...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

:hi: and welcome No Doubt and mrsc81.

No Doubt, when I first joined this website no one would talk to me either. It took a long time for me to find people who would talk to me. I especially found it hard to go into a thread that has been around for a while because everyone already knew each other, and it didn't seem like they wanted to get to know anyone new. :shrug: We will talk to you though. I can sometimes be very chatty.

Congratulations on buying your house. DH and I own a condo, but are going to move into a house really soon.

Those symptoms you are describing sound promising especially the spotting. I'm also 5dpo. If I got pregnant this month my baby would be due on October 1. I hope your TTC journey ends soon, and you don't have to worry about seeing a specialist. I'm on my second round of Clomid and I have one more round left before I see my fertility specialist again to see what we should do next.

mrsc81, it must be so frustrating to have those long cycles. To have 4 cycles since August must be infuriating. Are you taking any medication to help? What's the difference between PCO and PCOS? I'm sorry for all of the questions.

I'm 29, so I know how you feel about age. Time is not on my side right now, and I don't want to be a grandma mom. By the time my kids are my age, I'll be over 60! I wish you lots of :dust: and hope you don't have to wait much longer for a bfp.

Pookabear :hugs: I missed you. I'm glad that you come back once in awhile to let us know that you're alive lol.

I don't understand why your doctor would throw Prozac at you and not Clomid. That doesn't make any sense. I have been suffering from major depression since I was 12. When I was a teenager they put me on Prozac, and it was one of the worst anti-depressants that I have ever taken. It made me shake 24/7. No matter what I did I couldn't stop shaking. I got so many weird looks out in public lol. The doctors told me to keep taking it, so I did, but it never helped. It's trial and error with anti-depressants. I took so many of them until I found the one that was right for me, and even then I had awful side effects. I was on Effexor which took my depression right away. When I got serious about TTC I stopped taking it, and now only take a sedative if I get really sad, but it hardly ever happens anymore. I think you should get a second opinion. Try to find someone who will listen to you, and make sure you are assertive.

Mrs. B, that's a good thing that your second line is becoming more visible. It means that you're probably coming close to surging. Your LH is always in your body and increases up to ovulation. Your LH probably increased which is why your LH line is darker. I could be totally wrong, however.

Wookie, I am in my two week wait right now. It's pretty crazy that I'm on cycle day 15 and 5 dpo lol.

I hope the Clomid works on the very first try for you.

Keekee, how are you doing?

afm, I am 5dpo and have the most prettiest chart I have ever seen since charting. My temperatures usually zigzag all over the place in the 2ww, but this time they are going up and up and up. I know that a pretty chart doesn't mean squat, but I can always hope. I'm not having any out of the ordinary symptoms. I just hope that whatever happens AF doesn't interfere with our trip. This will be like our honey moon I guess since we have never had one.
SLH- Your chart does look awesome! Your luteal phase looks like a ramp so far!

Best of luck, babe. I agree with you about the docs flinging Prozac at Pook, rather than trying Clomid. While I do feel that Prozac works for a great many people, it isn't for everyone, nor do I feel it is great to take while TTC. Recent studies show it is linked to certain birth defects if taken in pregnancy, so I'm not about that at all.

I try really hard to not read much into my CBFM sticks, but I'll admit to at least looking at them daily. And what I've noticed, is that barely any line is visible. My estrogen line is pretty faint, and I never have a LH line at this point. Since I'm on Clomid, shouldn't my body be actually producing more estrogen right now in preparation for ovulation?

Blah, I don't know. I wonder if they won't just jump me up to 100 mg next cycle.
Good morning ladies,

Ok, so I'm having a bit of a crazy moment this morning.

Today is cd 20, 5 dpo for me. Yesterday I was having dull twinges like a light cramp that only lasted for about a half of a second, and thick cm...not terribly a lot but more than usual for me at this time. Normally after ovulation, my cm is clear and almost non existent. Today I woke up and noticed what looked to be very light spotting, a brownish pinkish color...again not a lot, but this never happens to me either. Earlier in this cycle just before ovulation I had some spotting; again very light and pinkish...and no this never happens either. Yesterday I had to pee like crazy in the evening even when I wasn't drinking anything. It was like every 45 minutes, and it was a full bladder.

I'm hoping this means what I think it means, and I know it's stupid, but I don't want to say it, spell it, write it, or anything and then jinx it and get really disappointed. Every month that I've had symptoms that I don't normally get I get more excited than usual an then there is a huge let down. Those months are harder than other months.

It's so frustrating because so many preggo symptoms are the same as when af is coming. I'd say I'm trying not to get my hopes up so the let down isn't so bad, but I'll just be honest this time...my hopes are up.

Someone please help me stay calm. Going :wacko: over here!

I know what you mean, i started spotting 8dpo last cycle and that has never happened before, i was also getting more twinges than cramps, and not my usual pre af symptoms, part of me wanted to get excited but i just had a feeling it wasnt anything positive, and i was right, as after 6 days of spotting af showed up... i think every cycle that goes by im learning not to look into everything and not to get excited until i see a bfp, this cycle i wont be testing until af is due!
Wookie, when your lines go very faint it means that your estrogen is high. Now one line should get darker, or both lines will get darker and you will get your peak. Sometimes my sticks had very faint lines that I could barely see, and I would usually get a peak a couple of days later. I think you will ovulate in a few days.
:hi: and welcome No Doubt and mrsc81.
mrsc81, it must be so frustrating to have those long cycles. To have 4 cycles since August must be infuriating. Are you taking any medication to help? What's the difference between PCO and PCOS? I'm sorry for all of the questions.

PCO means you have cysts on your ovaries which apparantely alot of women have PCOS can mean you have the syndrome, which could include several factors, could be cysts, hormone imbalance, weight issues, excess hair, irregular or absent af, lack of ovulation etc..
My cycles were actually shorter before i started ttc, typical! But the more weight ive lost the longer my cycles seem to have got, i dont know if it is weight related though as i am a normal bmi maybe my body is a bit stressed due to my big weight loss, i started taking agnus castus last cycle and had a 42 day cycle, one previous was an unusual 54 days, so im hoping this one will be shorter. For the past year my cycles have been 34, 27, 32, 42, 41, 35, 42 (ttc), 54 (ttc), 42 (ttc).
MrsC81, wow! what a fantastic weight loss!! How did you manage it?
Sorry I've been MIA ladies. I've really been trying to take a step back but I know I would miss you guys too incredibly much! :) Soooo I lurk and then come back with a long post...I'm cheating off SLH's post to make it easier on me to respond so if I miss anything or anyone, blame it on SLH :haha: JK doll. LOVE YOU!

Welcome to the new ladies! As I'm sure you saw on the first part of this thread we all have our test dates on the first page so if you could let me know your test dates that would be AWESOME!!! :) And yes, you have come to the right thread. We love ALL our ladies :) Very supportive group we've formed here.

No Doubt: I feel like you explained my whole story. The only difference between you and me is that I have been ttc 12 months and this is also my last cycle (clomid free) before the FS. And My bloodwork did come back abnormal for the cd3 tests. My testosterone was elevated. otherwise, even down to your DH's SA, we're completely the same. I was diagnosed with PCOS in July of last year.
Congratulations on buying your house. DH and I have been in our own house for 2 1/2 years and it's been awesome. A lot of work and money but the fact that we own our own home is an amazing feeling.
Those symptoms sound awesome but from experience I wouldn't get your hopes up too much until you see your elevated temp (i can't remember if you do temp) and or that BFP. I've really tried hard not to look into symptoms it makes getting AF a little more bearable.

mrsc81: I feel your pain with the long cycles. I used to have them before Clomid and metformin and I'm hoping that this cycle off clomid I work like a normal person. TTC is a million times harder when you see all the other girls cycling around you. You feel like you have been on one cycle for a year when others have had like 20 cycles already. But it's hard either way. I hope something happens soon to help with your cycles. Agnus castus did start helping me and so did b complex but clomid really did the trick really fast for me. Good luck and I hope you have a short road ahead of you.

Pookabear: I think we all missed you bunches!! I'm glad you're doing well and got some answers at your doctors. I'm not sure what to tell you about the depression meds or anything, but apparently they're doctors and know all! I want to say my mom was on antidepressants with my little sister but I have no idea for sure I can check if you want!

Mrs. B: get bding!! It sounds like your O time is right around the corner!! Best of luck and lots of :dust to you!!

SLH: That is crazy. I know how weird it felt for me having short cycles for the first time. It boggles your mind but I really relaly hope that this is it for you! Yay for two freakin eggs!! Your chart does look awesome. I think that part of it is the progesterone suppositories and then the fact that you released two eggs means that you probably have more natural progesterone too from the TWO corpus luteums! I have everything crossed for you that both eggies stick!

Wookie: Hey doll! hows that clomid treating you??

Keekee! I love reading your journal! you're so funny. Are you just standing in the mirror starting at your perfect tatas all day? I probably would be lol. Hope you're even more healed now! I know you had a temp drop but hopefully its your body giving your boobies more time to heal before they fill up with milk! Wait, will you be able to breast feed? I know probably really stupid question. Sorry if it's a sore subject :dohh:

AFM: CD10 here. DH took our talk very seriously and is making changes he's taking more charge in th bedroom and it's amazing. Hopefully he gives us a couple days off before I really get into fertile time, but I won't decline any booty time with that sexy hunk of a man etiher!! ;)..that is, if my body decides to be normal off clomid. I would really be depressed if I don't ovulate like i have been the past five cycles. That's so depressing having long cycles. he also asked me on a date yesterday and we had an amazing time. We had a little nooky time and then We went to a european place we had never been to before downtown...it was in a basement and it was really cool atmosphere. Really expensive I found out but when in rome....lol it was very romantic and they had a live jazz band there...then we went to the arcade and played some air hockey and some other games and then went to the movie "the sitter" with jonah hill and it was freaking hilarious. OH! And i've lost 9lbs already...only 17 more to go!! :happydance: wish me luck!

That's all I got for now....seee you later!
Im on cd3, so January was a BFN for me...I will give you a date of 22nd february, as 42 days seems to be my most common cycle length, but i will know for sure when i get my peaks! x
Awesome work on the weight loss!! Gives me more motivation!! I have a hard time with not eating what I want...especially sweets and carbs which is exactly what I need to stay away from.

I also forgot to mention...we didn't talk about babies or ttc once until we were almost home...because my friend boss said that he was going to spoil our kids rotten and asked if that was okay. Then we started talking about the little LA Lakers shoes I bought when we got engaged and how we need a baby to fill them, but the talk wasn't sad at all. Just looking forward to the future :)
Remind me in february...lol I gotta do one month at a time otherwise I get really confused!
SLH, how long have you been ttc? Your chart does look, mine always look jacked up. In the entire 18 cycles, I think only about 6 have looked half-way decent...not good, just half-way decent. But I always ovulate which I guess is the most important thing. At least with having to take clomid and having bloodwork done, I've been able to truly confirm that for the past 5 months. Hopefully this month will be confirmed with a little one.

MrsC81 I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 19. I had skipped 5 cycles and I was freaking out because I thought I was preggo. I finally found an obgyn that actually listened to me and did some reasearch and testing who found that this was the case. My cyles have been irregular in the past, but since I've been married, 11/28/09, they have been coming like clockwork. Most cycles are 28 days, but a couple have been around 30. The weight is definately a struggle, but I'm dealing. Since I was at my biggest, I've lost 33lbs. I want to lose at least another 37.
No Doubt: I feel like you explained my whole story. The only difference between you and me is that I have been ttc 12 months and this is also my last cycle (clomid free) before the FS. And My bloodwork did come back abnormal for the cd3 tests. My testosterone was elevated. otherwise, even down to your DH's SA, we're completely the same. I was diagnosed with PCOS in July of last year.
Congratulations on buying your house. DH and I have been in our own house for 2 1/2 years and it's been awesome. A lot of work and money but the fact that we own our own home is an amazing feeling.
Those symptoms sound awesome but from experience I wouldn't get your hopes up too much until you see your elevated temp (i can't remember if you do temp) and or that BFP. I've really tried hard not to look into symptoms it makes getting AF a little more bearable.


Gdanemom, I will be testing on the 23rd. I do take my temp but I try not to look at that as much. My temps are always all over the place, especially the first half of the month, and with the clomid it's worse because I have hotflashes really bad. After ovulation they tend to level out a bit and remain high through the beginning of my next cycle then once I start the clomid it's back to all over the place.
My temps are all over the place too, this month they look likr waves lol
My chart is really wierd looking too so far...I'm getting several open dots for no apparent reason, and it's really up and down. I'm not sure what's up with the open data points...they're all done at the same time, so who knows.

SLH- I forgot about how the estrogen lines fade as your actual estrogen increases! I'm really holding out hope for you this month, whether you are, or not! I think your chances are excellent...as good as they've been in a long time, huh?

Gdane- I was wondering where you went! :hugs:
I've been okay...I'm also on CD 10, and no sign of a LH surge yet. Sounds like you and your DH have been having some good nooky. DH and I are holding out until my surge, and then the craziness begins.

No Doubt- I think you'll find it helpful to talk to Gdane here...she's right, your stories ARE really similar. Congrats on the weight loss, both of you! It's not easy, but the results are rewarding!

AFM- I have NO energy. I feel a bit depressed, and lethargic. Not sure if the winter doldrums are setting in finally, or if it's the clomid, or what. Majorly sad over babies, or more accurately, the lack of babies. And to top it off, I'm dwelling on the fact that my due date is a month from today, on Valentine's Day, of all things. I should be hugely fat and pregnant at this point. But it wasn't meant to be with that pregnancy, I guess.

Fortunately, I'm all caught up on housework, laundry, and any other weekend household obligations, so I shouldn't feel too guilty about being paralyzed in bed in front of the TV.
Wookie, hey love I'm sorry you ar feeling down. I know clomid can do it. Ttc can do it and winter is not a fun time. I swear I have that seasonal depression thing. Its gotten way better since I've been with dh. I'm j jealous your all caught up on house work. I'm doing really deep cleaning today and I'm counting that as my work out. Holy cow my house is dusty and hairy! Kaya needs to get shaved baldI think! Lol. I'm so sorry about your terrible anniversary coming up. But like you said its probably meant to be.

I was actually thinking about that...maybe its good I haven't gotten pregnant yet. By the time I have my baby if I get pregnant this cycle, I'll be at my job a year meaning I will have vacation pay. And my real insurance start at the beginning of february. Everything happens for a reason. :hugs: dh made me laugh he got money out of his check to put in the the baby fund and I was standing by it and he holds it up and goes, "i want to put it innnnn" all whiny l ike I was going to steal it and put it in for him. Lol goon.
Just read this on your journal too gdane, that's so cute :)
I've been trying not to copy and paste...beside that post I think I'm doing ok
Sorry I didn't mean It like that, I just meant I just read it there. Its great tat he's excited about your savibg, bless him
No I didn't either! Lol my phone posted before I wanted it to. anyways, how are you doing girlie

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