***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Not sure about Braxton Hicks...Ive had cramping but not really 'tightening'. However, ligament pain and pelvic girdle pain GALORE! Seriously, the last few days I have had bouts of it that were so uncomfortable...

It seems early to be so uncomfortable it worries me a bit for what's to come!
I'm actually feeling surprisingly well and have been for the last few days. It is almost bothersome since I'm used to feeling pain and discomfort. :haha: I'm sure I'll be back there in no time. I don't feel like I've grown at all in the last week but the gummybears' heartbeats are good each time I check.

I ate such horrible food yesterday I feel obliged to eat much healthier today. I keep telling myself to avoid the Cheetos but they are soooooo yummy!! Bad mama!!
Hey ladies just read all this news about leaky boobs. I haven't noticed any but I do notice that I get these white pimple looking things inside my nipples like you can squeeze it out. Is it dried milk?

I also wanted to share a dream I had last night. My 2 yr old nephew was begging for a bottle but we ran out of milk. His mother tried to breastfeed him but she was all dried up. In my dream i was already huge and everyone turned to look at me for my breast milk! I was like no way! Somehow i caved in and tried and milk came out of my boob! What a weird dream right?
18 weeks tomorrow... hoping week 18 is the week i feel baby?? even a flutter would do! what are my chances ladies?!

Thats a good time frame to be looking out for some feeling! I think that is about the time I felt our son. They say with your 2nd you feel them earlier so I have been feeling bean the last few days. Doctor even asked me if I had been feeling baby and I said yes, he said this is around the time people start feeling baby move.

My 20 month old is convinced we're having a girl and it will be Phoebe or as he says "BeeBee" lol

Im excited for my son to say babies name! Thats soo cute! At this point he can say "Momma" "My" and "No" we are pretty sure he says Bamboo all day but that may just be sounds he makes :haha: Do 15 month olds usually talk much? Thats how old my LO will be when new one comes.

I ate such horrible food yesterday I feel obliged to eat much healthier today. I keep telling myself to avoid the Cheetos but they are soooooo yummy!! Bad mama!!
You and me both! I love the hot cheetos I have to have hubs hide the bag or Ill eat them all day.

I also wanted to share a dream I had last night. My 2 yr old nephew was begging for a bottle but we ran out of milk. His mother tried to breastfeed him but she was all dried up. In my dream i was already huge and everyone turned to look at me for my breast milk! I was like no way! Somehow i caved in and tried and milk came out of my boob! What a weird dream right?
I had a dream similiar to this but I had just had baby and was complaining about how much milk I had and I was FORCED to be a wet nurse!! For babies and old people (think I read an article before bed about breast milk and cancer :wacko:) I woke up and my breasts were horrible sore!
I eat the hot Cheetos and the hot lime ones. I'm sooooooo angry and stressed at work tonight. Have the WORST headache (not migraine level so I suppose not worst). Really struggling to not be a negative nancy and to tough it out. It seems like since I've become pregnant I no longer have the patience or desire to deal with the overly abusive public I have to deal with....

...sorry for the complaining, I'm just over dealing with work right now.
Where do you work at? I really have admiration for anyone who has to work while being pregnant :nope: I had to work early on with my son and felt I was dying most days. I will even fall asleep at my desk, I worked as a hotel receptionist and I also felt like everyone who came in there was a big A HOLE! Some days I feel motivated to get up and do things other days I feel I cant function at all and Im only pregnant with one!
Technically I can't say. (one of THOSE jobs). I'll just say I talk to people when they are literally at the worst places/moments in their lives....and a lot of droll moments too.
i had A LOT of pain tonight.. like round ligament pain that was constant and much stronger and cramping from my left hip to my right. i was so upset so i called the 24 hour line and the midwife said no blood was a good sign and to take a warm bath, 2 Tylenol and try to sleep. she also said she would open the office tomorrow for me at 8am for an ultasound to insure everything was okay. she said she knew the current wait an ER was 4 hours.

i thought this was fantastic service. she knew i'd be sitting uncomfortable in ER for hours so she said she would open the office for me on a sunday.. cant complain really.

i'll let everyone know how it goes... been panicky all night.. trying to take deep breaths.
Morning ladies, how are we all?

After a week off, I so can't be bothered with going back to work. But I will keep in mind that I only have 10/11 weeks to go so I will survive!!!

same here Boofle! after a week off school - do we really have to go back? But saying that its only a 6 week term then off for 6 weeks summer holidays, then work for 5 week then off on maternity leave for 40 weeks!!! Oh the life of a teacher!! hehe
i had A LOT of pain tonight.. like round ligament pain that was constant and much stronger and cramping from my left hip to my right. i was so upset so i called the 24 hour line and the midwife said no blood was a good sign and to take a warm bath, 2 Tylenol and try to sleep. she also said she would open the office tomorrow for me at 8am for an ultasound to insure everything was okay. she said she knew the current wait an ER was 4 hours.

i thought this was fantastic service. she knew i'd be sitting uncomfortable in ER for hours so she said she would open the office for me on a sunday.. cant complain really.

i'll let everyone know how it goes... been panicky all night.. trying to take deep breaths.

Hope all is OK and it's nasty round ligament pain only. Good to see you're getting some good maternity care.
Wishful - I hope everything goes well this morning! I had intense pain last night too after going for a walk, I'm pretty sure it was ligament and pelvic pain but it scared me a bit too!

I thought second Tri was supposed to be a breeze!?!? WTF?
I hope everything is okay wishful!

I haven't had any braxton hicks, but I have noticed more cramping the last few days. I'm trying to make sure I get all my water in, but it's making me feel sick lately. :wacko: So I'm hoping it's just slight dehydration. I would honestly be surprised to start feeling bh this early, but I guess that's normal. :shrug:

I haven't had much sleep the last few nights. I vowed I would sleep on my back as long as possible with this pregnancy because I gave it up at 15 weeks with #1 and it was sooo long before I could sleep on my back again. I'm typically a back or right side sleeper, so I'm fairly miserable right now. My back has started hurting me the last week and I've realized it's probably from sleeping on it since I've now noticed it's hurting me during the night. :dohh: DH noticed that I wasn't sleeping last night so he got up and made breakfast this morning. :hugs: I dread what's to come because I know it's only going to get worse. Makes me want to cry. :cry:
with my second and with this baby i wake up every night sleeping on my back. with my second it was that way all the way up until i delivered. my midwife told me that as long as i am not feeling pain, shouldnt hurt anything. i try though to stay on my left side, but it is impossible for me. i
Hoping everything is ok wishful!! :)

Has anyone been getting heart palpitations? They're worse when I lie on my left side ..?
Daddies - Stephen didn't really start talking until 16 months and from 18 months was putting sentences together (was so impressed!!), and now he is SO clear in what he says.
He would only say dadadadad for ages and we were getting worried he wouldn't learn to speak cause he wouldn't say any other sound but he is so clever now. Henry is Dominic's age I think and he can say 'mama', 'dada' and 'there' ... but he sees people talking to Stephen (as well as him) all the time so he has an advantage :haha: I think by 15 months you will start to notice he's speaking more
No BH or leaky boobs for me - yet... Have had a bit of movement but not loads and it doesn't seem to be increasing or getting stronger yet.. All in good time.
I have, however, started losing a lot of hair - which is worrying, it comes out in clumps whenever I run my fingers through it. I'm on holiday for the next week but I think I will ask at my 20 week scan when I get home, if they would know about that... X
Charlie, you might try a cough when your heart does that; it can kick it back on track. Not totally unusual, but still mention it to your Dr or MW.
I've had BH for about 3 weeks now (on and off, mostly when I'm dehydrated and stressed). I can't really participate in the leaky boob convo, cause my boobs have been producing milk for the past 3 years, and hasn't stopped once. I'm still nursing both my sons. However, my boobs rarely leak.

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