eek...i just lost my plug. am i supposed to do anything?
what is the plug for anyways??
Hinkybinky had a boy at around 2pm this afternoon
Super quick labour by all accounts. Will update more when I know
Ok that's it, I'm going out to buy pineapple. I read a few articles and they say it also works the same with mango and kiwi fruit. So I'm going to be eating a mango, kiwi fruit and pineapple fruit salad now for 3 meals a day![]()
Congrats too Hinky, Louise and tyson on your LO's arrivals!!
AFM - still having spardic contractions - went in for a check and Im only 1cm dialatedstill gotta long long way to go
been up nearly 24 hrs now - but been given some co-codamol which should help me sleep
for us all!!
Lol xx
Majm --I feel bad for wanting him out now, but I just cant wait to hold him in my arms! Im kinda thinking my MW will want to induce, just so he doesnt get called into L&D on thanksgiving. Its just this nagging feeling I have.
you are just excited and want to meet him dont feel bad. We all feel like that seeing other babies and knowing its so close to the end. I say I can wait but am sat here jealous of everyone who has babies out.
Earlier when I got a twinge, think it was wind but my face flared up and had braxton hicks I freaked and jumped up,. at that mo I knew for sure I will be taking a panic attack when time comes.
Ok that's it, I'm going out to buy pineapple. I read a few articles and they say it also works the same with mango and kiwi fruit. So I'm going to be eating a mango, kiwi fruit and pineapple fruit salad now for 3 meals a day![]()
Hah well if anyrhing else that'd get your bowels moving![]()
Hi ladies! My son, Jackson, was born today at 2:48p, weighing 8 lbs, 8 oz. and 20" long. He is beautiful and perfect in every way!
Congrats too Hinky, Louise and tyson on your LO's arrivals!!
AFM - still having spardic contractions - went in for a check and Im only 1cm dialatedstill gotta long long way to go
been up nearly 24 hrs now - but been given some co-codamol which should help me sleep
for us all!!
Lol xx
As for me ive been leaning and been onn all fours not very comfy but if it helps then its worth it, shall be buyin a pineapple tomoz and mango i think lol
These babies are coming along quickly now and biys seem to be over taking the girls xxxx
Hi ladies! My son, Jackson, was born today at 2:48p, weighing 8 lbs, 8 oz. and 20" long. He is beautiful and perfect in every way!
Congrats too Hinky, Louise and tyson on your LO's arrivals!!
AFM - still having spardic contractions - went in for a check and Im only 1cm dialatedstill gotta long long way to go
been up nearly 24 hrs now - but been given some co-codamol which should help me sleep
for us all!!
Lol xx
I had my baby!! Madison Brook born nov 6 on her due date 8lbs 6oz 20.5 inches long
sorry i havent had a chance to come on lately! will post birth story soon- already wrote it but its soooo long i want to cut it down- the gist of it is 22 hours labor and very short pushing!
i was wondering what happened to you! thats another same due date as me gone. Nervous! eeek! congrats!Hi ladies! My son, Jackson, was born today at 2:48p, weighing 8 lbs, 8 oz. and 20" long. He is beautiful and perfect in every way!
I had my baby!! Madison Brook born nov 6 on her due date 8lbs 6oz 20.5 inches long
sorry i havent had a chance to come on lately! will post birth story soon- already wrote it but its soooo long i want to cut it down- the gist of it is 22 hours labor and very short pushing!
AFM - I bought pineapple, I ate pineapple, contractions woke me up at 4am, its now 515 and I have had 5 *moderate* ones
*prays HARD to the god of please-get-stronger*