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Not sure what to do


Mummy To Olivia
Sep 16, 2008
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Originally we weren't 100% sure whether I was going to carry on with breastfeeding outside of hospital due to many contributing factors. But, I guess I was one of the lucky ones who it was fairly easy for from the word go.

However, I've noticed for a few weeks now (coinciding with when solids were introduced as we felt she was ready for them) that my supply seems to be slowing down.

I used to be able to pump 8-9 oz with ease and now I'm lucky if I can get an oz or more.

Dd is breastfed on demand still alongside the solids that she does have. I take fenugreek with my 3 main meals. I try and drink as much water as possible. But it doesn't seem to be improving. In fact it seems to be getting worse.

I'm not sure what else to do. What else I can try. I've reached 6 months of breastfeeding and I really want to try and carry on. I don't want to give up when we've come so far considering I didn't even know if I would carry on after her birth :cry:

ETA she was following the 75th centile up until her 6 month check the other day where she has dropped to just above the 50th
Are you basing the lowered supply entirely on the amount you are able to pump? That isn't an indicator of your supply. I used to be able to pump loads but now I don't get anything, but I am still exclusively breastfeeding my baby using one breast only so my supply is great! If your baby is eating a fair amount of solids she may not need as much breastmilk so your supply might reduce as her demand reduces, but so long as she is satisfied at the breast and not drastically increasing the number of times she is wanting to nurse then I would to worry about it.
It is one of the contributing factors. But it's also because my breasts feel empty now. And that dd has dropped in her centiles (the health visitor said she wasn't worried and to up her solid food quicker).

I didn't expect to feel so strongly about this and wanting to keep her bf :nope:
Usually people go through a panic at about 3months when they no longer get engorged and breasts feel soft all the time, and they think "my supply has gone!" But it hasn't it has just regulated to produce milk as and when needed so engorgement doesn't happen. Did you get anything g like this or is this the first time you've noticed soft breasts? I don't know if regulation of supply can be delayed by anything like introducing pumping but perhaps it is only now that your supply has regulated.

Regarding the drop in centile, I'm a bit confused as to why your HV has recommended upping solid food. Babies that age digest and absorb nutrients from breastmilk more easily and quickly than from food, so usually if any change is necessary (and I'm not sure it is) it's usually to slow down on weaning to ensure LO takes the same amount of breastmilk they were before hand. For the first 3months of weaning -give or take- milk intake should be quite similar to prior to weaning (slowly reducing as LO goes towards 9 ish months old) and food is an "extra". Sometimes feeds get shorter but stay frequent because of the comfort they offer.

If LOs weight continues to fall and she won't take more breastmilk, make sure her diet is rich in fatty foods (cheese, avocado, nut butter) and carbs, rather than just fruits and veggies.

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