Ah, same day appointments!!! I just wish I was getting a scan like you!!!
Im in New Brunswick Canada...where are you located Jen?
My parents have already given us a change table....a combo bassinet/playpen/change table...a ton of outfits....baby monitors...diapers...a baby carrier....a diaper bag....bottles...they have been a huge help!! The zellers stores here closed down and they had everything 75%-90% off!
Im in Chicago and that is SOOOO great about all the stuff your parents have gotten you. I think I scared our families a little when I told them to take it easy until 12 weeks lol. But Im slowly getting more excited
Ah, same day appointments!!! I just wish I was getting a scan like you!!!
Im in New Brunswick Canada...where are you located Jen?
My parents have already given us a change table....a combo bassinet/playpen/change table...a ton of outfits....baby monitors...diapers...a baby carrier....a diaper bag....bottles...they have been a huge help!! The zellers stores here closed down and they had everything 75%-90% off!
Wow! Sounds like you are already set! I haven't really bought anything. I did get three pregnancy books and made little cousin onesies (my SIL is due 1 month before me) I am thinking about purchasing some fabric to decorate the nursery and get some wall paint, but nothing else until I'm much further along. I have a fabric addiction so I can't really stop myself
Those are sooooo adorable! Have you ever tried selling them? Id be super interested
I was pretty bored today and started thinking too much, so I found an u/s place and went and had a pregnancy verification done. The good news is I'm definitely pregnant, the bad news is that since my cycles are pretty irregular and long, it looks like I'm only about 5 weeks instead of 8.
We couldn't see the baby- since they only do abdominal ultrasounds all we could see was the sac. When I go to the dr next week for my appointment I'm going to tell them about it and see if they'll let me have an early ultrasound to date and see how far along I really am. I'm hoping they'll say yes!
It sounds like everything is ok, and your cycles are just off a bit. Im thinking about you. Let us know how your second scan goes
Survey: anyone having food cravings and aversions?!?
I was mostly vegetarian for almost a year before I got pregnant. Now.... I want ground beef constantly! Weird and yummy! I can't even look at chicken which I usually love
Ive been vegetarian for about 10 months now and I want hot wings like you wouldnt believe. I eat really healthy and Ive wanted nothing but garbage and greasy food. Its so terrible. I used to have an apple for breakfast, now I cant stand apples, a salad for lunch...cant do that anymore. Ive had a hard time finding healthy alternatives with my food aversions, but its coming, suggestions are always welcome!
AFM- My scan is in just a few short days and Im getting soooo excited! OH and I are getting ready to get a new townhouse which is also exciting and scary and I cant seem to get enough sleep!!
And time for my TMI question of the moment: Im having a ridiculous amount of CM, it egg white to white...Im freaking out a bit, no odor or itch or anything just...TONS of CM. Im really hoping this is normal.