October bumpkins 2019

Happy mothere day ladies.

Awww I'm so sorry about ure mum that's so dad. She will be looking down on you feeling very proud of you sending you huge hugs:hugs:

I've got it all crossed for you that ure having a girl. The HB certainly looks like u are.

Oh no what a complete night mate. Happy u got to her b4 she managed to tell the whole world. She cud of asked you first b4 saying anything tho.

I have my scan tomorrow and praying they will check baby as well. But I feel really nervous. I really didnt feel nervous but now it's getting close I do. I just hope they check baby and baby is healthy. I dont think I'll be able to get a photo because it's not a proper baby scan but if they do check baby I will ask if I can take a photo on my phone.

Have any of you been getting really itchy at night?
The last few nights I've been extremely itchy. Mainly my legs my tummy abs the tops of my arms. I just wanted to know if its normal.

I had that liver thing with my last pregnancy and that's why I had to have my DD 4 and a half weeks early. It didnt start until I was around 32 weeks. I had pre eclampsia as well.

I'm really worried because I feel so itchy at night and I'm nearly 12 weeks. Can u even get that liver thing this early. I'm really worried that its already starting but I dont even know if that's possible.
I'm not really that itchy in the day time. It's mainly at night.
I have had a fever and a virus all week so I dont know if its that or it's just normal.
I do have really sensitive skin and eczma so maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones making that worse.

Just want this baby to be ok and healthy.
Happy mothere day ladies.

Awww I'm so sorry about ure mum that's so dad. She will be looking down on you feeling very proud of you sending you huge hugs:hugs:

I've got it all crossed for you that ure having a girl. The HB certainly looks like u are.

Oh no what a complete night mate. Happy u got to her b4 she managed to tell the whole world. She cud of asked you first b4 saying anything tho.

I have my scan tomorrow and praying they will check baby as well. But I feel really nervous. I really didnt feel nervous but now it's getting close I do. I just hope they check baby and baby is healthy. I dont think I'll be able to get a photo because it's not a proper baby scan but if they do check baby I will ask if I can take a photo on my phone.

Have any of you been getting really itchy at night?
The last few nights I've been extremely itchy. Mainly my legs my tummy abs the tops of my arms. I just wanted to know if its normal.

I had that liver thing with my last pregnancy and that's why I had to have my DD 4 and a half weeks early. It didnt start until I was around 32 weeks. I had pre eclampsia as well.

I'm really worried because I feel so itchy at night and I'm nearly 12 weeks. Can u even get that liver thing this early. I'm really worried that its already starting but I dont even know if that's possible.
I'm not really that itchy in the day time. It's mainly at night.
I have had a fever and a virus all week so I dont know if its that or it's just normal.
I do have really sensitive skin and eczma so maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones making that worse.

Just want this baby to be ok and healthy.
I'm itchy as well but have been all winter, the air is so dry here and it's not been great for my skin, I think pregnancy has made it a bit worse. Moisturizer seems to help a lot.
I'm itchy as well but have been all winter, the air is so dry here and it's not been great for my skin, I think pregnancy has made it a bit worse. Moisturizer seems to help a lot.

Its driving me up the wall. I cant stop clawing myself. I'm even itching in my sleep. I will mention it to the liver doctor tomorrow. There be doing blood tests to check my liver so if anything is wrong it will show up on that.
Off to bed now ladies not sure if I'll sleep or not feel anxious about the scan just hope they look at baby and that baby is healthy.
It's going to be such a long day. I have to get up at 8am to get ready and then I think were leaving the house around 9 ish. It can take only an hour and half to get there but its going to be crazy traffic so I expect it will take a good 2 to 3 hours to get there.
I have to be in the scanning department by 12pm and my scan is at 12:20. Then I have to go to the liver department and see my liver transplant professor at 2:25pm then after seeing him I will have to have a load of blood taken then we can go home.
Prob wont get home until about 6pm or later so will be a very long day.

Please be ok baby please be healthy
anybody got their double marker blood results back? I am due to get them by friday and again, a very nervous wreck.

Age is not on my side (i just turned 34) and that adds up a bit of background risk !

Ohhh and i have terrible lower back pain.. I have no idea why!!
anybody got their double marker blood results back? I am due to get them by friday and again, a very nervous wreck.

Age is not on my side (i just turned 34) and that adds up a bit of background risk !

Ohhh and i have terrible lower back pain.. I have no idea why!!
i should get mine hopefully friday aswell, im 31 and also feel age isnt on my side this time, good luck on getting urs im sure all is gonna be ok, i also have lower back pain, but i have suffered for years with this as i have siatica in my leg :( x
So had my visit with my doctor today since he had to run to surgery Friday.
BP was 114/72
Weight 141
Even though I’m technically measuring 5 days ahead we aren’t going to change my official due date yet unless we get more than a week ahead! But it’s something we’ll watch and take into consideration
I asked about taking a baby aspirin a day for preeclampsia and he said it does help and if I want to take one a day that’s totally fine.
We listened to heartbeat on Doppler and took a little bit to find and was super low. Once we finally found it it was in the 150s, we heard for a couple of seconds and then baby kicked it away!

Everyone is guessing boy by the ultrasound photos but everything else for me points to girl. Idk I’m torn and getting into my own head about it! We have a private scan on April 16. We could totally find out the gender but we’re not. Hopefully it gives a little more clarity though to me on what I think it might be
Hi ladies.
I'm back home now and in my pyjamas and relaxing. It's been a long day.

So had the scan and my heart sunk to my boots when the lady told me she dont do baby scans as that's over in the womons hospital.:sad1:
But that she wud have a look at the baby just to see the HB.:flower:

Sadly she cudnt do any measurements because there scanning wont work out how many weeks u are because it's not the baby department.
Baby is massive and grown so much and actually looks like a baby now. Little sprout was asleep so the lady wiggled the prob thing and baby woke up and had the biggest stretch arching his/her back and stretching the arms back and what I thought was the umbilical cord because it was long turned out to be babies legs. Oh my goodness there so long and baby was kicking like crazy.
Really looked like my son at his 12 week and a few days scan like identical but it was only a small screen. It was very clear but it was not on a big screen like when u have proper baby scans.
I cudnt get any photos but i have my dating scan next week so will get some then.

Yes I'm worrying about the blood test and scan screening I'm 39 so I may be at a higher risk but praying all will be ok. Anyone know how long it takes to get the blood results?
I will have the blood tests on the same day i have the dating scan.
So was thinking if it was high risk results u wud get the results within 3 days?? So if I haven't heard anything by next Friday then I'll be hoping that means all is good.

I spoke to the liver doctor about the itching and I'm now waiting on today's blood test results which I'm hoping will come back normal. She said it may be because of the fever I've had that's been making me extra itchy. but that it is possible to get that liver thing in pregnancy earlier on, but it normally dont start till the end of second tri or 3rd tri. It started in 3rd tri with DD and the only cure is delivering the baby so I am really worried.
But hopefully the itching just turns out to be normal.
She told me I am at a high risk of getting that liver thing again but if I do get it I just pray it stays away until at least 34 weeks just so its safe for baby to be delivered. But I'm really hoping I dont get it at all:(
Happy mothers day ladies.. it's currently 5:45 am in Ireland and for the 3rd night in a row I'm wide awake.. the joys of pregnancy...

13 weeks today woohoo hello 2nd tri (based on my hospitals calender) :dance:

I meant to say after my 12 week scan. I went for bloods and answered the million questions they ask.. they have me down for risk of GD (I had it on my dd1) so I have to go for bloods every 6 weeks. My next appointment and mini scan is the 25th of April. Big scan booked for the 31st of May.. feels like ages away but I have the busiest month in April so it should fly for me.

Slowly getting my appetite back and woohoo was not sick today fist time in a long time I haven't. Hoping this is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Our scans are the same day again! 31st may for me too haha!
Regarding gender I realllllly want baby to be a girl and I know I’ll have to handle a bit of (feel so guilty) disappointment if it’s a boy. Getting the private gender scan through I might wait to about 17 weeks because I’m convinced my dates are right rather than the scans but we shall see! Basically skipped my whole 11th week according to the midwife. All my siblings had a girl first followed by a number of boys before any of them had a girl again so I’m praying I’m the same and then I’ll have 1 of each and maybe have a third.

So having the worst problems at the minute with OH’s family which is why I haven’t been on much. One of his sisters argued that because I got put forward 6 days that there is NO WAY this is her brother’s baby and she has now convinced all her family the same because me and him only dtd on the 24th January since we had broken up at the time. I ovulate very late on day 20/21 of a 35 day cycle so my dates are accurate but they won't listen. So now I’m not speaking to any of them and his mother has told his oldest sister to tell him I’m not allowed in the house until baby is born and definitely his. The stress is killing me and breaking my heart. OH is Indian why do they think I would lie, haven’t been with anyone else and it would be obvious if it wasn't his anyway! So annoyed because they are starting to mess with his head. As horrible as it is to think about I don’t think I want baby to have anything to do with his family other than him. :(:(:(
Aw Jessie that sounds awful! I hope you don’t mind me saying but your OH’s sister should butt out!! My goodness ultrasounds are not 100% accurate when it comes to dating pregnancies - even when done at 7-8 weeks (most accurate time to do it) there’s still an 8 day +/- leeway.
Also if you weren’t with anyone else then that point is moot anyways.
But honestly how ridiculous. This pregnancy is between you and him, not her! Anyhow, I’m so sorry you’re going through that. How stressful. I hope they come around :hugs:
Aw Jessie that sounds awful! I hope you don’t mind me saying but your OH’s sister should butt out!! My goodness ultrasounds are not 100% accurate when it comes to dating pregnancies - even when done at 7-8 weeks (most accurate time to do it) there’s still an 8 day +/- leeway.
Also if you weren’t with anyone else then that point is moot anyways.
But honestly how ridiculous. This pregnancy is between you and him, not her! Anyhow, I’m so sorry you’re going through that. How stressful. I hope they come around :hugs:
Oh no I don’t mind at all because I completely agree!! It’s terrible but I have all the support I need from family, OH and friends so I’m sure I’ll be okay!
I’ve been pretty bored today lol and super fixated on this gender thing still probably because I’ve been so bored (one of my kids is with her aunt and so it’s just me and the baby and he spent a lot of the day napping!!)
Anyway.. this ramzi method.. anyone know much about it? I’ve read several articles and feel like I’m getting several different answers.

I’ve gotten out my kids ultrasounds from 6-7 weeks and unfortunately with DD scan I am unable to see anything because it was so zoomed in. But I have 2 from DS that I was trying to use.. I cannot figure it out! Anyone else bored or want to help see if they can figure it out?

First photo is DS on top at 6 weeks, this baby on bottom at 6 weeks
Second photo is DS on top at 7 weeks, this baby at 6 weeks (don’t have one of this baby at 7 weeks because we saw heartbeat at 6 weeks unlike I did for my other 2 kids)

To me looking at them in comparison it’s like ok they look like they’re opposite each other.. but if I try to analyze them separately I am either doing it wrong or where I’m assuming the placenta/future placenta is at is wrong. Because I keep getting my son should have been a girl? Lol.. I was actually really good in school at this kind of stuff! Maybe it’s baby brain haha!

Edit to add.. all of these were transvaginal ultrasounds

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Hm Brittany I just spent ages analyzing mine and I can’t even see the white spot I’m supposed to be looking for haha. If you figure it out let me know and maybe you can look at mine :haha:
Hm Brittany I just spent ages analyzing mine and I can’t even see the white spot I’m supposed to be looking for haha. If you figure it out let me know and maybe you can look at mine :haha:
Post it here! I’ll look and maybe we can figure this out together
Regarding gender I realllllly want baby to be a girl and I know I’ll have to handle a bit of (feel so guilty) disappointment if it’s a boy. Getting the private gender scan through I might wait to about 17 weeks because I’m convinced my dates are right rather than the scans but we shall see! Basically skipped my whole 11th week according to the midwife. All my siblings had a girl first followed by a number of boys before any of them had a girl again so I’m praying I’m the same and then I’ll have 1 of each and maybe have a third.

So having the worst problems at the minute with OH’s family which is why I haven’t been on much. One of his sisters argued that because I got put forward 6 days that there is NO WAY this is her brother’s baby and she has now convinced all her family the same because me and him only dtd on the 24th January since we had broken up at the time. I ovulate very late on day 20/21 of a 35 day cycle so my dates are accurate but they won't listen. So now I’m not speaking to any of them and his mother has told his oldest sister to tell him I’m not allowed in the house until baby is born and definitely his. The stress is killing me and breaking my heart. OH is Indian why do they think I would lie, haven’t been with anyone else and it would be obvious if it wasn't his anyway! So annoyed because they are starting to mess with his head. As horrible as it is to think about I don’t think I want baby to have anything to do with his family other than him. :(:(:(

that is so pathetic!! Really hope your OH doesn't get even bit affected by this.

AFM, I am having strange, dull aches in my body.. mostly lower back.. which sometimes radiate to abdomen and my bum.
Kind of worried that this is not good.
My cervical length at 12 week scan was just 3.2 so i am worried sick that i m gonna have incompetent cervix. All these dull aches n all are not helping either.
Anybody got any experience??
Jessie that really sucks and I'm so sorry ure going through this.

12 weeks today ladies going by my last scan and this time next week I will be having my dating scan. Feel like I've hit a milestone now yay.
Some doctors here say from week 12 ure in the second trimester but I'm going to hold out until next week until I go over to the 2nd trimester thread.

Cant wait to get my official due date and get all the screening testing out the way I'm a little nervous about that esp because I'm 39. Just praying this baby is healthy.

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