cant believe i seen on facebook someone asking"i have a 2 year old thats overly friendly how do i break this annoying habit" seriously! Annoying having a nice kid? what does she want a nasty kid instead and how is that annoying.
perhaps they mean the child has no bounderys for example if a stranger comes in the house they are sitting on their lap or in their pockets. Its a real issue actually as someone mentioned there are child protection issues as the child is too trusting. Iv come accross this a lot in my training, it can be quite worrying x
I think it was the fact she used the term "annoying habbit" thats what got me. I wouldnt ever say a child have an annoying habbit of being nice. I met to many nasty hostile kids this past while probably thats why I took it that way. Perhaps most kids are hostile because parents have taught them not to be nice to people? I mean I walked out the back here and some kids where visiting my neighbour and all of them who where about 8 stared at me like I was an alien and when I said hello I didnt even get one back and william was waving at them and they gave him a dirty look and kept staring like we where aliens!

anyway my pelvis hurts to and its kept me awake and feels worse as the days go by. Also noticed i have a lot of discharge today. And walking like a duck