Hey ladies, Im new here.
I am 27 and have never been pregnant, with my last partner of 3!years we wasnt trying but not preventing and nothing happened. I am now with a new partner and we have been actively trying for 3 months now, although I have only started tracking bbt this cycle.
I would usually get a positive opk around day 13-14 but this month I am now cd15 and still no positive opk??
I had a normal bbt from days 6-9 then they have been very low since then, I also have period like cramps and a uti like feeling.. why would I be like this on this cycle??
I am 27 and have never been pregnant, with my last partner of 3!years we wasnt trying but not preventing and nothing happened. I am now with a new partner and we have been actively trying for 3 months now, although I have only started tracking bbt this cycle.
I would usually get a positive opk around day 13-14 but this month I am now cd15 and still no positive opk??
I had a normal bbt from days 6-9 then they have been very low since then, I also have period like cramps and a uti like feeling.. why would I be like this on this cycle??