum (she would have the r gene from my grandmother and the dominant B brown gene from my grandfather) and then she passed the r gene to me - and the same on my dad's side, giving me the rr gene and therefore being a redhead. They didn't have red hair themselves because their other gene was the dominant one (brown/black) so they got that colour.
So - it can come from way, way back! It can lie dormant for years! I was pretty sure we wouldn't have redhead children as there is nothing at all in Andy's family, so I am guessing he won't have the r gene. I can only pass on the r gene - as that's all I have. So Madeline will have my r gene, and from andy she must have the dominant B gene, giving her brown hair (although in the light there is a tinge of the ginge). But when she has children, she may pass that gene to them - so my redhead legacy could live on!
I hope that made a little bit of sense - and sorry, it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP! I love being a redhead though
Yep...that's Mr. Dmom, lol.
this is what happens when we are asleep Natalie
just realised i put read heads instead of red heads in the thread title...haha. what a tool i am! and you lot are too polite to mention it. x