October bumpkins 2019

Nolimit - I feel like I’ve betrayed you :shock: I had a bunch of cancellations for all the plans I made to keep me busy for the next couple days before the scan, so I called up the ultrasound clinic to see if I could come any earlier and they squeezed me in this afternoon!

I’ve never gone for a scan this early so it felt so premature, but we saw one little baby with a heart rate of 130bpm. I measured a day behind (which I was expecting) so I’m officially due October 25. Changed my ticker already :)

I know you’re going to have an awesome scan! I’ll be watching for an update all morning :)

Nolimit - I feel like I’ve betrayed you :shock: I had a bunch of cancellations for all the plans I made to keep me busy for the next couple days before the scan, so I called up the ultrasound clinic to see if I could come any earlier and they squeezed me in this afternoon!

I’ve never gone for a scan this early so it felt so premature, but we saw one little baby with a heart rate of 130bpm. I measured a day behind (which I was expecting) so I’m officially due October 25. Changed my ticker already :)

I know you’re going to have an awesome scan! I’ll be watching for an update all morning :)

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Nolimit - I feel like I’ve betrayed you :shock: I had a bunch of cancellations for all the plans I made to keep me busy for the next couple days before the scan, so I called up the ultrasound clinic to see if I could come any earlier and they squeezed me in this afternoon!

I’ve never gone for a scan this early so it felt so premature, but we saw one little baby with a heart rate of 130bpm. I measured a day behind (which I was expecting) so I’m officially due October 25. Changed my ticker already :)

I know you’re going to have an awesome scan! I’ll be watching for an update all morning :)

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Awwwww look at little beany so so cute Congratulations hon. I will get my official date at my 12 week dating scan that's just how they do things here because any scans b4 that can be a bit out so don't be surprised if u have another scan and they put u forward hon because that happened to me with my DD. Had a scan at 7 weeks and measured bang on and then at my 12 weeks scan I was measuring 13 weeks so a whole week ahead and they put me forward a whole week.
Congrats on ure scan I bet ure so relived I know was but is still worry. Don't think as mum's we ever stop worrying even after there born lol.
How is everyone feeling today?
AFM, :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Hi hon
Well I'm 8 weeks tommorow so just 1 day behind you hehe. For the past 4 days I've felt sick and my boobs have been so so sore. However not felt as sick today infact pretty much all day not felt sick at all and was worrying but did feel a little queezyness earlier at dinner time but it went away as soon as I ate.
My boobs are still sore and I feel tired.
Also been having alot of nasel congestion and get out of breath pretty quick. Also feeling hot flashes and been getting headaches.
My dreams are very vivid as well and my emotions are terrible. I cry at happy things, I cry at sad things I just cry alot. I blame the hormones hehehe.
Thanks everyone :) Yes it’s such a relief to see a heartbeat, and I was so pleased that it was over 120 even though babe is still so young gestationally.

How many are still due for scans other than Teanna and Nolimit?
Oh and keep getting them sharp pulling sensations low down anyone else getting that?
My pubic bone is feeling a tiny bit tender which is a bit worrying because with my last 2 pregnancies I had terrible SPD and ended up on crutches. Eeeek
Thanks everyone :) Yes it’s such a relief to see a heartbeat, and I was so pleased that it was over 120 even though babe is still so young gestationally.

How many are still due for scans other than Teanna and Nolimit?

They didn't tell me the BPM and I cudnt listen to the HB because they said 7+1 is to early but she said that everything looked great so far so I'm hoping that means the HB was in normol range. It looked like it was going very very fast I remember that's the first thing I thought was how fast it was flashing.
Will find out BPM hopefully at my next scan but don't think that will be till I'm 12 weeks so another 4 weeks. But I'm hoping my MW tommorow will want to request a scan b4 my 12 week one. But if not will just have to wait. Hubby says he is not paying for another privet scan.
If MW won't request another scan b4 my 12 week dating scan then I'll just have to be extra nice to hubby and try and twist his arm for another privet one hehehe:haha:
Sugger my son was 166bpm at 7+3, I know they just want it over 120 by 7 (?) weeks. My son’s was really fast on the screen! This baby’s looked considerably slower, but I was happy with 130 as I believe they only look for over 100 at 6 weeks.
So your little one probably had a good strong heartbeat!
Thanks hon I hope so to. I know I've had a scan but I keep freaking out about mmc.
I've had 3 mc and my first MC was at 10 weeks and 4 days and I'm just worrying so much as I don't want it to happen again.
I'm seeing my MW tommorow and praying she will request another scan b4 my 12 week one. I'm 8 weeks tommorow so another 4 weeks then I'll be 12 weeks so it's not much longer to wait but I wud feel much better if I can get a scan b4 then just for extra reassurance.
I get the feeling...I have to wait so long to go in for a scan and I've had a blighted ovum that wasn't found until I thought I was in the second trimester when I went for a scan, but with that whole pregnancy my HCG was super low and my symptoms went away after the time I thought I was 7 weeks. I kinda knew something was wrong and was mentally prepared for that. This time I'm 6w4d and I still feel very pregnant and much different than I did with the blighted ovum. Doesn't stop me from googling every little thing either. Hopefully you get an extra scan, I've still got until April 1st until my midwife appointment. Times going so slowly these days.
Nolimit - I feel like I’ve betrayed you :shock: I had a bunch of cancellations for all the plans I made to keep me busy for the next couple days before the scan, so I called up the ultrasound clinic to see if I could come any earlier and they squeezed me in this afternoon!

I’ve never gone for a scan this early so it felt so premature, but we saw one little baby with a heart rate of 130bpm. I measured a day behind (which I was expecting) so I’m officially due October 25. Changed my ticker already :)

I know you’re going to have an awesome scan! I’ll be watching for an update all morning :)

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aw cute picture. Now we've got the same due date :)
Oh and keep getting them sharp pulling sensations low down anyone else getting that?
My pubic bone is feeling a tiny bit tender which is a bit worrying because with my last 2 pregnancies I had terrible SPD and ended up on crutches. Eeeek
I felt some weird pulling down low yesterday, it came and went regularly for about 30 minutes then haven't felt it since.
Sander don't be silly! I'd go in early too if it were just me going but my husband is coming too and he traded his day off with a co-worker so I could work my 12 hour shift today.

I'm so excited to hopefully join you with that beautiful sight of a heartbeat on thursday. I have no reason to believe it won't be there.

Symptom wise my boobs are just killing me (don't touch! :rofl:) and my MS is on again off again with yesterday being the worst. I'm back to being a hungry piggy today though so I'm thankful. We had cereal for breakfast, then we are two apples as a snack about an hour later. Then we had a plate of Caesar salad for lunch with a bowl of mushroom soup. Two rolls with butter and then a bowl of mixed berries as dessert. Now I want a Ruben sandwich.....seriously. This might be my first "craving". I don't >have< to have it but I really do want it.

I have been so not into sweets. It's very unlike me. No chocolate or pastries. I'll pass and take a bowl of fruit anytime right now. :)
Congratulations on the great scan and heartbeat!

I got a call from the financial coordinator from my doctor today! I know this may be confusing for some of you but just wanted to share. They did in fact move my due date up to 10/5! But I wanted to share the cost of having a baby with actually pretty good insurance!
So my deductible and out of pocket for the year (my required amount to pay before they will pay 100% of any medical bills) is $2,000 and luckily my deductible and out of pocket are the same some people have 2 different amounts they must pay. Anyways my doctors portion (covers my visits with him & care no matter how many times I see him, him delivering the baby basically everything except blood work and ultrasounds) is $1,522.89! If I go in for a lab or ultrasound I have to pay an extra $30 copay and then it’s covered 100% this amount has to be paid in full to them by month 7 of the pregnancy which is July. So that gives me 5 months of payments of $304! So that’s what I have to pay them. The hospital portion for my other 2 births were about $30,000-40,000 but thankfully back then I had my own insurance plus we didn’t make a lot of money so we had a government type assistance to pick up the remaining portion so we did not have to pay anything. This go around we “make too much money” to have that assistance but I shouldn’t have to pay anything still because I will have already paid that $2,000 to my doctors office! However, the baby will go onto our insurance immediate and accrue it’s own $2,000 deductible so I’m not 100% sure how much of a bill the baby will accrue at the hospital vs what they actually add to my portion.

Anyway I’m sure that was mostly just confusing, but I thought it would be interesting to share how much different medical care and having a baby costs for the different places around the world! And let me reiterate my insurance with maternity coverage it actually a very good insurance for the states so I’m grateful
How is everyone feeling today?
AFM, :sick::sick::sick::sick:

A little tired and cold, uterus is feeling kinda "full" and boobs feel a wee bit tender and fuller.

I also had a blood drawn today for the 2nd time in 4 days to see how my hcg number is increasing. They haven't posted the results online, so I guess they'll be posted tomorrow. Just very nervously waiting for my dating scan in 13 days. I'm so scared there won't be a heartbeat again. -.-

Sander - Glad you were able to get an earlier appt for your scan and that everything looks good.

And I hope you feel better soon, Wish.
Sander don't be silly! I'd go in early too if it were just me going but my husband is coming too and he traded his day off with a co-worker so I could work my 12 hour shift today.

I'm so excited to hopefully join you with that beautiful sight of a heartbeat on thursday. I have no reason to believe it won't be there.

Symptom wise my boobs are just killing me (don't touch! :rofl:) and my MS is on again off again with yesterday being the worst. I'm back to being a hungry piggy today though so I'm thankful. We had cereal for breakfast, then we are two apples as a snack about an hour later. Then we had a plate of Caesar salad for lunch with a bowl of mushroom soup. Two rolls with butter and then a bowl of mixed berries as dessert. Now I want a Ruben sandwich.....seriously. This might be my first "craving". I don't >have< to have it but I really do want it.

I have been so not into sweets. It's very unlike me. No chocolate or pastries. I'll pass and take a bowl of fruit anytime right now. :)
I'm the exact same way, I usually keep a big jar of candy on my desk at work and would have to refill every few days, but as soon as I got pregnant I didn't even want it. Took me a couple weeks to finish what was there and haven't bought more since. My co-workers are going to start wondering whats up without there sugar stash. haha
wow, in Canada I wont be paying a penny for the pregnancy and birth. Even my midwife is covered under ohip which is the ontario health plan every resident gets. I'll probably get a private 3-D ultrasound later in pregnancy to find out the gender earlier which will cost about $150 but I'll get a DVD and lots of pictures. I'm very grateful for the health care Canada provides.

Congratulations on the great scan and heartbeat!

I got a call from the financial coordinator from my doctor today! I know this may be confusing for some of you but just wanted to share. They did in fact move my due date up to 10/5! But I wanted to share the cost of having a baby with actually pretty good insurance!
So my deductible and out of pocket for the year (my required amount to pay before they will pay 100% of any medical bills) is $2,000 and luckily my deductible and out of pocket are the same some people have 2 different amounts they must pay. Anyways my doctors portion (covers my visits with him & care no matter how many times I see him, him delivering the baby basically everything except blood work and ultrasounds) is $1,522.89! If I go in for a lab or ultrasound I have to pay an extra $30 copay and then it’s covered 100% this amount has to be paid in full to them by month 7 of the pregnancy which is July. So that gives me 5 months of payments of $304! So that’s what I have to pay them. The hospital portion for my other 2 births were about $30,000-40,000 but thankfully back then I had my own insurance plus we didn’t make a lot of money so we had a government type assistance to pick up the remaining portion so we did not have to pay anything. This go around we “make too much money” to have that assistance but I shouldn’t have to pay anything still because I will have already paid that $2,000 to my doctors office! However, the baby will go onto our insurance immediate and accrue it’s own $2,000 deductible so I’m not 100% sure how much of a bill the baby will accrue at the hospital vs what they actually add to my portion.

Anyway I’m sure that was mostly just confusing, but I thought it would be interesting to share how much different medical care and having a baby costs for the different places around the world! And let me reiterate my insurance with maternity coverage it actually a very good insurance for the states so I’m grateful
wow, in Canada I wont be paying a penny for the pregnancy and birth. Even my midwife is covered under ohip which is the ontario health plan every resident gets. I'll probably get a private 3-D ultrasound later in pregnancy to find out the gender earlier which will cost about $150 but I'll get a DVD and lots of pictures. I'm very grateful for the health care Canada provides.

Income taxes is what you pay. It's not NOT costing you a dime. It's just not costing you a dime all at once. (Canadian living in the US) both systems have their positives and negatives but this is one of my biggest pet peeves about their differences. Canada's healthcare is NOT free.

On that note though I'm so glad you have the OPTION to pay for private scans! That's a blessing for sure.
Brittany I’m also shocked by how much you have to pay for the pregnancy!!

Teanna where in Ontario are you? We’re in Ontario too - just moved in January from BC. We live in Brantford. My midwifery care/prenatal/postnatal care and delivery were all covered by BC’s MSP. I literally never saw a bill. The only thing I had to pay for was the 3D scan DH and I did for fun!

Ive always heard pregnancy/birth in the States was expensive but I didn’t know the extent of it :shock:

Nolimit - that’s true we do pay ridiculous tax. But DH and I have found that between the healthcare coverage/child benefit return and other tax breaks it ends up not being terrible.

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