not ttc related but just wondered............

violet 73

mum to 4, 3 boys & 1 girl
Sep 25, 2006
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has anyone tried the new straighening kit from boots ? as i was thinking about getting it & using it for my hair . violet x :)
What are they? :oops:

Electrical or serum stuff?
oooh ive heard tht is gr8!!!!!!!!!
its surposed to be like a perming lotion but it straightens your hair instead of perming it , your surposed not have to use staighting irons once you have this done & its surposed to last at least 3 months . violet x
Oh cool! I'd not heard of it sorry!
very excited bout that!!!shalll have to treat myself!!!!
Let me know if its easy to do, and if it works. I would definatley be interested in trying it.
My hair doesnt seem to like straighteners and always flicks out again.
i think im going to buy one 2 morro & get my sister to do it 2 morro night as im going to mums 2 morro . violet x
Ohh let us know how it goes hun I would be very interetsed in that too, I can't live without my hair straighteners!!

Hope it turns out well hun xx
i will have to wait untill next tuesday now before i try hair straightener stuff out as you can,t have your hair dyed for 14 days after you have this done so i will have to wait untill next tuseday as ive got hairdresser appointment on friday & i will be having a dye on my hair . violet x
:( Bugger!! Oh well, lets hope it's worth waiting for :wink:
i went to the hairdressers today & i asked her about it & she said that its very bad for your hair she said your better of using your straighteners as this stuff will make your hair really dry . violet x

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