Yay so happy u managed to find it hon. I don't have a Doppler yet but I have a scan on the 1st April and and then my main dating scan on the 9th April I will probably purchase a Doppler around that Time. I'm to scared to buy one now incase I can't find it. Because it will just make my anxiety worse than it already is.
I'm tired as well hon today I feel totaly exhausted and it's only 09:25am but I was up at 7am because I needed to pee. My youngest is 6 so she's at school but when she gets home it's pretty full on and I'm just like pooped out.
I will tell you ladies about my scan now. So I'm measuring a bit in front not much. At the 7+1 scan I was measuring 1 day behind but the last scan I'm measuring 2 days ahead. My due date has gone from the 16th to the 17th and now it's the 15th October. I will get my official due date on the 9th April at my dating scan but so far it's looking like the 15th.
Baby was very very active and the sonographer was so lovely and was laughing and saying you have a really lively one in there. Baby was kicking and waved it was so cute and the relief flooded through me.
I was bit alarmed at the HR being 171BPM that seemed to fast but the sonographer reasured me that it's perfect and baby is perfect. She also told me it was now safe to go and tell all my family and friends and everyone that I am pregnant, so I've now told my mum and best friends. I wasn't looking forward to telling them but they are happy for me and my mum is really excited.
I'll be 10 weeks Tuesday and not long to go till I'm in the 2nd tri.
Have another scan on the 1st April and then my main dating one on the 9th April.
Not heard anything about the scan the MW requested but we shal see.
Feel so much more relaxed now but still a little on edge because it's coming up to 10 weeks and I had that MC at 10+ weeks but I'm praying that now I've seen a strong HB twice on a scan that this baby will be just fine.
How are you all feeling?
My boobs have grown alot and are heavy and sore. My belly is all vainy so are my boobs. Been having headaches. Feel tired. Sickness vanished for 2 days but I'm feeling a bit sick today . My pubic bone is feeling a little tender. I had SPD with my DD and DS so that's a little worrying that I'm already feeling a little tender in that area.
Loads of CM lots of stretching pains and constipation (NICE

) also peeing alot. Heightened sence of smell even tho I keep getting nasal congestion which is weird. Any way ladies I've a busy day today doing all the boring house work so won't be on here much but will try and pop on here a bit later.
Have a great day ladies