Wishful - sorry to hear about the infection! Glad they figured it out though and it wasn't anything more serious than that.
Fish&Chips - hope you get answers. I'm sure it's frustrating/scary to have a bleed and not know what's causing it. Glad to you called your MW.
As for pain - I haven't had any BH and the round ligament pain is pretty minimal for me, but my sacrum feels "tight" all the time... but, how on earth do you pop your sacrum? It just hurts and feels like there is a lot of pressure right above my bum. Hurts to sit or stand for too long... I took a warm bath last night and it helped for a bit, but it's back to hurting. Do chiropractors see pregnant patients? Would it be worth seeing one or could that be harmful for the baby? I can't go another 5 months like this!
On the bright side - the countdown is on for our early gender scan! Just 5 days to go until we know!!
I cannot wait!