No I don't have a dating scan here. They normally just do an ultrasound around 8ish weeks and go from there. I'll have another ultrasound around 12, 20 and we'll do one more around 36 to check baby size. That is all my doctor gives. I will book a private scan around here for 3D/4D images. Its $200 and its 2 visits. One around 26ish weeks and another around 32ish weeks. These are 10 minutes each and you get a dvd with the entire scan on it.
I still feel good. Had a nap today so must have been tired and have a slight headache but other than that still nothing.
with my mmc the baby was measuring 8w6d so this week has me a little on edge. According to scan i would be 8w6d today. I haven't tried to hear heartbeat today, but I may try later this evening. Not sure yet.
I am feeling like this babe is a girl! Heartbeat was the highest heartbeat i've had on any of my babies! 173bpm! DD says its a girl too! I don't know if were going to find out or not. Right now we are not going to, but they may change down the road. We have one of each but truthfully we don't have a preference just HEALTHY! However I am a planner! Like I have to have things ready and be ahead of the game, not being this way brings me so much stress! I am worried this may happen. To keep that from happening I am going to be getting whatever newborn clothing I have left from DD and newborn clothing from DS all together and washed and stuff. i have a crib and such so that isn't a big deal, but I legit gave all of my other baby stuff away! So I have to get all new stuff there. My other big worry is my car... there is currently not enough room to fit a 3rd carseat in the back and I do not have a 3rd row in my car. Kicker is WE JUST BOUGHT THIS CAR at christmas!
Anyway enough rambling about me.. hope the sickness starts going away soon for everyone else. I feel bad getting on here and always saying i'm not feeling sick.
Oh sweety I'm so so sorry about the mmc. I had a misscarage at 10 weeks 4 days with my first it was awful. I've also had 2 early MC and they were very upsetting as well.
I keep seeing stuff about MMC and it's so worrying.
I feel ure be fine this time hon and thus baby you have now will be a take home baby I'm sure of it honey but I know it's hard not to worry because I'm still worrying now about mmc. The baby looked like it had a very strong HB so praying he or she continues to grow and thrive.
With the MC I had at 10 weeks and 4 days I did have a bleed at 6 weeks and was told then I was threatening a MC even tho I see baby's HB. The bleeding did stop but then at 10+4 I felt this woosh down there and ran to the Bathroom and there was so much blood it was like pouring out.
I had to have another scan and that's when they told I had lost the baby. It was heart breaking so I know how u feel sweety.
Can't wait to be 24 weeks so the baby can survive if born.
I hate all the worry the first tri brings.
So here we have a dating scan at 12 weeks then a anomaly scan at 20 weeks where you can find out the sex.
Because this is high risk I will have alot of later scans. One around 25 weeks then 30 weeks then 34 weeks.
Still hoping the MW tells me she wants to request a early scan b4 the 12 week one. I won't be telling her I've already had one because that was privet.
Wow hon 200 dollars for a scan that's expensive. It's about £50 for a privet scan at 16 weeks where they can tell you the sex. And £90 for any scans b4 12 weeks.
Not sure what that is in dollars but don't think there's a great difference between the dollar and the pound.
Still feeling sick here and sore boobs. Been getting restless leg syndrome at night which keeps me awake it's so Horrible. Also having to get up and pee in the night. Been getting alot more sharp stretching sensations but that's about it. Oh and been feeling tired and drained.
Had a big sort out today and got rid of a bunch of old clothes and stuff. Making room for the maternity clothing hehe.
I'm already in maternity jeans eeeek.