October bumpkins 2019

Just popping in on my lunch break to reply to Jessie.

I dunno how polite or ballsy or whatever you are, but if I was in your situation, I'd stand my ground, talk a lot of smack to any of his family members who speak to you first, and then rub it in their faces like crazy when it's proven to be his. And if your OH actually has doubts, tell him he'll be very sorry that he this amazing time being doubtful and suspicious. If his sister is a dumb bitch who can't understand gestational math, that's her problem, not yours. F 'em.

AFM, HB still sounds fast and strong as of last night. :)
Jessie that's insane. Your OH needs to speak up and put his family in their place. This baby is his, this baby will be part of the family and they will regret treating you this way just as others have posted. I hate when people create drama when there isn't any. Like, they have nothing better to do right? As long as OH is on your side they can go to hell! Bah! I'm sorry you are dealing with this!
Demotivated I’m not sure if this is what they feel like but I’ve been getting a really heavy uterus type feeling along with an achy back ache. I’m pretty sure it’s normal :) As for cervical length, I think you’re ok. Do you have other kids? I asked my midwife about this at 15 weeks last time, and she said if I was going to have an incompetent cervix I would have already lost the baby. I don’t know how accurate that information was but she had been a midwife for like 30+ years. I also read online that even if your cervix is less than 2.2cm, you still only have a 20% chance of preterm delivery. So I think it’s really really rare and you should be fine!

Ok here’s my ultrasounds maybe we can figure it out together :p

Closer up picture is my son!

BBAD4763-721C-4CD5-BC48-81978717CADF.png 2846229A-D468-4187-B18C-8AF0C1ED3255.png
Demotivated I’m not sure if this is what they feel like but I’ve been getting a really heavy uterus type feeling along with an achy back ache. I’m pretty sure it’s normal :) As for cervical length, I think you’re ok. Do you have other kids? I asked my midwife about this at 15 weeks last time, and she said if I was going to have an incompetent cervix I would have already lost the baby. I don’t know how accurate that information was but she had been a midwife for like 30+ years. I also read online that even if your cervix is less than 2.2cm, you still only have a 20% chance of preterm delivery. So I think it’s really really rare and you should be fine!

Ok here’s my ultrasounds maybe we can figure it out together :p

Closer up picture is my son!

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So the scan photo of your son if I am doing it right looks like the same as my sons. With the “placenta” or future placenta is on the right side of the photo which I think means boy? On my scans of my boy you can see the line that attaches baby to that side which is why I’m assuming that is where my placenta was with him. Your scan of your boy shows the brightest white part is on the right so I’m assuming that’s where yours was.
As far as our now babies... haha idk! I can’t see much on yours and baby looks almost right slap in the middle! Normally the baby will be closer to the spot of where the placenta is developing, not always but a lot of the time!
Demotivated I’m not sure if this is what they feel like but I’ve been getting a really heavy uterus type feeling along with an achy back ache. I’m pretty sure it’s normal :) As for cervical length, I think you’re ok. Do you have other kids? I asked my midwife about this at 15 weeks last time, and she said if I was going to have an incompetent cervix I would have already lost the baby. I don’t know how accurate that information was but she had been a midwife for like 30+ years. I also read online that even if your cervix is less than 2.2cm, you still only have a 20% chance of preterm delivery. So I think it’s really really rare and you should be fine!

Ok here’s my ultrasounds maybe we can figure it out together :p

Closer up picture is my son!

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Yes exactly that ! sometimes lower back ache with heaviness in uterus.. also I just realized I get it most when I m at work..so sitting upright in a chair.. may b just posture issues..

I have had only one pregnancy before and my son is now 4. Didn't have this issue with him at all. I already like your midwife
Hoping to meet my OB on Friday so will ask her too.. fingers crossed.. I know 3.2 isn't bad bad.. but I just tend to worry a lot!!
I can find babies HB really easy now to and its loud. I haven't listened the last few days becaus I had the scan yesterday and baby was kicking and heart was beating away. I haven't listened today because all day today I've felt lots of movements. Turns and kicks and its lovely. Can even feel it when I'm stood up now.
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I think my LO likes sleeping after I get home from work because we can reliably find the heartbeat on my lower left when we look for it after work. So excited to hit second trimester in a few weeks! Off to my first prenatal appointment today!
I think my LO likes sleeping after I get home from work because we can reliably find the heartbeat on my lower left when we look for it after work. So excited to hit second trimester in a few weeks! Off to my first prenatal appointment today!

Awwww its lovely hearing that HB. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I expect she will listen to the heartbeat tomorrow.
Let us know how ure appointment goes hon how exciting.
Awe, everyone scan is so precious! I'm so jealous! lol
Please be aware, this is going to a rant.
I had a scan on the 25th of March and the midwife who did my scan, UGH!!! is all I can say. Wasn't sure if she was new or not, but she did a horrible job at scanning. For this particular visit I was told that it would be a scan, give me my official due date that can't be changed and offered all blood work. When the monitor came on I saw my baby all cute and all, I believe he/she was sleeping because he/she wasnt moving but the heart beat was at 171bpm. From there it all went down hill, after she pointed out, "oh look, there's the heart beat." The rest and the photos she took for me were unbelievable. She couldn't measure my baby correctly, she was guessing which button to push and she kept measuring my baby at 9w, 9w1d, 9w2d. Eventually she got a 10w1d and she STOPPED. "ok, will I'll keep this one," and ripped the rest for me. (which at that point in time I was suppose to be 10w6d.) I asked her, why is my baby measuring so small, she said "oh, we're not worried about that right now. When you get to 20w and the baby is small then we will look into it, but as far as your due date goes, I am not going to change it from your previous scan your baby looks healthy and thats all that matter (and of course I couldn't agree more.) If you guys see my photos you guys would be mad, too. Its my baby so when I look at it, I fall inlove with it always, but WHY????? Looking at yours and my sister's and I just cant help, but feel a little bit (just a little bit) jealous. "sigh......."
Yeah Brittany I can’t tell either! Ah well, we’ll find out soon enough haha.

Ugh wish how annoying!! Sorry you didn’t get a nice picture :(

I went for my first midwife appointment today. It was good - she also examined me because I still have issues from my son’s birth and she thinks my tear is still not healed all the way! So she’s referring me to a gynaecologist to look at it :( She also said the way I tore was like my vagina exploded (YES she used the word EXPLODED :shock:) so anyways she said she’ll get the detailed report from the hospital and if it happened like she suspects she’ll agree another vaginal birth isn’t a good idea and I’ll be booked for a C-section.

So all in all a good visit. It ran a little overtime so she only had a quick look for the heartbeat - she was looking too far to the left so didn’t find it (I found it in the center as soon as I got home). She was funny though when I denied genetic screening I was like but I’d love to see the baby - she says well if we can’t find the heartbeat this time I can refer you for a scan, it’s kind of an abuse of the public health system but if you want :p I said no haha. Now I kind of wish I had said yes :haha: ah well, I’ll see him/her again soon!
Ladies I'm freeking out. I just went to the bathroom and when I wipe there was the normal muckas but it had streaks of reddy pink blood in it??
I've been a bit constipated and was trying to go so if the straining caused it. It definitely came from the vagina and it looks like the show. The thing u have b4 u go into labour.
It happened twice when I wiped but on the 3rd wipe nothing.
I'm now on the toilet again and theres nothing.
Shud I be worried?
I have no pain. A little backache but I think that's where I'v just been constipated but other than that nothing and I can still feel baby moving.
Had no more bleeding since. Have managed to go toilet now at last. I've been so constipated so is relief to finally go. I've been bathroom about 4 times now since the bleeding and nothing. Its just clear no blood at all. But I just don't get what that blood was. It really looked like when u lose the mucas plug b4 or during labour it was all mukas streaked with red blood.
But nothing since and it only happened twice when I wiped. Well first time was like a very tanned light brown then second wipe was the more pinky red streaky stuff mixed with cm.
I've just got my dopper out and it took me ages but managed to find the HB at 165BPM.
Do u think I'll be ok ladies or is it something to worry about?
Regarding gender I realllllly want baby to be a girl and I know I’ll have to handle a bit of (feel so guilty) disappointment if it’s a boy. Getting the private gender scan through I might wait to about 17 weeks because I’m convinced my dates are right rather than the scans but we shall see! Basically skipped my whole 11th week according to the midwife. All my siblings had a girl first followed by a number of boys before any of them had a girl again so I’m praying I’m the same and then I’ll have 1 of each and maybe have a third.

So having the worst problems at the minute with OH’s family which is why I haven’t been on much. One of his sisters argued that because I got put forward 6 days that there is NO WAY this is her brother’s baby and she has now convinced all her family the same because me and him only dtd on the 24th January since we had broken up at the time. I ovulate very late on day 20/21 of a 35 day cycle so my dates are accurate but they won't listen. So now I’m not speaking to any of them and his mother has told his oldest sister to tell him I’m not allowed in the house until baby is born and definitely his. The stress is killing me and breaking my heart. OH is Indian why do they think I would lie, haven’t been with anyone else and it would be obvious if it wasn't his anyway! So annoyed because they are starting to mess with his head. As horrible as it is to think about I don’t think I want baby to have anything to do with his family other than him. :(:(:(
Aw that's frustrating. My midwife yesterday wants to go by my LMP until my ultrasound. She thinks I'm about 4 or 5 days further along than would be possible. I'm still going by my dates for now. The father is also Indian but he opted out in the beginning so he wont be involved at all. I haven't met his family but know he'd be disowned if they found out anyway. I'm a bit worried now though, my midwife found my uterus higher than it should be and everyone thinks it's going to turn out to be twins. Trying to book my ultrasound for Saturday so I'll get the final verdict.
Sugger you could always mention it to your OB, my midwifery clinic says to call for any red blood - but that’s just to be safe. They likely won’t have you come in urgently because first of all it’s too early for them to do anything for the baby (sounds awful and I don’t mean anything’s wrong, especially because you heard the HB, but I had a similar experience at 28 weeks and I had to go in to the hospital as they could deliver the baby if I was in pre-term labour. It ended up being nothing!) and 2nd, they won’t see you because it was such a small amount of blood. They take you in the ER if you fill a pad an hour which is obviously not the case.
However, if you phone your doctor they can probably give you some reassurance and things to watch for. As someone who has had a LOT of bleeding scares during pregnancy, just know that your LO is more than likely just fine. I know how scary it is. But with such a small amount of blood, it probably just came from your cervix and not from baby.
Hugs xx
Sugger you could always mention it to your OB, my midwifery clinic says to call for any red blood - but that’s just to be safe. They likely won’t have you come in urgently because first of all it’s too early for them to do anything for the baby (sounds awful and I don’t mean anything’s wrong, especially because you heard the HB, but I had a similar experience at 28 weeks and I had to go in to the hospital as they could deliver the baby if I was in pre-term labour. It ended up being nothing!) and 2nd, they won’t see you because it was such a small amount of blood. They take you in the ER if you fill a pad an hour which is obviously not the case.
However, if you phone your doctor they can probably give you some reassurance and things to watch for. As someone who has had a LOT of bleeding scares during pregnancy, just know that your LO is more than likely just fine. I know how scary it is. But with such a small amount of blood, it probably just came from your cervix and not from baby.
Hugs xx

Thank you hon
I've just spoken to an out of hours doctor and he said that it doesn't think it's anything to worry about. He said to tell my midwife about it tomorrow. Luckily I have a midwife appointment. And he said if I start bleeding again and it's more heavier then to go A+E. He said it cud be just normol mukas but I've never had blood streaked mukas b4 unless I'm about to go into labour.
No bleeding what so ever since.
First prenatal check! HR is 198! Wow! It could be because of the cup of coffee I had around lunch today, but my OB did not seem concerned in the slightest. I said "wow that's high" and she came back at me immediately with "Well of course, it's supposed to be!" We got to see baby moving around today in there, we saw him/her extend their arm out and stretch out their fingers, and we even got a perfect footie shot. Measuring ahead again so my new EDD has changed from the 26th up to the 22nd. My husbands birthday is the 20th. Our family members are taking bets that baby will steal hubbys birthday! We're okay with whenever this little one wants to come, as long as its in October of course. Hahaha. We will have an NT scan in the next few weeks to see our risk of Edwards (I don't care about down syndrome) and then we can prepare how to give our baby the best life possible if it does come back elevated, though I'll be honest, I am not concerned in the slightest about it. I really just wanted it because I don't know much about Edwards, and I would like the extra scan if my insurance will cover it. Why not? I'd love to see my baby one more time before the 20th anatomy scan. My next OB appointment will be on the 30th of this month. Not sure what will happen at that one, but we wont be having a scan so who knows.

Photos attached! Look at that little foot :cloud9:

11weeks.jpg 11wweks.jpg 10weeks.jpg 10weeks1.jpg
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Had my midwife appointment yesterday and she tried to get a heartbeat but no luck but I was expecting that as she gave me a lot of warnings that would be the case and my sister didn't get her's on the doppler until her 2nd midwife appointment. She found my uterus out of my pelvis though already at 10 weeks, which makes me wonder about twins and I did have super dark lines on tests early on as well. Just scheduled my dating ultrasound and genetic screening for April 13th, I'm disappointed they couldn't fit me in this week but I'll be 12 weeks 1 day then by my count so should get to see lots.
Lovely scan photo hon so cute.

Glad ure midwife app went well. I wudnt worry about the HB my midwife wont do them until ure second app at 12 weeks and not even sure if they do then it mite be more like 14 weeks but I will let u know because I have a midwife appointment today and I'm 12+1 so I will let u know if she does have a listen.

ATM just woke up and I've been to the toilet. Mukas had a slight tan to it. Not red or pink or brown just a very slight tan. I'm wondering if the blood came from the cervix yesterday?
I've checked cervix and its super high like can barely reach and closed so I'm hoping that's a good sign that im not going to miscarry.
I'm going to talk to my midwife today about what happened. She may send me to the EPU for a scan but I'm not sure because I got a scan on Tuesday anyway but I'll see what she says.
Gonna have another listen for the HB in a min just to make sure baby is ok.

Gosh ladies what a scare. I dont want to be seeing anything like that again until I'm at least 36 weeks.

Does anyone know if u can lose a little bit of the mukas plug and if it grows back? Even if its got blood in it?
Its started again I've just called my doctors and the doctor is going to refur me to the early pregnancy unit at the hospital today for a scan.
I'm so scared ladies I'm bawling my eyes out.
Please keep me in ure prayers and please let this baby be ok and the bleeding not nothing to do with the baby.
I'm so scared I'm about to miscarry
Oh please be ok baby

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