Non-painful contractions every 4-5 minutes


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2014
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Early today I was having contractions around every 20 minutes. Starting around 4PM I was having contractions 7 minutes apart lasting a minute. Then around 6:30PM they were 4-5 minutes apart lasting a minute. Now it's 10:00PM and they are still 4-5 minutes apart.

But they aren't painful. I notice them, mostly in my lower back, but they aren't bad at all. Less painful than period cramps and I can do stuff through them. I've gone for short walks and no change.

I'm going for an NST tomorrow morning so I'll have them check me. Does this sound like the real thing or false labour? My due date based on LMP is October 17, based on ultrasounds its October 20. Yesterday my cervix was hard and closed.
Definitely sounds like early labour to me. I've heard the best way to be sure is to drink a pint of water and lie down for an hour, they should stop if it's only Braxton hicks contractions. Maybe do that and then phone up l&d if you're still getting them every 4-5 minutes. Good luck!
Let me just say that I always think calling and asking L&D is best if you are doubting.

As for your situation: I had this exact situation with my first born, and it was labor for me. They started around 1pm on a Thursday, and it continued for a few hours. They were the same as Braxton Hicks only they were getting closer and closer together (from 7 minutes to 5) and then they stopped. In that time period, they were NEVER painful. Just the normal tightening (my belly would get really weird looking... kind of boxy haha). The next day, they returned at 9pm only it was fully blown labor. They, again, were 5 minutes apart, extremely painful, and I had major diarrhea. After I was able to leave the bathroom, we left immediately for the hospital, and I was 9cm dilated.

It sounds like labor to me, hun. The thing is, you should call if you have more than 4 Braxton Hicks/hour, and if you are having them super regularly like you are, it can't hurt to call and see what they think.

I totally agree with the other comment too, though, make sure you are hydrated, and rest. Rest will tell you a lot. Braxton Hicks tend to stop or at least slow down with rest. Labor doesn't care!

Good luck, either way, and keep up posted!!!! :hugs:
L&D said to go in if I wanted but it sounded like pre labour. So I had a bath and relaxed for a few hours. Now the contractions are 3 minutes apart and starting to get painful at the bottom, were period cramps would be, and in my back. No where near unbearable, just noticeable and uncomfortable. I'm going to try and sleep and see what happens.
Slept through the night no problem, contractions are still every 2.5-3 minutes, lasting a minute. So frustrating! I'm going in to L&D in a few hours for a scheduled NST so we'll see what's going on! I had a few contractions that were really painful and I was about to go in, then they stopped hurting much. Now they mostly just hurt in my back and feel pressure/tightness.

I'm so confused about whether this is false or real labour taking its sweet time. Silly body.
It definitely sounds promising to me! I hope this is it for you, false labour can be so frustrating. But either way, your body is warming up for the big event and it won't be long before baby's here :)

Good luck!!
Definitely sounds promising to me, especially as they aren't letting up and are now beginning to get slightly painful.
Looking forward to hearing any update on this!
Just got back from L&D. The OB on call said if it was real labour I'd have the baby by now, wouldn't check me, not to come back until I can't breath, talk and/or walk through them and that he'd see me Wednesday(ugh!). So the waiting game continues. The showed up on the NST, some were all the way to the top and some were half way up. My day will consist of bouncing on my ball and walking, walking, walking!

I know that they know what they are doing, but not every woman is incapacitated by her labor. If you are feeling it in your back, that is a huge sign of it being real contractions. Still, it's their job, and I'm sure they are used to seeing things like this.

Take care, go have fun with your walking, and stay hydrated!!!! Keep us updated as long as you feel like it. We'd love to hear your progress!!!! :hugs:
Yeah if they start to get worse at all I think I'll head back in. The OB on call said if I'm not huffing and puffing and look in pain from the contractions it's too early! Everyone handles pain differently. I sit in silence, my mom was the same for all her labours. I have a high pain tolerance, so when they get worse I'll head back in.

I just had to run (okay, waddle) off to the bathroom or I would have gone in my pants. I've never been so happy to have diarrhea in my life. I've had a really good pregnancy, almost no symptoms at all and not uncomfortable at all, but I'm so ready to meet him!
Yeah!!! ... I've been having diarrhea for the last 7 or so days. I've read that the body will cleanse itself out before labor. With my son, I had diarrhea but only when I went into full-blown labor. I had a contraction, diarrhea, then we were off (as they were 5 minutes apart). This pregnancy has been so different the entire time that it wouldn't surprise me if this is my body preparing too. Hopefully, that is what is going on with you?!?!?! :shrug:

Our son came 5 days early, and my family has all of their guesses on our calendar as to when I will go. My dad's getting nervous, as his guess is tomorrow :haha: As much as I hope he's right, I doubt it. No regular Braxton Hicks here. Just the random ones, and definitely no labor signs. And that is so early still compared to our first.

I'm doing everything that I did with our son though: walking every day at least 30 minutes vigorously and then randomly throughout, yoga/stretches that help keep him in a good position and promote dilation, etc., red raspberry leaf tea, eating dates, :haha: I've got the whole shebang going on. We did it for our son though, and it was a rapid delivery.
I've been having painful contractions for a while now. I'm honestly not sure how long I didn't keep track, probably at least a couple hours. When I walk they don't hurt so bad, but as soon as I stop they hurt bad. They are shorter now though, lasting 30-40 seconds every 3 minutes. But I'm sure it's the real deal. I'll be going into L&D in a bit. I hope the same OB is there so I can say "Ha, false labour my butt".

Hopefully my last belly pic *fingers crossed*


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Oh, I'm keeping everything crossed for you, hun!!!! YAY!! :happydance: This had better be it :hugs:
No baby yet. I got to the hospital and got checked out. I'm only 1cm and 50% effaced and baby is at -2 station (as of midnight last night). My contractions hurt and are 3-5 minutes apart and last for 60-90 seconds. I have a high pain tolerance but they are awful. The hospital told me not to come back until my water breaks, I bleed, or the contractions are 2 minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds for an hour. They made me feel like an idiot for being there of course.
Blimey, that doesn't leave you long if you're at home and suddenly things suddenly speed up!
Got my fingers crossed for you all goes well!
^That's what I was thinking. The textbook numbers are always "between 5-7 minutes" then you head in to L&D. 2 minutes?!?! They sure are pushing your buttons... heck, they're pushing mine, and I'm not even there with you. I'm sorry they are making you feel this way :(

We're all sending you good thoughts that things just kick in and get going :hugs:
I can't believe they sent you home! I hope you are close to the hospital, if not I'd be walking the hospital grounds ready to get admitted! Sounds like your baby will be here soon.
God, 2 minutes apart!? They're not leaving you much time! I've been told 5 mins apart.

Sounds like you're well on your way, good luck! :happydance:
I feel like this is going to go on forever. I went for a walk this morning and after that I was getting strong contractions every 7-10 minutes for a few hours. Then I laid down to try and sleep and was woken up by every contraction. Then at some point the pain decreased, I was able to sleep, and they started coming every 5 minutes. Right now they are coming every 3-5 minutes. It's like the contractions won't progress past the 3-5 minute range.

Thankfully the hospital is about 15 minutes away, in case things speed right up when the contractions get closer together.
Do they ease in the car? Mine did with DS and took a little while go get going again,

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