@Suggerhoney which pillow do you use? I’ve been looking into getting one. I’ve never used ones in previous pregnancies
I got this one hon
I'm due September and in our September due date group 0it's mainly boys too, but there are some girls. The September group is quite small. There was more ladies but alot of them vanished and one lady lost her baby at just over 13 weeks. She was having a girl bless her.
I reckon November will be girls and maybe the December group?
Hope ure scan comes around quickly hon.
Literally can't wait to find out what ure having. I wonder if u will be team pink?
Hope that time flys hon. It's such a scary scan but I just know it will be perfect.
Anyway so I think my bump this time is going to be high.
I carried our oldest ds High like a table.
But Tommy I carried very very low.
It's definitely much higher this time and i think as I get bigger and bigger it will keep getting higher.
So this was me at almost 25 weeks with Tommy (our youngest)
Very low.
And me today at 21+1 weeks.
Definitely alot higher this time. What u all thinking?
Totally loving my bump. I'm still very comfortable and not in any pain.
I know as time goes on and I get bigger it will get uncomfortable but right now I feel great.
Feeling extremely blessed right now.
Love feeing him kick and noticed he is very active late at night and very early in the morning.
Getting so broody now which I know is strange because I'm pregnant but I can't wait to have him in my arms.
I pray for all of us here that we all make it to full term and have very healthy babies.