I don't don't do it anymore hon.
I still cut the kids hair and anyone I know if they need a haircut I will do it.
Not long now until ure scan hon so exciting.
I'm in the south west of England UK.
So we are just going into summer.
Our summers can get hot but normally range around 22 to 24c but we can get heat up to 35c but that doesn't always happen.
We had a few days in early August last year that reached 32c and it was horrible.
But thankfully only lasted a few days.
Normally June and July are very warm but not everyday somedays it can still get a bit chilly.
Normally August is a funny month. We can get warm days but also very wet rainy days and the evenings become much cooler. Very stormy normally in August.
September can be touch and go as well. Sometimes it can be nice, but the last few years autumn has been kicking in in September.
I love being pregnant in summer and showing off my bump. Hated winter and having to hide my bump.
It gets bitterly cold here in the winter.
May is Normally when our weather gets nice and warm but it's been very rainy so far.
Can't wait for Warmer weather and being able to wear my maternity shorts and dresses.
Congratulations on team blue hon. Loving the name.
I'm still sticking with Harley as a name for this one.
I do love the name Toby and also Albie too but DH is not so keen.
I love the name Ralphy but DH hates it.

Still can't believe DH chose Harley it's so out there for him. He named our youngest son too. Tommy-Jay.
Very boy heavy. We're finding out on Wednesday at a private gender scan. Have 2 boys already and would love a girl as this is most definitely our last. Dont think we're capable of making girls though!
How exciting can't wait to find out what ure having eeeeeeek.
21 weeks today. 16 weeks until 37 weeks and possibly induction day.
Will get my induction date around 35 weeks. But it's already in the plan for 37 weeks.
We haven't brought anything yet. Only a steriliser.
I haven't announced on social media yet either but as soon as I get to 24 weeks it's all systems go.
I never feel comfortable buying b4 then. I always wait for Vday.
Can't wait to hit 24 weeks.
3 more weeks and counting