October bumpkins 2019

Hello ladies
I was very active on this site when I was try and then pregnant with my first son nine years ago and I found it to be extremely helpful and supportive. Since then I have also had a daughter who is now 7. Hubby and I found out we’re expecting Feb 17th so I’m about 6 weeks with an edd of October 26th! I have my first dr appt on March 13th where they said I’ll get a scan! I’m 38 years old so that makes me nervous with all the things you hear and read about advanced maternal age and what not. My morning sickness is mild atm and I’m hoping it stays that way fx!! I’m waking up each morning with pubic bone pain and some cramping, anybody else noticing this?
Congrats to you all and may you all have a very healthy and happy 9 months!! ❤️

Hi welcome to the group
I'm 39 and almost 8 weeks pregnant so yeah I totaly know what you mean about being older and the risks that come with it.
I had SPD in my last pregnancies and when it wud start my pubic bone wud hurt. Mine hasn't kicked in yet but expect it will soon. Kind of hoping it doesn't go be honest because SPD is very very painful and not fun.
As for cramps. I had cramps early on around weeks 4 to 5 and they felt a bit period like.
I don't really get them any more. I do however get shark stretching pulling pains low down right across my lower belly. Can be quite sharp Some times.
Congrats on ure pregnancy and wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months.
I've not seen a Dr yet but I have my fist midwife appointment on Wednesday where I'll get all my preganacy notes and folder.
Hoping she will request a scan b4 my 12 week one but I've already had a privet scan last week when I was 7+1 it was amazing but I'm still nervous.
Can't believe I'm nearly 8 weeks and hoping the next few weeks will fly by into the 2nd trimester.
My sickness and tiredness really kicked in at just over 7 weeks. I was only having a little queezyness hear and there but now I feel nousea pretty much all day but I'm not complaining haha.
Tried the whole poas with just urine
And then do another stick but add water just for funsies.

The top one is just 100% urine and bottom one 40% urine and 60% water.
It's crazy hahaha.
I'm high risk to hon. I'll be midwife and consultant lead. Had pre eclampsia and that liver thing you get when pregnant with my last pregnancy and had to be induced at 35+4.
I also hemariged and my placenta came out in small pieces so this time I'm very high risk. Means I get alot of later scans tho so that's good.

Im ignoring the fact I lost 2500ml with ds2 and needed 2 transfusions lol, though I do like the extra scans under consultant, fingers crossed for us all to have nice easy pregnancies and births :):)
Im ignoring the fact I lost 2500ml with ds2 and needed 2 transfusions lol, though I do like the extra scans under consultant, fingers crossed for us all to have nice easy pregnancies and births :):)

Amen to that sweety.
Yep I had to have 2 blood transfusions to hon. My husband said it all looked like something out of a horror movie.
All the placenta coming out in pieces rather than a whole thing.
It was so scary because I remember giving birth and then all of a sudden I was in agony again, I really thought there was another baby that had been hiding the whole time because it felt like very strong contractions. I was using the gas and air and baby had to be taken out my arms and rushed to SCBU.
Then I remember all these doctors and midwives running in the room and the placenta coming out in bits. And so much blood it was everywhere. I was going in and out of consciousness. The next minute I'm being wheeled down the corridor to theatre. I remember them saying if they can't stop the bleeding they wud have to perform a full hysterectomy. Then I remember nothing.
Untill I woke up several hours later. The first thing I said was where is my baby. And the 2nd thing I said is can i still have kids or did they take it all away.
And I remember the relief when I was told they managed to stop the bleeding and they didn't do a hysterectomy.
And now here I am pregnant again.
I'm sorry u went through a simular experience. I pray this time we have brillient pregnancies and a problem free birth with a healthy baby at the end of it.:hugs:[-o<
I definitely need some new bras! Baby's daddy is devastated he can't touch them lol but they are so sore! I'm also waking in the night to pee now too! Scan in 2 days very excited!
I'm going to need to get some new bras soon as well. My boobs are practically popping out of the ones I have. I don't think they're quite as sore as last week but still growing so fast. Hope your scan goes great, I'm still waiting until at least April 1st until I can get one.
Amen to that sweety.
Yep I had to have 2 blood transfusions to hon. My husband said it all looked like something out of a horror movie.
All the placenta coming out in pieces rather than a whole thing.
It was so scary because I remember giving birth and then all of a sudden I was in agony again, I really thought there was another baby that had been hiding the whole time because it felt like very strong contractions. I was using the gas and air and baby had to be taken out my arms and rushed to SCBU.
Then I remember all these doctors and midwives running in the room and the placenta coming out in bits. And so much blood it was everywhere. I was going in and out of consciousness. The next minute I'm being wheeled down the corridor to theatre. I remember them saying if they can't stop the bleeding they wud have to perform a full hysterectomy. Then I remember nothing.
Untill I woke up several hours later. The first thing I said was where is my baby. And the 2nd thing I said is can i still have kids or did they take it all away.
And I remember the relief when I was told they managed to stop the bleeding and they didn't do a hysterectomy.
And now here I am pregnant again.
I'm sorry u went through a simular experience. I pray this time we have brillient pregnancies and a problem free birth with a healthy baby at the end of it.:hugs:[-o<
Wow, that sounds like a terrifying experience. I hope this time goes more smoothly.
9 weeks today or maybe 9w2d according to baby!

Anyway house was hot was the stomach bug this weekend! DD 4th birthday is Sunday and her party Saturday! MIL birthday Monday, DH birthday next Saturday and then I have my 12 week appointment! Whew! I’m exhausted thinking about it! We’ll probably start on the nursery after that which is currently the playroom so it’s definitely going to take some time!

We won’t be having a shower since this is the 3rd baby. I gave away all of my baby things though so I’m constantly on the hunt for great deals on baby stuff! I found a baby swing for sale for $39 this weekend and snagged it! It’s gender neutral but honestly would be more geared to buy more girly things than boy because I have a feeling of girl. We don’t plan to find out but we’ll see how it goes!
Why is everything not allowed in pregnanacy :-( I suffered from migraines before i was pregnant and had to stop my daily medication I used to take and even though my migraines are mostly gone I get the occasional one. So today I decide to massage the pressure point between my thumb and finger and then read it is bad in pregnanacy as can induce labour #-oso confusing! Hard to figure out what is safe and what isn't!
I'm going to need to get some new bras soon as well. My boobs are practically popping out of the ones I have. I don't think they're quite as sore as last week but still growing so fast. Hope your scan goes great, I'm still waiting until at least April 1st until I can get one.
Mine are aching still! Thank you I'll hopefully post a pic of a little tiny baby tomorrow! Fingers crossed! Awww nightmare I would hate to wait I'm so impatient lol!
Why is everything not allowed in pregnanacy :-( I suffered from migraines before i was pregnant and had to stop my daily medication I used to take and even though my migraines are mostly gone I get the occasional one. So today I decide to massage the pressure point between my thumb and finger and then read it is bad in pregnanacy as can induce labour #-oso confusing! Hard to figure out what is safe and what isn't!

I used to be a migraine sufferer! Until I had my first! Don’t get me wrong I’ll still get them but not nearly as much as I did! Warm lavender baths usually help me.
Scan is in 2 days! It’s weird because in my last group I was due June 2, so I was always one of the first to do everything - now I’m one of the last and I’m so jealous to see all of the earlier scans! :p Thankfully these past few weeks have just flown by so it hasn’t felt like a long time.
DS had a horrendous poop in his diaper this afternoon, I had to get DH to do it while I almost threw up haha. Does this mean I’m off diaper duty for a while? :haha:
Sander when is ur scan Thursday? Mine is 1030am looking for a heartbeat. I'll be 6+5 so it'll be there if we're going to see one. Fingers crossed.
Nolimit mine is at 1pm EST! I should be around 7 weeks exactly. Also hoping to see a little heartbeat. It’s so nerve wracking isn’t it?? Glad we can be scan day buddies :)
Nolimit mine is at 1pm EST! I should be around 7 weeks exactly. Also hoping to see a little heartbeat. It’s so nerve wracking isn’t it?? Glad we can be scan day buddies :)

This will be my second scan and if we go off my growth from the last scan I would too be exactly 7 weeks! How funny! I'm very confident we will see a heartbeat but I'm sure that will waiver a bit on Thursday am. I'll have my fingers crossed for you and us! It's very nerve wracking. I desperately want this to go well but also feel at peace with what will be will be. Calm before the storm.
Wow, that sounds like a terrifying experience. I hope this time goes more smoothly.

Thanks hon I hope so to. I know I've had a scan but I keep freaking out about mmc.
I've had 3 mc and my first MC was at 10 weeks and 4 days and I'm just worrying so much as I don't want it to happen again.
I'm seeing my MW tommorow and praying she will request another scan b4 my 12 week one. I'm 8 weeks tommorow so another 4 weeks then I'll be 12 weeks so it's not much longer to wait but I wud feel much better if I can get a scan b4 then just for extra reassurance.
Eek! Everything grows faster with a 3rd baby/4th pregnancy!

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My belly has really popped to. It definitely looks more than just bloat now haha.
8 weeks tommorow but still a bag of nerves.
So worried about MC and mcc but praying that because I seen a strong hb that this little beany will be just fine.
I need to stop reading negative stories because that's what is making my mind go into over drive.
I've had 3 MC the one being at 10 weeks and 4 days being the worst.
The chemicals were heart breaking to but that one at 10 weeks 4 days was horrendous and to this day I still grieve for that baby.

Don't think Google is our friends in early pregnancy so i need to stop googling stuff.

My hubby keeps telling me off and telling me to stop the worrying because everything will be fine' but it's so hard to not worry.
I'm feeling pretty positive and sure everything will be fine but there's just that tiny dought that creeps in every now and again.
I will take another bump/bloat pic tommorow and post it on here. I have MW tommorow but been reading that it's unlikely she will listen in for a HB until about 14 weeks as they don't like doing it b4 then because it can be inaccurate:-(
Still hoping she will give it a go tho and if she does she will hear it fingers crossed.
Plus I don't have to tell her about the privet scan as that was privet and I payed for it, and I think when she sees my belly she is gonna wonder if I'm slightly further along and may well go ahead and listen.

When I had a scan with DD at 7 weeks I measured 7 weeks exactly but at 12 weeks I measured 13 weeks so they put me forward a whole week. Kind of hoping it happens again this time when I have my 12 scan.
Also hoping MW will request a scan b4 my 12 week one just for extra reassurance.

Loving ure bump pic. How did u add the weeks pregnant to the picture?
Hay ladies
Hope ure all having a great day. .

I need to seriously stop googling stuff because I've freaked my self out reading about missed misscariges:-(

I know I've had 3 mc b4 but with those my body just bled and that was the first sign.
I don't think Google is our friends in early pregnancy it just makes ure mind go into over drive and makes you worry when u read negative stories.:sad1:

How are we all feeling.
Ive been feeling very tired and sick:sick:and my boobs have grown and are still tender.
Also been an emotional wreck and crying at every thing. Even just watching the news and I'm crying my eyes out. :sad2:

Not feeling sick today yet but my boobs are still sore and swollen.
I expect the sickness will kick in later.
Also another symptom is itchy boobs is anyone else getting this?
Slept really well the last 2 nights.
I'm normoly one of those who can stay up untill abput 2am but by 9:30pm I'm exhausted and ready for bed.

Hope all the ladies that have been suffering bad sickness are starting to feel a bit better now.

And to all those that are having scans I'm just wanted to wish you all good luck.
You will be fine.
Sending hugs and love to everyone :hug:<3

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