I gave birth at home to my daughter. I've been practicing yoga for over a decade, so I've learned how to synchronize my breath with the movements of my body. When a person gets into the flow of yoga, the poses and breath naturally line up, it's a really beautiful, harmonious feeling. I treated labor in the same fashion, which helped tremendously with riding the waves, so to speak. In the beginning of the wave, my breath would be light, as the wave would get more intense & reach its peak, my breath would become deeper, longer, and would fill my entire lungs, and then as the wave would relax, so would my breath. Instead of clenching up, taking shallow breaths, and tightening my muscles, I would consciously do the exact opposite because I knew it would aid the labor process and make it much more manageable and "flowy". I also moved positions--I went back and forth between leaning over my bed and pillows, sometimes rocking my hips in this position, to sitting against my wall with my legs straight and spread apart. Another awesome "trick" when labor became very intense near the end was biting down on a pillow at the peak of a wave/contraction...this helped me not become overwhelmed by the "pain" (wouldn't really describe it as pain, more like incredibly intense pressure).