Interesting Brittany here they don’t tell you if anything’s wrong via private scan either. They’re legally not allowed to tell you anything (except gender if you’re far enough along).
I’m sorry for all still dealing with MS. Weirdly for me I’ve had a pretty symptomless pregnancy so far. I had a small bout of MS a couple of days this week, mainly gagging no vomiting. I also spotted throughout with my son but haven’t had that either. Boobs feel ok, I’m only noticing being more exhausted and not being able to do the poopy diapers. Even that I can do if I really focus on not smelling it
I kind of am thinking I wasn’t as bad with my son as I remember, but that I had more time to analyze every twinge. Now I’m so busy with him I feel like I can go the whole day without even thinking of being pregnant.
I am guilty of regularly checking HB with the Doppler though haha. I catch it most of the time - the only times I can’t hear is when my bladder is empty. I always drink a bunch, wait and try again until I can find it.
Maybe this baby will be easier than my son haha