Disappeared for a while there, sorry ladies.
Leopard just read your link, sorry you had a few/many people judge your situation. Seriously hun, you know what's best for your lil family and trust that. There are times when things are harder than others emotionally, financially, but if we waited until all the jigsaw peices came together then i'm sure many of us would simply make the jigsaw bigger, and we'd be waiting until we were MUCH older to have children. That has it's own emotional turmoil. As to how things are right now, i truely hope that things improve for you soon hun. I can be patient and calm, but i know that there's only so much i can take before having a meltdown, and i certainly would have been there by now. So much love your way
News in my home - we've been ill again. More snot, poo, temps, coughs. Think we may be through the worst, but our good friends have it now, and i'm sure we caught it from them
Really hoping it's not a new strain and they've got our bug instead. That probably sounds bad. I meant it in a good way.
Husband is home for half term, and it's good to have some light relief and more adult conversation as i have been cooped up (with ill ness etc). He has lots of planning and prep to do though so i don't really see him as much as i would expect though and he's stressed that he hasn't managed as much as he needs to. Stuff the whole teacher long holiday thing! I could only wish!
Started the major clearout and attempting to sell some of our stuff - really hope that we manage it as we need a new shower. The other day the inlet pipe snapped off the shower unit breaking it - it sounded like it weas raining in my bathroom and water was pouring/gushing down my kitchen walls and the electricity went. Oh my. It was a bad day, what with snow, no heating, electrcitiy, que grumpy mummy and toddler, combine with illness, it truely was a difficult day. Shower is now isolated and we're saving for another thing.
Thanks for reading my ranbles, not feeling too with it really!
oooooh, Simon is 2 tomorrow! Can't believe how time has flown and how grown up he is. He's a wondderful brother and son to us. Full of joy and his chattering makes me chucle so.