Hi guys
sorry if this is in the wrong place, but couldn't see anywhere else to put it and need advice!
I'm not TTC, but my OH and I did have unprotected sex a few weeks back and I've been worried since. I never really worked out when I was ovulating before, but charting it back it looks like I would have been around the time. I was due AF yesterday and nothing yet. I tested a couple days ago and got negative, but now AF hasn't arrived I'm stressing again.
Bit of background...I've always wanted to have children and being nearly 31, if I am, I'll no doubt eventually be thrilled. However, when I initially told OH he was very supportive, but over the course of a few days he became quite cold. He lives in a different city at the moment so we only get to see each other every few weeks. He has a 13 year old son who lives down south who he still hasn't told about me as he's worried dad having a girlfriend will upset him...he gave this as the reason when I asked him why he'd suddenly gone cold with me...stating that 'he already had kids so this was a bigger deal for him than it was for me'...which hurt me and made me feel so insignificant.
Anyway, I told him there was probably nothing to worry about as test was negative...but now AF is late I'm stressed again and with his seemingly unsupportive attitude I'm even more worried and daren't mention my worries to him...
Sorry this is long and rambling, I can't seem to tell the story properly as brain is hurting!!!
I've had some weird symptoms over the last 2 weeks...but then I keep convincing myself that these are in my head. Including:
Light spotting around the time implantation would occur...
3 days of cramps, constipation, pains quite early on
sore nipples
Just an odd feeling that I can't explain....
sorry if this is in the wrong place, but couldn't see anywhere else to put it and need advice!
I'm not TTC, but my OH and I did have unprotected sex a few weeks back and I've been worried since. I never really worked out when I was ovulating before, but charting it back it looks like I would have been around the time. I was due AF yesterday and nothing yet. I tested a couple days ago and got negative, but now AF hasn't arrived I'm stressing again.
Bit of background...I've always wanted to have children and being nearly 31, if I am, I'll no doubt eventually be thrilled. However, when I initially told OH he was very supportive, but over the course of a few days he became quite cold. He lives in a different city at the moment so we only get to see each other every few weeks. He has a 13 year old son who lives down south who he still hasn't told about me as he's worried dad having a girlfriend will upset him...he gave this as the reason when I asked him why he'd suddenly gone cold with me...stating that 'he already had kids so this was a bigger deal for him than it was for me'...which hurt me and made me feel so insignificant.
Anyway, I told him there was probably nothing to worry about as test was negative...but now AF is late I'm stressed again and with his seemingly unsupportive attitude I'm even more worried and daren't mention my worries to him...
Sorry this is long and rambling, I can't seem to tell the story properly as brain is hurting!!!
I've had some weird symptoms over the last 2 weeks...but then I keep convincing myself that these are in my head. Including:
Light spotting around the time implantation would occur...
3 days of cramps, constipation, pains quite early on
sore nipples
Just an odd feeling that I can't explain....
