Wowsers so much to catch up on.
Yay for all the scans going so well loving the photos and
@xxmyheartxx I'm so happy for you sweety thank God all is normal at least you can chill now hon.
Sorry I haven't been on today I've been so busy doing all the housework and been feeling sick all day today

My boobs have also been so sore.
Having some major sharp dragging like pains low down tonight. Hopping its just stretching pains.
I'm the same stage now as I was when I had my first MC. 10+4 so feeling really on edge. Getting back pains but think that's just from doing the housework and stuff.
So happy you have all heard ure babies HB on dopplers. I still haven't heard the HB yet only seen it on the scans.
Really want my doppler to hurry up and get here but I think my the time it arrives I wud of had my next scan.
Unless they get it sent out earlier. Here's hoping.
My scan is a week on Monday I know it's not really a baby scan but I'm sure they wont mind moving the prob a little to the left to have a look at baby. Just praying theres still a strong HB and baby has grown.
Don't think I'll be able to get photos of that scan but I will be able to get pics of my dating scan on 9th April providing all is ok with baby. It really can not get here fast enough