October bumpkins 2019

Amazing story hon. I really thought I was out and wasn't pregnant even tho I was getting some weird symptoms so when I got my faint BFP I cudnt believe it. It was on a clear blue early responce test and I thought maybe it was a false positive after reading some bad horror stories about blue dye tests.
Then when I got the positive on the FRER I remember feeling so excited so shocked. I cudnt stop looking at the test and thinking is this real haha. I was so nervous though because of previous chemicals.
When I got line progression and my tests got darker and darker and darker it was such a relief.
I still do the odd test hear and there just to make sure them lines are dark still. It's the only reassurance I've had.
But I'm still a bit worried and I know when I do finally get a scan I'm gonna be so nervous.
Pretty sure it's in the right place because I haven't had any spotting or any pain in my side. But it's just not knowing if that little heart is beating away. I just pray it is.

Loving the bump pic. U can see the difference hon woohooo.
I'm gonna do another bump pic or bloat pic hahaha at 8 weeks and compare it to my last photo I will post on here. Only another week and 1 day so not long.
That's got to be a good sign isn't it hon if ure belly is growing. Surly
Yalllllllll!!!!!! I found baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler :cloud9::cloud9:

I’m so in love <3 <3 <3

I’m going to attempt to post it here if I can find a way!

Oh wow amazing. I really hope my midwife can find a heart beat at my next week appointment. That wud be so reasuring. I will invest in a Doppler but I want to wait untill I've had a scan because if I get one and I can't find the HB I will freek out.
Do you think my baby is ok hon and I will see a strong beating heart or hear it at my MW appointment.
I hate this anxiety at not knowing for sure
Oh wow amazing. I really hope my midwife can find a heart beat at my next week appointment. That wud be so reasuring. I will invest in a Doppler but I want to wait untill I've had a scan because if I get one and I can't find the HB I will freek out.
Do you think my baby is ok hon and I will see a strong beating heart or hear it at my MW appointment.
I hate this anxiety at not knowing for sure
I would definitely say you and baby and fine! No spotting, no awful cramping and several symptoms are around!
Hey ladies... for those of you feeling the sickness I’m sorry and I hope you get some relief soon...so far some smells make me gag but not sick...yet.. with my son I had to take a garbage can everywhere with me so I know your pain! We told immediate family this week and glad it’s out there now lol (we won’t tell any one else until 12 weeks or so) ... my son took it ok..I think it’s just going to be an adjustment for him (he’ll be 12 in a couple of weeks)

Has anyone gotten random sharp pain in their stomach? Yesterday and today I have and it kind of comes and goes... no spotting or anything but still kinda freaks me out... can’t wait until this next scan in two weeks!
I've had some random sharp pains in my side, doesn't feel like my uterus but if i get up fast it's there. I've had minor uterine cramping as well but now I'm 5 weeks it seems to be calming down some.
Anyone else have like mega sore boobs and nipples mine are killing me today propper outchy.
My boobs are starting to get more sore, they've been normal PMSing like sore ever since I ovulated but I'm 5+3 now and the past few nights I wake myself up at night cause I accidentally rolled on my stomach and my boobs hurt so much.
My boobs are starting to get more sore, they've been normal PMSing like sore ever since I ovulated but I'm 5+3 now and the past few nights I wake myself up at night cause I accidentally rolled on my stomach and my boobs hurt so much.

Were the same!!! My boobs hurt to lay on my stomach too and I can't do it anymore. I hope you get some releif!

Brittany what kind of Doppler do you have? I want to purchase one when we see the HB (God willing) and I've bought a womb music before for my SIL and she loved it.
Sorry I haven't been active. It's taken some time to adjust to realizing we're pregnant again. I also didn't feel like I could make connections much here due to this being a huge opps pregnancy. We had always discussed if this happened we'd be all right with it, which we are, but I don't feel like I can be the same excited as many of you feel. Which I am so happy for all of you!
I also am one who is more cautious due to having three miscarriages when we where trying to have babies. I don't want to get too close to this little star as I know what has happened in the past. It's how I was with my two successful pregnancies until out of the first tri.
Anyway I go for my first u/s on Friday which I'm not sure how I feel as it's the earliest I've ever had one. Usually I go around the 8 week mark, but I'm guessing my doctor wants to see where we are since my LMP was Dec. 28th and apparently I O'd around Jan 28th instead :/ Which has never happened but it's the only day we had sex.
So I'm guessing at how far along we are. I'm scared we wont see a heartbeat on Friday. I know my body to a T. We had sex on the 28th, fairly certain that Friday the egg implanted as it felt the same as it did any other time I had fallen pregnant and is how I knew we where pregnant. A few days later, on Weds I tested positive (pretty sure I may have tested positive on Tuesday if I would have taken one). So I hope I am where I am and we'll see the heartbeat.
Butterfly I am in the same boat. After 3 miscarriages, 8 years of infertility, and spending the last 4 of them in treatments I am just not able to be as excited as the rest of these ladies seem to be. I know I will get there should this pregnancy progress as normal, but your fears and worries are 100% valid and I understand them a great deal. :hugs: we will make it through this.
Butterfly I am in the same boat. After 3 miscarriages, 8 years of infertility, and spending the last 4 of them in treatments I am just not able to be as excited as the rest of these ladies seem to be. I know I will get there should this pregnancy progress as normal, but your fears and worries are 100% valid and I understand them a great deal. :hugs: we will make it through this.
Thanks, *hugs* And this will be your rainbow baby <3 About two more hours for you until your U/S right? I can't wait to hear your results of it. Just remember to breathe. I have a tendency to forget that when I'm at the doctors X'D
Nolimitxox and butterflywolf
I completely understand how you two are feeling, because behind all my excitement and joy, I am terrify about the what if's. Esp that I keep spotting, (brown/dark brown) its been like this for a week and a half now and like I've mentioned before in one of my post. My husband has coached me into being "positive." Live in the moment and enjoy. Be happy and take one day at a time. xoxo
the first one is of when I had the emergency scan due to bleeding on Friday, Feb 22. My peanut was measuring at 6w1d. With that scan, I was told I had a cyst on my left ovary. The second one was of yesterday (Mon, Feb 25) scan with my ivf clinic, I thought it was more of a scan to check everything, but in her terms its just to verify the heartbeat/pregnancy. It was so quick, she put the wand in, saw the heartbeat took a photo and out the wand goes. UGH!!, right? She measure the baby and it was measuring at 6w6d with the egg yolk sac. Im so proud of my little peanut. I talk to my baby everynight, I remind it to be strong and don't worry about a thing, but "keep growing." October, be here already! lol

20190226_090803.jpg my baby.jpg
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Wish that's beautiful!!!! I know the spotting can be so nerve wracking. My best friend spotted for 12 weeks in her first pregnancy. Her daughter is 7 this may. Those scans are so reassuring.
Wish that's beautiful!!!! I know the spotting can be so nerve wracking. My best friend spotted for 12 weeks in her first pregnancy. Her daughter is 7 this may. Those scans are so reassuring.
Yes, they are and thanks for sharing your friend's story. <3
Congrats on a great scan Wish!

Got my scan date today - March 7 (next Thursday). I’ll be 7 weeks on the dot - they said I could book anytime next week but I have family in town and I really want to be at least 7 weeks to make sure we can see the little heartbeat :)

Excited I’m sure it’ll be here before I know it!
Huge success today. We got to see a gestational sac and a yolk sac. Did not attempt to visualize a heartbeat. We are measuring about 2 days ahead at 5 weeks and 5 days and our next scan is booked for next Tuesday where we will visualize a heartbeat. <3 we are over the moon!!!

Huge success today. We got to see a gestational sac and a yolk sac. Did not attempt to visualize a heartbeat. We are measuring about 2 days ahead at 5 weeks and 5 days and our next scan is booked for next Tuesday where we will visualize a heartbeat. <3 we are over the moon!!!

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That's awesome! Can't wait for next Tuesday for you! But first Friday for me X'D Can't believe just a few more days for our scan. It's nice too as I go drop my daughter off at school and then I go to the apt so no waiting on Friday.

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